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Everything posted by SolidAir

  1. Hi i just noticed a site ive not seen before for shureido is it genuine ? http://www.shureidoweb.com/index.php
  2. Fraserburgh is about a two hour drive away there are some places to stay overnight in Forfar. The City of Dundee has chain hotels and that is about 20 minutes away from us too. Let me know if you need some recomendations/help
  3. Hi Nabil hip rotation is key in many techniques.
  4. Bunkai is taught at a basic level in Goju then you are encouraged to look more in depth into the Katas as you go up the grades and even make up your own bunkai from them. Im guessing this is just the natural thing to do at Shodan level in Shotokan too?
  5. Yes Nabil Traditional Goju Ryu. The dojo is not purpose built, if you are in the area on a Tues night all are welcome. Its a small class and a great opportunity to work basically one to one with the teachers.
  6. Anyone visiting Scotland please be aware the is a So-Honbu Jundokan Dojo about to be established in Forfar,Angus,Scotland. The two most senior Sensei's have been training for nearly 40 years in GoJu, trained in the dojo in Okinawa and have studied under Morio Higaonna too. Everyone welcome please contact me for details.
  7. Cheers Lads\Lassies
  8. Well I'm chuffed to bits passed with flying colours and found out the grading system is a little different than in the dojo so i passed 4th kyu not 5th and was a two hour grading! Also had very high praise from the examiner and the technical director Its still blue belt but brown next ! Told the examiner about the injury and he by chance had an operation on the same muscle and works in physiotherapy so lead me through some exercises to do between each kata/application/kumite Thanks to all the well-wishers
  9. Well everybody wish me luck im grading this weekend! Im doing Seiyunchin for 5th kyu Blue belt. Already tried to sabotage myself in preparation gave myself an extra 10 push-ups on my knuckles and pulled a muscle in my shoulder lol Got a sports massage and been icing it so fingers crossed
  10. It was funny to me because its my Birthday lol
  11. Is funny he asked the same question again tonight and he told me 29 is the peak age for a male . "I replied at 29 i was 15.5st after an injury to my back and never did any exercise because of it its only up from here!" He said fair enough just take care it takes a long time to get over the injuries you get when you get older. He is a very good teacher ! Well i like him
  12. Mine is the same as the stiffest i have tried and im hopping the one i make for indoors training will be more flexable. I have bought four pieces of wood from a joiner who was selling them as shelving two white oak one blackwalnut and one sapele so will give it a go with these.
  13. Sorry i take it that was 1x6 inch ? This is the makiwara i use its laminated red oak : http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Makiwara-Develop-Explosive-Penetrating-Punch-/190816963253?pt=Martial_Arts_Equipment&hash=item2c6d93cab5 Im not looking on spending alot this time im trying to make one for a training area in my house and a couple of extra ones for friends at the class.
  14. Nice ! Solves the problem of the taper are they about 15mm thick each?
  15. I have a red oak makiwara was wondering what woods have anybody else used ? Harkon will look out for yew as long as its not too springy nothing worse than a overbendy maki !
  16. What good hardwoods are good for makiwara's ?
  17. It was a bit tongue in cheek i think and perhaps a little mind game to get me fitter for my next grading. I kind of look on it as im more fit than i was before and as long as im getting fit and enjoying myself then im happy!
  18. A lot of people go straight for the protein shakes but if you use them it will take longer to burn off the fat stores in your body. Eat a load of veg/salads/Stirfrys this will fill you up the first couple of weeks ,raw carrots are a good nibble and your normal amount of protein . All the raw veg/salads will kickstart your metabolism. Watch the weight fall off then supplement your protein anyway you want to start building muscle !
  19. One of my teachers asked my age one of the last classes i replied 33 and was told its all downhill from here your past your prime. I'm just starting to get fit now lost 1 and 3/4 stone since i started and am feeling stronger than ever. How long is the shelve life of a Karate-ka ? What age were you in your prime?
  20. Thanks Andy, forgot to say im with the OGKK Tony Green is the head instructor for the UK.
  21. Well looks like im going to find out asked the Sensei to see if he thought i was ready and hes seeing if i can grade at the next Gasshuku !
  22. Lately 10 situps and pressups between each kata sanchin ,kihon to seiyunchin. Less than 20 min but a good work out! Was hitting the maki every day but the snow is a pain!
  23. I think we would work something like that too Andy. Just not sure i will have to ask thanks Sensei8 I am due for the grading too so i would be broaching the subject at the same time bit nervous i might get told im not ready lol
  24. The dojo i train with are a similar lineage one of my sensei's swears buy these books :"Traditional Karate-Do: Okinawa Goju Ryu, Vol. 1: The Fundamental Techniques" by Higaonna Sensei. There are four volumes all words, kata and strikes are in them, also check out him on You Tube all the kata are on video there too. I bought the books from ebay as they are not in print anymore cost me about £200 over the last two years but they are worth it. Hope this helps
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