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Everything posted by ninjanurse

  1. WRONG! I would take my child to another school-there is no place for that kind of behavior in a children's martial arts program!!!
  2. I agree with Bushido_man here. I use contracts for billing and in no way guarantee a student a Black Belt by signing one.
  3. In my current school we greet each Black Belt as Mr/Mrs/Miss and the Master Instructor as Sifu. In my previous school everyone was referred to by their informal title (cho gyo nim, Sah bum nim, etc). My husband's students (and my students as well) refer to him as Professor-even I do when out in public. However, our first Shotokan sensei always preferred to be called by his first name-even in class.
  4. I see the beauty of the quote in that we are often times afraid of our own destiny, afraid that we could become, what we desire to be, and have to face the responsibilities (real or imagined) that go along with it.
  5. Agreed. Nothing mystical about it. Thanks for the great synopsis CTTKDKing!
  6. Exactly my point...no mention that you will actually learn to be effective, only that you will be instructed for 15 hours-which, depending on your prior experience, may or may not be adequate. Sounds like a fun time though!
  7. That sounds like my old Kung Fu school. I loved the Broadsword. Been a fan of all sorts of medevil weapons. We are a blended style of Kung Fu and TKD so that makes sense. I enjoy the sword also but have a secret yen for the 3 sectional staff...hopefully someday I can get sifu to teach me as I hear he is quite skilled with it.
  8. It takes a long time to develop an instructor and even then you never know what you are going to get in the long run. Letting an outsider in to the school, to me, is an even more daunting task as you do not know them as you do someone who has been with you for many years. That being said: I was an outsider that came into a system and started teaching within a few months ...so it is not impossible. Due to the size of the association I was granted a charter and have been teaching 80 students by myself for quite some time. I would love to have an assistant (and I will in time) but in reality-the most experienced and high ranking instructor present should be teaching class anyway so it is a non-issue at this point (at least at my school) since I am there all the time.
  9. No...not enough-but the guarantees don't mention skill level do they?
  10. We train bo from green to 3rd degree Black, then Broadsword.
  11. If by accomplished you mean having won lots of tournaments and/or recognition by competing then the answer is "no". Medals and trophies have no bearing on teaching ability.
  12. True, but, a blue belt's skill should be sufficient to teach to the depth required of a white belt...if Professor has done his job.
  13. I think it is a sound plan. Use the summer to get into a routine-twice a week during the school year should be doable as long as you budget your time for studies. Keep us posted on your progress!!
  14. Jumping in late but agree here totally. In my JJ experience it is a requirement of the rank.
  15. Congratulations Patrick and Karate Forums!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. All good point here-my 2 cents: My demos are geared towards highlighting the various aspects of our curriculum while at the same time showing that we enjoy what we are doing and can have fun with it. We do make it entertaining, with music and some breaking, but the goal is to educate not show off flashy techniques. Anytime you put your art in the public eye it will be scrutinized-and of course it's advertising!
  17. Wow-has it really been 5 years? (!!!!!!!!) Funny how things just kinda fall into place...Laurie is the one who brought me to KF and set about the events that eventually led to my becoming a Sensei-I owe both her and Patrick a lot! It has been my pleasure to be a part of this great community...I hope the party continues for another 5 at least! Thanks for all the kind words everyone!!!!!
  18. The curriculum does not dictate HOW you train...only WHAT & WHEN you train. Eventually those around you will rise to the same expectations you hold for yourself.
  19. I have a few thoughts on this that I would like to share-to contribute to the discussion from my perspective. The impression that those of us who are dan holders do not value our rank is unfortunate as only those who have achieved the rank understand it's significance and the role it plays. Of course, we are free to disagree philosophically and express our opinions but should refrain from imposing our own agenda on others as everyone's journey is unique to them. In martial arts, nobility is an expression of character not a social caste or "special" position-Black Belts take their place in the lineage of their art just like any other student. Now some comments on some posts: It's just a piece of paper and a strip of cloth-giving either up does not change the person nor erase the knowledge gained. Material things are not what is important in life and honor is about character and the truth within, not belt color. One cannot judge another's motives only their own. Being a role model is one thing....wanting to be idolized is another. One does not need to be a Black Belt, or a martial artist for that matter, to act nobly.
  20. I train 2-3 days a week at the main school....one must set an example or those he/she teaches.
  21. Somehow I think they missed the lesson!
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