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Everything posted by ninjanurse

  1. As a woman, who teaches women's self defense, I wholeheartedly agree! Your choice of clothing and bling do not make you a victim.....they make you an appealing target. Choose carefully!
  2. Taikyoku Shodan Fukyugata Ni Taegeuks 1-8 Heian Godan Koryo Keumgam Choong Moo 3 & 4 Tsu Sho (bo form) Baston Anyo 1-5 (arnis) Taebaek Pyongwon Sipjin Jitae
  3. The reality is that as we get older our physical prowess declines no matter what we do. On a side note: Fasting correctly can actually result in a more focused mind and body....too many people are afraid of being hungry so they never try. It can be a very energizing experience!
  4. Exactly. This is how things become distorted and unfortunately leads to some of the questionable things you see being practiced. Theory and action are two different things-mindful practice, not robotic parroting is the key to really understanding what you are doing.
  5. Seems presumptuous to me. I would not do it nor encourage my students to do such a thing. How can they learn patience and humility if they fill their cups before the ceremony?
  6. I've done it both ways-the 10 minute test and the 3 day test. If you are strictly looking at skill/technique then 10 minutes is OK but if you are looking for more than that,pushing a student to their breaking point (and beyond) is a better test and each system tailors their test accordingly. I personally have written many papers for promotional exams and have found each one personally satisfying and valuable to write-regardless of the topic. Knowledge and insight are important too.
  7. Time and patience will get you there.....a little stretching everyday goes a long way. An especially good time to stretch difficult kicks is after a good workout.....reduces chance of injury too.
  8. Lifting the knee high and to the outside requires that you "open" the hip so that your hip and thigh are in a straight line.
  9. IMO, martial artists who bash other styles contribute to the problem. The court of public opinion is manytimes based on heresay and not facts or experience.
  10. There is always something to be learned....even from doing basics. I suggest that you grade with the other White Belts and wait for the sensei to ask you what kyu you held-it would not be proper to request a double grade or to show up in your old belt especially since you did not reveal your prior experience to him at the onset of your training with him. Also, if you are bored with beginning moves then maybe you haven't studied them enough and should re-visit them...you may find they have a bit more depth.
  11. This is not necessarily indicative of a McDojo-but if you feel like they are trying to sell you a used car then you may indeed be in one. 2 months per rank is not enough unless the system has at least 20 belts until Black. A school with 5 year old Black Belts running around should be suspect but there are 10 year olds out there capable of obtaining a Black Belt rank. What is the purpose of testing then...to collect your money or teach your kid that effort is rewarded? There should be something new for them to learn at each belt so that they feel like they are progressing. "Putting in your time" is not what I call a quality system. Yes. 5 is a good age to start kids off learning martial skills but is too young to hold any real ranking in a system. A good "tiger program" should build solid basic skills so that when a student has moved through those belts he is ready to start earning ranking in the regular program. I don't believe in awarding a "Junior" Black Belt to a student either, he/she must earn the rank just as an adult does, take the same test they do, and wear the same rank they do. Black Belts under 16 however should not have voting rights in the dojo not should they have any authority. Just my thoughts....
  12. Opening your home to someone doesn't mean that you have to compromise your values and let them get away with bad behavior. We all have to be accountable to our families and that means standing up for what is right. If your daughter feels otherwise she can choose to go elsewhere and live the life she chooses.
  13. You are correct in that you cannot force someone to learn. Students are the same way-you can only guide them until they reach their own conclusions and decide what level of commitment they are willing to set. The best thing we can do is to be a great example and truly live what we "preach"-stay fit, eat right, and train.
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