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Everything posted by muttley

  1. I have had the same problem. Stop thinking of power in the arm, power comes from the hips, your arms should be relaxed all the way to the shoulder.
  2. I have thought many times about opening my own dojo (in Shotokan). To me, you do not need to "create your own style". People who do that are generally after some self-fulfilling power trip (imho). There really is nothing wrong in opening a Shotokan dojo with added influence from Muay Thai or some other style, you do not have to claim your own special style for this. I have often wanted to open a Shotokan dojo with more of an influence on joint locks etc and stuff more dedicated for issues that you may come across in real life. To me, that would be a kid of Shotokan/Aikido hybrid with a smattering of full contact sparring thrown in, but it would still be primarily Shotokan. Sharing your own experiences is far more important than some "new style". I want to share my experiences of working in prisons with angry young men, and how I used my martial arts to assist me in this, but I haven't got to that stage, yet.
  3. Thanks, I will have a look at getting that at some point, want it in "real book" format not e-book...some things just don't feel right as an e-book
  4. I have loads of books about Shotokan Karate and self defence in general, however having recently started in Kyokushin, I am interested in reading about it's history and principles etc. Can anyone recommend some good books on the subject?
  5. Totally agree, it all depends on the situation I am in, I am NOT going to punch some one in the face/head, more likely to risk injuring yourself so a palm hand/open had technique would be far better for me there. Mind you, it's surely better not to be there in the first place to get hit, therefore I would be more reliant on body movement.
  6. Sorry, but no way should a 16 year old be a chief instructor regardless of grade! I can only speak from my own background in karate but to have your own dojo you had to hold a shodan grade and be over 18. I instructed some sessions in my 20's and didn't feel ready!
  7. It was indeed a kick into thin air. I have been fine since, trained tonight and did some bag work. Mawashi-geri on a heavy bag was fine (ok I did pull the kick a bit on my affected foot), but it seems all ok.
  8. Hi, I am training here: http://www.karatejutsukai.com/thanet I am loving it, just been training tonight with my daughter, only did an hour with her (was only her and I - new dojo etc), I was shattered after a long few days at work so I asked my shihan if it was ok to just do the hour with my daughter, he was fine with it. Loving it so much!
  9. I like the look of that. Like I said, I spent many years training in school halls etc, this to me is a luxury to have the mats down and added equipment.
  10. As you all know, I have recently started training at a new (as in brand new) Dojo. This Dojo has so much equipment in it, it is pretty cool. As someone who grew up training in church halls and school halls with little to no equipment, this place is just amazing. This is the Dojo I now train at: http://www.karatejutsukai.com/thanet?aid1=1454643658174166 So I ask you, what is in your local Dojo?
  11. lol, sounds like trying to fend off my 4 year old brandishing a ilghtsaber!
  12. I might have to get stuff ordered in!
  13. Thanks for the ideas, they sound cool. I might get something for her to focus her punching and knee strikes and kicks on (she needs to learn to pull her toes back and kick withe the ball of her foot - her dance classes (ballet, tap and modern) teach her to keep her toes forward so there is a contrast there). As for blocking, I like what Kris Wilder says he does in his kids classes. He basically gets those foam swimming aid pole things and cuts them down, then uses that as a striking aid. Should be relatively cheap!
  14. Thanks for that, I've watched that video and have walked about without too much issue today (in trainers was fine, flip flops there was minimal discomfort to the instep). I think it's just a minor sprain if anything at all to be fair, ibuprofen should sort it out.
  15. Thanks for the advice, I shall see how it goes
  16. When I trained in Shotokan (a good few years ago now), I also had a similar question. Recently I have been listening to podcasts by Iain Abernethy and others and Iain has a very good answer to your question. http://www.iainabernethy.co.uk/article/my-stance-stances In my mind, the "basics" or Kihon in Shotokan is done in formal stances, zenkutsu-dachi, kokutsu-dachi etc in order to get the student to understand the principles of shifting body weight, ie how to move your body weight forwards and backwards. Now, I have changed style to one derived from Kyokushin, I have started this style as a novice (from a Shodan grade in Shotokan). This style teaches their kihon to novices in a fighting stance with short movements, teaching students to generate power in a different way to how Shotokan does. Onces a student has "mastered" this, they move onto kihon/basics as Shotokan teaches it. I hope this helps in some way.
  17. Foot feels fine this morning
  18. My 4 year old son tried to join in last night, he loved the warm up but just couldn't manage the main class. I might get some focus mits for use at home with him until he is ready.
  19. No swelling, slight pain but nothing worse than I have suffered playing rugby. Walking isn't an issue so I will what it is like I the morning
  20. Absolutely, I feel a bit like I am back in my 20's again when training, on issue is the 2/3 days after a training session lol. Seriously, really enjoying the training and looking forward to the next session, really hoping the dojo stays open and my daughter continues to train as I feel that, along with the dance training, she needs to know how to protect herself in this day and age (or is that just me seeing the world from my own slightly tainted point of view?)
  21. I havefound my attitude changing already.
  22. I don't mind paying slightly more, Sensei charges £6 for 90 minutes (adults), £4 for an hour for juniors. Tonight I paid him £10 as I stayed and did some very light training with my daughter (and son until he couldn't maintain concentration.) My kids were on their first session which is free anyway. Sensei did offer to pay me the change (I only had a £10 note), to me £10 for 2.5 hours of training is nothing. Seeing as I can't always train every week due to the requirements of my job, it's nothing really.
  23. Training tonight, doing some kihon I did a mawashi-geri. Nothing wrong with that, but something went crack in my instep. Bit concerned as there is a little bit of pain in the area, no swelling (yet). Just a bit weird as in all my years of training, I have never experienced this. Any suggestions? Currently treating with ice, elevation (and alcohol), thinking ibuprofen and co-codamol before bed...
  24. Quick update. I went again tonight (have had a lot of very busy shifts at work lately that have kept me away from training). I took my 6 year old daughter to the junior session, there was basically my daughter and I there so she had a lot of attention from the Sensei. She LOVED IT! I was shocked at how well she took to the training, I know she is able to follow instructions, she's done ballet, tap and modern for 3 years but to be able to go and adapt to Karate was fantastic to see, very impressed. I had another 1-1 session in the adult class and it was brilliant, I honestly feel I am coming along leaps and bounds, my body is getting more conditioned and used to being struck (useful in my line of work). My punching is getting stronger and stronger, my use of hips (I have ALWAYS struggled with) is improving and I am feeling as though I am honestly getting there. Loving the training. Now I am torn as I am really enjoying the 1-1 sessions but know that Sensei needs more students to make the dojo a success.
  25. Thanks, I will have a look around or alternatively I will take it to good old mum along with the kids school uniform when I go to get that lot taken up!
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