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Everything posted by muttley

  1. This topic has probably been covered before and for that I apologize, however I am interested in opinions on this matter and please note, before the argument of "what is traditional" comes to the fore, I said a "more traditionalist". I do not claim to train in a traditional martial art, I train in Kyokushin Karate and before that I was a Shodan in Shotokan, neither are a "traditional" form of Karate, I have no access to a pure Naha-te or Suri-te school, they are modern traditional styles if that makes sense. Anyway, on to the main subject. I have literally (like this morning), started to watch UFC boughts, I don't know why I haven't watched it before, I think it's to do with my strange belief that UFC was a strange off-shoot of wrestling (it isn't, I know). What I want to know, do any non-MMA practitioners watch it to see where the moves they learn in they're dojo etc can be used? I know that UFC is essentially a pre-arranged fight, it is not self defence and it has rules, an end goal (win the fight), it is most certainly not a fight for life or to save the life of another, but short of having something similar to The Purge, I do not think there is likely there is likely to be a televised event like it when it comes to fighting. This image has sparked some immense discussion on Facebook: http://i59.tinypic.com/f1d56u.jpg
  2. I used to love solo training, even as a shodan in shotokan. It gave me the opportunity to do what I want, I'd set aside a good couple of hours, start with fitness, do some cardio then I moved onto kihon and kata. At one stage I set up a camcorder and recorded my sessions so I could self criticise later and reflect on it. I found it most useful.
  3. I used to subscribe to this : [urlhttp://https://www.shotokanmag.com/[/url] It was a dedicated shotokan magazine, you got 4 issues year but it was full of really good and appropriate articles such as power generation and interviews with some very experienced instructors. I haven't subscribed to a magazine in ages, might have to go looking.
  4. Never done before (except 1 as kihon) then went straight to heian kata
  5. Edit: Should have read Taikyoku 1-3 kata! Stupid tablet with predictive text!!! Anyway, it was fantastic and I seriously hope that I can grade soon.
  6. Yes the tail you 1-3 kata, first 1 is basically shot okays kihon kata 2nd one not much different but San, that's the one that's going t to take most work. Truly loving the training, feeling better than I have in years.
  7. Well, tonight I moved on significantly in my training. Another session of myself and sensei only, we moved on from Kihon in "fighting stance" and have moved to Kihon in zenkutsu dachi which is something I am more used to, the only issue being getting the subtle differences sorted out (such as the reverse hand and how to perform gidan berai on the turn etc). We also covered the 1st 3 kata, nothing massively brain taxing otehr than the thhird one mixing zenkutsu dachi with kokutsu dachi and Kyokushin kokutsu dachi being a lot different (and more painful). However, for a first attempt at kata in this new style, I think I did well and am looking forward to getting my gi sorted out and then training for my first grading. Loving it and so so pleased I made the decision to firstly change style and secondly start as a complete novice with an open mind.
  8. I tried supplements (not for martial arts but because I was trying to "beef up" a bit), I personally found them to have no benefits, I was not able to lift more, I did not notice any increase in size. The only thing I noticed was a decrease in my bank balance! I now realise that the best way to feel good is to train as hard as you possibly can, eat a good varied diet, and drink water, generally look after yourself.
  9. I am not sure that these are all entirely accurate (certainly the Karate section, in my opinion shoul dbe more "Modern Karate" as it's from Funakoshi Sensei onwards!), and I question the omission of the Chinese Arts in this round up. But with a bit more thought and input, it's quite a fun way of putting across some key points and certainly something for kids to look at when they start looking into the martial arts. http://blog.blitzsport.com/the-history-and-evolution-of-martial-arts/
  10. Master Ken stylee?
  11. The ones on the clubs website are a poly-cotton mix, 55% cotton, 45% poly. I have no problem in buying the gi's, they do look smart and I appreciate uniformity, but the cost is quite high. I would rather order my own plain gi for training and then add the kanji when I do grade, but I don't know if this is possible!
  12. I have reached the point in my new found love of training where I am looking at my first grading in my new style. As I have an old, plain gi (very comfy but it looking a bit shabby now), I asked my sensei if there was a specific style of gi I should be looking at buying for myself and my daughter as she has taken up training. Now, I don't know when it changed, but when I was training before, any gi would do so long as it was a Karate gi and not a judo one etc, the only stipulation being that it had to be white. Having asked my sensei, it seems I need to have a specific gi with the clubs kanji embroidered on it. These do look fantastic BUT will set my wife and I back £100 for gi's for my daughter and I. Does anyone else have a club that insists on a specific gi?
  13. Having trained in karate for most of my martial arts life but also having dabbled in Aikido and Judo in my time, I am now studying at a class where the sensei likes to incorporate some judo/grappling techniques into the lessons. I am really enjoying this and finding it very beneficial to my training, it is helping me to understand the complexities of grappling and "finding" an opening from striking to grappling etc. I am not saying that this bit of grappling/judo training input in my karate class is going to make me an expert but it has definitely opened my eyes to where grappling can be used in karate and I believe is making me far more confident in my overall confidence in dealing with matters.
  14. When I felt my technique was week, I slowed it right down. Took everything back, stripped all aspects of speed out if the technique and instead focused on each little bit. Was my stane correct, was there someway I could tweak it to get more power? Was my hip rotation correct and was the technique coming from the right place and ending correctly. Once I was happy I gradually sped things up again.
  15. Just read this from black belt magazine: http://www.blackbeltmag.com/daily/traditional-martial-arts-training/karate/top-10-karate-concepts-every-martial-artist-should-know/ Personally, as someone returning to training after many years, I found it enlightening and wish I had read it many many years ago when I was training before. One to keep bookmarked for future reference for me. Just wish there was a way to subscribe to the actual magazine here in the UK.
  16. Ossu, many thanks
  17. I am nowstudying aform derived from kyokushin. Very much held in kyokushin routes to be fair.
  18. Good evening everyone. I spoke to my Sensei last night about the grading syllabus (to think, I initially started training again just to train, now I have ambition and want to go up through the grades....I've only been training for a few weeks!) Anyway, my sensei explained that the grading syllabus is being revised at the moment but showed me the old one, to my amazement there is no kata required until 3/4th grading. I noted that in this new style I am training in, there is a lot more emphasis in fitness and conditioning (entire fitness part to the grading - press-ups, squats and sit-ups etc) which is no bad thing and probably the kick up the backside I need to sort my fitness out! Anyway, sensei did ask me if I could remember any kata from my shotokan days, I can remember everythign from Kihon Kata up to Bassai Dai which apparently is going to be useful. The kata my new style do appear to be Taikyoku (which Taikyoku Sono Ichi appears to be Kihon Kata to me), then moving on to the Pinan series. Are there any major differences between the Pinan and Heian series kata or is it mainly a few differences in stances? I really have caught the bug again and can't wait to sit my first grade (I feel like I am already grasping the concepts of this new style and it is showing in my confidence and fitness levels...they are slowly rising nicely!) I am reading loads of martial arts books again and totally engrossing myself in this again, I sense a completely new me in the near future. Ossu
  19. Hello and welcome to KF. Plantar fasciatis or policeman's heel...something I got diagnosed with a couple of years ago and its blooming painful. I had advice from guys I used to work with who told me to rst ice elevation compression for 24 hours. I did this and I bought some insole off amazon , can't remember the brand but they were cheap and worked. My feet are now much better, the plantar has gone for now which is useful.
  20. My sensei regularly uses a bit of light grappling as a warm up session.Tonight (in another 1-1 session I might add), he took me over a couple of judo throws which was really quite an eye opener and I loved it. It's so easy to see (from my background) how I can go straight from a throw to a straight arm lock etc. Another great session tonight, been reading Goran Powell's Waking Dragons again (I have the kindle app on my phone, when I get some down time - like today, I kind of see it as another form of training). I am kind of seeing where I am at the moment in my return to training and relating it to the contents of that book. Back on subject, yes, grappling and throws are in karate, we just use them differently in that we don't start from a form of hold.
  21. This was posted on Facebook today by blackbelt magazine, as I have mentioned previously, Tai sabacki is something that is of great interest to me so I thought I would share here: http://www.blackbeltmag.com/daily/martial-arts-videos/karate-videos/how-tai-sabaki-works-in-karate-moves-part-1/
  22. best I start saving, these books are going to cost me a small fortune!
  23. muttley


    Think I am going to have to start begging "she who must be obeyed" for permission (and check that I have the day off work!) Will be interesting to see it through the eyes of a beginner in one style but shodan in another style.
  24. This looks pretty good, might have to get me a cop http://www.amazon.co.uk/Karate-Technique-Spirit-Tuttle-Martial/dp/080483282X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1439211947&sr=8-1&keywords=Tadashi+Nakamura
  25. muttley


    Good morning/afternoon/evening (dependent on time zone) Has anyone on here attended a seminar before? As I have mentioned numerous times before, I listen to Iain Abernethy's podcasts a lot. I have just noticed he has one in Folkestone, Kent, UK in February 2016 and am really looking forward to it, anyone ever been to one? http://www.iainabernethy.co.uk/events/seminar-folkestone-kent-1
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