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Everything posted by Harkon72

  1. Thank You Sensei.
  2. Thanks Guys, kicking was never my strength, especially in combination. Thanks Danielle, both kicks are with the right leg for the 3rd Kyu grade; but after that "Change Stance" is a common command from our Sensei. I'll do my best.
  3. My Sensei shouted out my Kicking combination for my next grade in class tonight. "Ushiro Mwashi Geri, Ushiro Tobi Geri", in other words, a Spinning Heel kick followed by a Jumping Back Kick. I've got a lot of work to do! Any advice guys?
  4. My Sensei, my Sempai and myself just had a Kata Party; I learnt Jorukeno Kata and Becky was taught Sepai Kata. We relaxed and had a good Laugh.
  5. You have indeed answered your own question. Makiwara need to give, that's the design. If not, your body will give to your disadvantage.
  6. I drink Chamomile tea, it relaxes me before bed. Be careful of any product of the Tea plant; white tea, green tea or black tea as they can have high concentrations of Florine. I don't have to tell you that that chemical is one of the most toxic on the planet.
  7. Yes, I had a carpenter look at the cue this morning. He says that fitting a brass ferrule correctly without the right cue lathe and equipment is almost impossible. To have it done professionally would be expensive as there are not many craftsmen that offer the work in my area. I think it'll have to be a plastic ferrule for the tip to be honest. It might not look so good, but if it's on straight; that's really what matters.
  8. I had a stroke of Luck, I bought a £150 Barracuda Pool Cue for £25, the only snag is that the brass ferrule was damaged and had to be removed. I can put on another brass one or go for an American style plastic push on. Getting the brass one on straight can be tricky but looks better, but push ons look fool proof. What would be your advice guys?
  9. No, but there is a large chapter on it in a book called "The Way of the Warrior; the Paradox of the Martial Arts.", you can buy it second hand online, it's about 12 years old.
  10. They are of the same branch of the style tree, the Shuri te part. But they are very different, the core is used to give different power generation in both. It is more of an issue than height of stance and foot planting, the hip action is different and the compression/expansion timing is unique in both. The pivot in Wado Ryu about the spine differs in Shotokan also. Wado Ryu is in one way more Japanese at it has an influence of Jui Jitsu in the style. I'm not saying they are not compatible, they can be; this makes an interesting learning path, if a challenging one.
  11. We're on Twitter and FB, but we have no website, most of our public relations is done by worth of mouth.
  12. As with most things, if used in moderation I see no problem with coffee and cola, the sugar does some damage and artificial sweeteners are a wonder of toxic science. On the other hand if you can't stay awake with out energy drinks, then you may have a problem. Tourine or Molecular formula, C2H7NO3S, is a mild amphetamine; so be careful.
  13. I'm not 100% sure, but does Savate have similar roots to western fencing in France? I don't know, I'm just asking.
  14. The only thing that comes close in our area is Yoga, it has the same root.
  15. I'm a pre- 3rd Kyu. Should reach 2nd Kyu before the end of 2014. I should grade for Shodan at the end of 2016.
  16. I never use free weights, I use resistance machines, treadmill, Cross trainer, Bike and Stepper. I go and do a circuit twice a week.
  17. Yes, my Sensei can use any thing to test a Karateka; for me last friday night it was my Kata. Consistency, Power, Relaxation and he looks for the "Do" in my Budo even more so as I progress.
  18. This is a strange question; I always thought that quality gis were supplied pre-shrunk?????
  19. All the best with your test, you have nothing to prove but gaining the belt is nice. Good Luck.
  20. 1: Achieve 2nd Kyu this year. 2: Pass my 60 credit Collage year. 3: Do as much Yoga as I can. 4: Catch a Trout keeper from our local river. 5: Stay Happy, Committed, and Loving.
  21. 1: Done 2: Done 3: Done 4: Not done, it was a little ambitious 5: Done 4 out of 5 ain't bad.
  22. Oh Yes! D.M.A. gradings get tougher and tougher, but I'm getting fitter and my "Do" is becoming more apparent! Osu! I recommend Karatedo at my age (41) to anyone, it can be the greatest challenge of your life.
  23. Usually, in the case of gradings; the Sensei already knows that you have the skill to pass or you would not be grading in the first place. All you must do is relax and let it happen my friend. Welcome to the forum, you will find that your experience is shared by many
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