Hey all, I'm getting bored of doing my regular workouts and there are certain Bodyweight movements id like to get the hang of, specifically handstand Pushups. Anyway, there's an outdoor fitness park near me and I'd like to try Bodyweight training only for a little while. I was thinking I'd organize each workout with 2 leg exercises, 2 back exercises, 2 Chest exercises, 1 Abdominal Circuit and 1 Shoulder Exercise, with dynamic warm up and static stretching for a cool down. Everything would consist of 3 sets, with one minute of rest between sets. I already have a list of leg exercises, back exercises, chest exercises, abdominal variation and shoulder exercises, each ordered from easiest to hardest. I figured lots of variation would be best with a calisthenic workout I'd just pick and choose off the lists each workout. If anyone has any suggestions or is willing to critique my workout, I would really appreciate it! Thank you in advance.