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Everything posted by judobrah

  1. -bad schools(macdojo) -lack of sparring -lack of speed on drills,useless moves -bad teachers -marketing they turned a legit system more self defense orientaded to a 'mcdojo style of karate`
  2. hi everybody lately i was thinking a lot about street fights,self defense e.t.c,i am the "quiet" peacfull guy e.t.c but i cant stop wondering what if i had to defend myself,knowing that fights are best avoided,please tell your story when you had to use martial arts to defend yourself,what tecniques did you use,how did it went,what caused it e.t.c,thanks and stay saffe btw i am portuguese so no grammar pun intended
  3. yeah i am under 18, i cant do that he wasnt phisically assaulted,stil responds and it isnt anything that bad that needs to be talked to a teacher just the normal "your a f word,gay" e.t.c
  4. btw he did judo and he isnt very good at it,and i dont think is interessted at learning martial arts
  5. btw he did judo and he isnt very good at it,and i dont think is interessted at learning martial arts
  6. the kid isnt really "bullyed".. bullyed,he is just the target of a lot of people,people make fun of him a lot,its not like if i saw him get beat i woudnt help him but if someone called him something or pushed why shoud i do something if i dont even know them,take care and please,stay saffe
  7. i am not gona help him,not my bussiness,the kid does sometimes take stuff to badly,i feel sorry for him but it is something that he has to do on his how,and he does stand up for himself but he isnt very suceful at it,btw is kinda the "target" of everyone ,it is a shame but people are like this and hi was bullyed and i learned to solve my how problems
  8. yeah the kid achually didnt maked it so god ,the other dude was able to stuff all of his taekdows and he still god mocked but yeah whaybe he whont get pushed around so much but stuff like this kinda depress me
  9. sorry i am portuguese and i am on my psp right now,i dont think it was funny i hate thisthings !clifs! .kid gets bullyed all the time . he did judo .dude pushes him .he flips out and trys to trown him .doesnt make it the first or second time .gets mocked
  10. jail they where about 14 lol lol lol
  11. he then released the neck grab and the dude just pushed him away
  12. so,this morning at school i saw a "fight",this dude of my class(preety tall and thin) been pickyng on some kid,this kid is kinda swall and weak and the other dude pushd him or something so the kid he got a neck grab but he just pushed him and fell on his back so latter the dude and some other kid(this kid kicked him and latter treathen to ko him he did tkd btw) keep harassing him and he calld him out so they where grapling and the dude gave him a sloopy taekdown and the judo kid got a ghilhotine
  13. yeah i am kinda the same way too sometimes it does seems beeter to just get it over with but there are beeter ways like talking even if agressvly stay safe brah and i know that feel too
  14. dont do it!just show him/them that your not afraid and if you think violence is going to solve anything you are wrong,violence just creates more violence if you figth them they will just create more grudje to you just chill and everything will be ok
  15. thanks to both of you or obrígada ^^
  16. hey i am new in the forum,i started to see the forum on my psp and enjoyed it quite much,so my styles are judo and some stuff here and there(kinda home trained for a long time but then decided to join a real school) still a teenajer and i am portuguese
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