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Kevin Wilson

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Kevin Wilson's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. This is the key, a style should be a natural progression of learning; not a way to make a name for yourself. Happens to often ....
  2. I struggle with Mcdojos in my area. They do so well. Thanks for your advice Patrick though its stuff I need to keep reminding my self!
  3. Trying to explain its not fancy dancing can be hard.
  4. Tell me about it! I live in one of the most unhealthyest country's in the world - Scotland. I know people who eat nothing but takeaway nearly every night! I don't eat fast food or processed its really lack of veg n fruit .
  5. Simple maths says any calories in should equal calories out! To people that say garbage in equals garbage out in what sense? The body can produce every chemical it needs apart from vitimain c! I'm not disputing the fact I just wonder have you eat really unhealthy n had adverse effects? I've heard eating healthy can increase concentration and energy levels but have you experienced this. I don't eat very healthy at all. Just bad upbringing with to many sweats. Now I'm older I struggle to est fruit n veg as I think they taste so horrible. I do how ever through sheer will power force myself to eat some. I now don't mind taste of carrots, peas, oranges apples n very ripe bananas. I'm getting there.
  6. Lol this almost sounded like the karate version of strip poker there when I read that ....
  7. Great book. You need to read it many time (or at least I did before I could even begin to contimplate it) . Also I find with all technology in modern age my brain is buzzing at night. Medatation is great for reducing that fuzz and helping you concentrate.
  8. When teaching I always slow it down before speeding up. I had a few students like that and I always get worried the other studentsare getting bored.
  9. I think its cause most people do them with a press up in between. I cant member the fancy name for the exercise but its suppose to be diabolical on your back !!!
  10. I would watch how you put it though. One could argue that as you do full contact your techniques are proven not to work as after five mins in the dojo there would only be one person standing and you would not get anywhere. That is not a dig I honestly know there is more to it than that and I have the up most respect for full contact styles, we train full contact once you get to about 3rd kyu in mostly shotokan though its very rare for some one to get hit as by that time you have learned to block like a jedi .... oj . The whole point of kata is proven techniques that work. Some further evidence of its working is shown when we practice the bunkai . Also after being jumped in an under pass in November by 3 people, the fact I successfully defended my partner and myself showed it does work (thank goodness). It really highlighted something to me. My partner has not been doing karate that long but thanks to being really fit and previous kick boxing experience at 13 she was doing well enough that she should have kicked bum. How ever she has not been in any comps yet! The result was she shut down (literary lay on the floor and turned off) almost going into shock. We spar often in the dojo but It does not matter how you do it, who you do it with, known or unknown, to me competitions are the only way you can train for those high pressure situations and learn to keep your nerves. Spar in the dojo all day everyday full contact no contact makes no blinking difference if you cant handle the pressure of a even a 100 people watching you. Just spent an hour trying to post that couldn't figure out why it wouldn't let me post it . I forget the other word for bum can be sweary to some people .... doh
  11. This is one of those question that there is no black or white answer is there? As many have said depends what you mean by tested? Its like a catch 22? Are you saying you want to be taught by some one who has been in a life threatening situation .... no because you dont want any one to be in that situation.
  12. agree with bassaiguy says more about the student. I was away from karate for a couple years and turned up with my white belt and was reluctant to put on my black belt.
  13. Can you not have the best of both worlds ? Do not get me wrong only heard bad things about franchises my self but to be honest all organisations are nowadays no matter how honest there intentions are. I have to give it to TKD in UK the only really have ITF and WTF. There doing really well all over the country because they have embrace the fact that there a franchise's of sorts but can still make good students. Any way best of both worlds - let kids come to classes make them fun and exciting. Yes you are a glorified babysitter but they are paying the bills. you can then have a separate class that is invite only were you go back to your roots and teach with an emphasis on technique. For adults you can do the same accept the main class is about fitness. Though with adults they tend to take easier to focusing on technique.
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