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Everything posted by christoh

  1. Nostalgia isn't what it used to be... - Chris
  2. it's quite possible. My sensei used to sometimes go through a migi kata with us just to get us thinking outside the square. However, we never did them in gradings. I also know of a club that does ura katas. - Chris
  3. thanks for the warm welcome and well-wishes regarding my recovery, guys! - Chris
  4. thanks for the reply, John! - Chris
  5. I am looking for another gi and read this thread with great interest. I currently use a Tokaido Kata Master however have recently purchased two KO brand gi's (the kata super gold and the elegant) and am awaiting their arrival. I will let you know how they are when I get to use them. In the meantime I am looking for another gi and am considering another Tokaido, a Shureido or an Hirota. One thing I notice is that the Hirota website is a mess and quite confusing. Any advice regarding the three brands mentioned in the above paragraph? I am a stocky guy so fit is quite important. Are the Hirota gi's WKF approved? - Chris
  6. I have a long belt but only because I cannot stand having a short belt. The belt size below my current size just seems too short. - Chris
  7. no worries, mate! - Chris
  8. hi, I am not really the welcoming committee as I myself am merely a newcomer to this forum, however I just wanted to say I definitely can relate to your post. You are a brave person to write what you wrote. I was in sort of the same situation myself and karate definitely kept me on the good side of sanity. When everything gets you down; there's nothing better than smashing out a few kata's and having a friendly sparring session with your fellow karate-ka. - Chris
  9. Jion. It's an impressive looking and powerful kata. I remember when I first saw it performed... I was blown away. - Chris
  10. I did a mawashi geri, brought my back foot back down and landed incorrectly and rolled my ankle. I tore all of my ligaments and tendons in it. I had to take a few weeks off karate. Around three weeks into my comeback from my badly sprained ankle; I dislocated my kneecap and broke my articular femur at karate. I had a screw put into my knee and the recovery took a few months as I lost all of my muscle due to being on crutches for six weeks. Whilst they were removing the screw, they discovered that my knee cartilage had a hole in it. I had a cartilage graft three weeks ago. I am yet again on crutches for nine weeks. The worst part about the whole thing is that I cannot go back to karate for 27 weeks. In the meantime I have to ice my knee and undergo intense physiotherapy. It will be a long road to full recovery. My Sensei at the time referred to me as "crystal" as I break easily. It's also a play on my name. I swear I am not fragile... I have just had bad luck! - Chris
  11. definitely uro-mawashi geri. It almost always catches people out as they're expecting a mawashi geri. Classic. - Chris
  12. always be yourself. The world (and society) is always trying to change you be it through media, peer group pressure etc. Trying to be yourself is a hard battle in this day and age and you should never stop being yourself. - Chris
  13. hey! My name is Chris and I just joined the forum to ask about a gi and thought i'd introduce myself. I started karate at Ishinryu (not Isshinryu) when I was seven and chucked it in when I was around fourteen. I graded shodan in 1995 at age eleven. I was also in the Victoria karate team for both kata and kumite. I recently got back into it last year at a Shotokan club and I ended up dislocating my kneecap and breaking my femur. Four operations (including a cartilage graft!) later, I am still on crutches and am champing at the bit to get back into it. The doctor says I can go back in twenty-seven weeks (I am currently three weeks into that timeframe.) My favourite katas are bassai dai, jion and gojushiho sho. - Chris
  14. oh man that made me laugh! - Chris
  15. hello everyone, I am thinking of getting a couple of new gi's, however, need some help from my fellow karate-ka. I currently use a Tokaido Kata Master and I love it but am considering supplementing it with a KO Super Kata Gold (Luca Valdesi signature series.) Prices are comparable. The KO gi has velcro binding in lieu of the traditional tie-up laces so I am a bit concerned that they may come loose. Does anyone have a KO Super Kata Gold? If so, what's it like? I would appreciate any feedback! - Chris
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