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Everything posted by tsuma

  1. was it 40+ category or in the seniors category 18+ ? congratulations for participating !
  2. what do you thing abaut competing in kk tournament at age 41 ? the fighter feels fit ,is well conditioned and experienced and wants to fight in 18+category what arguments are there for or against that?
  3. i can straighten the arm but i dont want to do that because while a strong punch the elbow hurts and i don't feel secure with the elbow. that's why i straighten the arm while punching only 70%
  4. ....after years of training i can not stretch my ellbow while punching (kihon-kata) because it hurts after a while. the arm is while punching only 80% stretched is that an incorrect technique?
  5. what is better for fullcontact training and competition? 100% cotton gi s or polyester-cotton? heavy (12oz,14,oz) or lighter gi?
  6. its very impressive to see karatekas on knockdown tournaments to take very hard punches to the stomach.......
  7. in kyokushin training while toughening the abs do you throw same hard punches to the solarplexus,stomach and liver as to the muscles below,or lighter? for example a hard uppercut to the liver is very painful....how do you prepare the body for that?
  8. how often should i make the endurance training in the week?every day or its better 2x? every training is hard but i mean this special programm for specific endurance. conditioning is for me ok.... my problem is endurance.....first round ok but second and third round is a big problem for me...... i have 40 days until the tournament ,so i must do something for the endurance...
  9. endurance is very important for tournament figthing! which is for you the best method for building good endurance in one month?is running necessary or you can build good endurance only in the dojo with pads -bagworkouts and sparring? is one month enough time to improve the endurance? how would be your programm in this month? thank you!
  10. lupin,isshinryu is the same as shinshinkan? i saw on youtube some nice kumite videos from shinshinkan. fullcontact sparring with punches to the head is very good but i thing fullcontact without facepunches like kyokushin is very effective method for leartning to fight and very hard sparring too. not more okinawa karate practicioners here?
  11. hello friends and sorry for the bad english! i have a question: i train japanese karate and i saw some okinawa karate dojos and i readed a lot abaut okinawa karate. my first question: do the okinawan karate styles practice free sparring? if yes,is it the traditionall way or modern influence? my second question: okinawan kumite is with fullcontact or point-kumite? i saw in the youtube some uechiryu clips- okikukai brasilia- with knokdown kumite like kyokushinkai but i saw some uechiryu dojos who practice pointsystem kumite like shotokan . what is the typicall okinawan way for doing kumite? i saw on the internet abaut all okinawan fullcontact tournament 1983. did te fight like kyokushin knockdown or with punches to the face and gloves. i would like to become answers from people who have experience with okinawan styles or who have been on okinawa! thank you very much!
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