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Scott_LIFE180's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. I'm sorry for not reading all 7 pages of this post but in my opinoin there is a huge difference between sparing a girl and hitting her in the chest (especially when wearing chest protection) and groping/molestation of any sort. I honestly feel little to no sympothy for the girl. If I had to spar with her after an episode like that, I would do as some of my fellow posters have said and target other areas of the body. She may not get the training she really needs to defend against an attacker but I wont give her any more grounds to complain against me. Also this has brought to my attention some things that I should do before sparing with a girl. I think first and foremost I should try to find out if there are any special restrictions for our match and what the dojo/school's rules are for such a match up.
  2. Kez, I am sorry to hear that you were attacked like that. The guy(s) who hit you and attacked you were the ones to truly blame. You cannot take responsibility for their actions. All you can do is take responsibility for your actions. With respect, I question if you would have had the same thing happen had you not been intoxicated as you were. Too much alochol makes us slow, it influences our decision making process and also detracts from our awareness. You may have still gotten assaulted if you were sober, the same exact thing may have happend, but I think that you would have been able to protect yourself had you not been intoxicated. I think that it is wise of you to set aside the alcohol, at least when you are in an area where things might happen. Drink at home with your friends or at a friends home. Don't quit your training. Adapt and overcome. You can do this. With respect, Scott
  3. Please allow me a few lines to set up the true topic of this post. At the school I go to I am part of the leadership team. What that means is that I and my fellow team member are in a psudo-teaching positions. Our knowledge is limited to orange belt techniques and forms, but because our school is a Christian outreach program, not just a pure MA school, and we are both Bible college students the exception is made and we are given a bit higher status and responcibilites than others in our school. (At current we are the highest belt level students at our school, it has only been open for about 6 months) Now, that being said and with me confessing my limited and inferrior knowledge our Instructer (who just got his 2nd degree BB this past week ) told us to start doing our Star Block set, backwards. Now I'm no dummy, and I'm pretty good at seeing how things in Kenpo flow from one move to another, but I will admit that the idea of doing the SBS backwards never occoured to me! It blew my mind. I was talking with our instructer later that week and told him about it. It was like a whole new world of possibilites had opened up and I had just gotten a glimpse into it! Then he told me to think about doing it with one hand going forward and the other hand going backwards and I had to try it right then. (We were sitting in his car at the time) So, now to the true topic of this post. What revelations have you had that just totally blew your mind and opened up a whole new MA world to you?
  4. Yeah I would never make a post just to see my belto on KF change colors... *grins* I did it so that I could senda PM... much more dignified I'm kidding 100%, but I really did make a baseless post to hit 25 haha lol I like the belt system we have here. On another forum I used to frequent they made a game out of it awarding hit poitns and abilities when you posted x number of posts it was goofy but a lot of fun haha
  5. I would, in a way that does not step on the toes of your sensei, speak to the problematic BBs. The way I personally view you are accountable to them, as they are to you, the same goes with everyone of (semi)equal rank. I would expect a yellow belt to hold other yellow belts accountable to the requierments and expectations of their rank, etc etc etc...
  6. Since many of you were very kind and offered up opinions and other knowledge I'm happy to report back that I received a 98% on my demonstration speech! So again, thank you all for your input and knowledge
  7. As a Bible College student (think minister in training) and being involved as I am in a Christian outreach program that utilizes MA, I find that I, every so often, have to defend my MA studies. I enjoyed reading both the main article and the secodary one posted on the third page. I am in agreement with the conclusions, though in my own study some of the supporting scriptures used were not 100% contextually accurate, nor were their historically contextual either, but that is neither here nor there. I would like to say thank you for your time in writing these and ask permission to quote and source if needed.
  8. Fushin, *chuckles* I know exactly how you feel. I'm part of the leadership team at my school and I had to do my first solo Little Tigers class. In my past I've worked with teenagers, Jr High and High School aged kids (in th States) I've never really worked with 4-8 year olds before. The class was horrible in my opinion. We went through the material for the day, which was just refresher, nothing new, but the games we played after were terrible. The kids lost interest in them so fast it wasn't even funny. The last 15 minutes of the class went by so slow hehe... So yeah I'm right there with you in asking for suggestions in dealing with little kids.
  9. PittbullJudoka, would you please (in pm if you want) let me know what your theory on pushups is? I'd really like to hear anything that might help me improve.
  10. Thank you all for your replies, Beast I've not heard that before, but I'll look into it.
  11. I was going to go with Bruce Lee's line, "Boards, don't hit back." But good looking out WNM.
  12. Now that I have your attention with my well crafted subject line... Honestly though, I am doing a demonstration speech for my public speaking class and I would like to do it on breaking. What I would really appriciate from the good people, and the bad people, here on KF is your honest opinion as to the purpose of breaking in MA. So if a few of you would be willing, that would be really awesome. To give you a little more info the speech will have three parts to the main body, the first talking about the history of breaking, the second the purpose of breaking and the third the techniques of breaking followed by a quick demonstration. It has a 7-9 minute time limit so I don't need a whole heap of information, but the more the better.
  13. I just did my strength test after week four... 39 isn't great but it is a good mid range result. I think I'll stick with the first tier though even though the chart says I should be doing tier 2.
  14. Funny how you should ask this now I was just searching for ideas for improving balance. I'm wondering how to improve balance in general.
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