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Everything posted by havoc

  1. rolling doesn't do anything for you. only hitting the pads and the bags does. don't listen to boxer cause he's a frail little sissy. does your boo-boo hurt ya lil girl.
  2. the euro's style is different on average, but it also varies from individual to individual. the european's have more of a western stance and move more like western fighters. they do punch more like western boxers but not while forsaken kicking. some great and well respected fighters have come out of europe. guys like: rob kaman ramon dekker danny bille ryan simpson dida diafat perry ubeda stephan neikema ivan hippolyte andre mannard ernesto hoost peter aerts all very respected fighters.
  3. if thailand is going to keep participating in these events, and if they are going to send they're best,which they usuaully don't, then yes they should cross train. but none of the participants at rad. and lumpinee stadiums give a rats butt about san shou. learning the throws will not make them better thaiboxers.now if they retire and want to fight outside of thailand thats different,or if you're speaking about the average joe who wants martial arts training thats fine, otherwise cross training isn't a good idea.learning how to kick isn't going to make shane mosley a better boxer. to a young thai male,thaiboxing is all that matters.
  4. muaythai is a sport. when you talk about the thai roundhouse you talk of thai style. you can fight muaythai but not fight with a thai style. regular kickboxing really isn't kickboxing,it's full contact. the first time the term kickboxing was used was japan, which had influences from thaiboxing,karate,boxing and judo. the throws were later dropped, and just strikes were involved. this is kickboxing,blows allowed to the head,body, and legs. rounds are 2 min. with a min. rest.this is also known as int'l rules or oriental rules. you can fight full contact using a thai style or you could fight muaythai with a japanese style.
  5. ken, since you're the resident bruce lee authority, didn't he film a movie in thailand and didn't he have some interaction with some thai extras that showed him their version of the roundhouse? and bruce adopted this style kick into jkd? if i'm correct on this story(and i believe i am) if this style of kick is used in china, wouldn't a man from china know it already and not have to be shown the kick from someone in another country?
  6. the low kick is to muaythai, what trapping is to wingchun. i have worked with a wingchun practitioner who indeed told me that they kicked to the legs, but not in the way the thais do. and you're right, thousands each year travel to china to train, and learn their awesome kicking tech.
  7. anyone who can't see that the world has embraced muaythai concepts is living with blinders on. the chinese san shou camps are bringing thai trainers over to china to train them. how can this be taken anyother way. the biggest kickboxing event in kickboxing,the one that packs 70,000 ppl into this event every year,not to mention the smaller events held thru out the year,K-1, look at the back grounds of all the fighters and tell me what most have in common. thai kicks. i have seen chinese sanda fighters wearing muaythai shorts fighting with no pads,checking leg kicks.the pictures are on ax. this is an observation.and when the thai v.s. japan,or china fights happened back in the day, the thais rarely lost.
  8. what did you mean by wanna be's? before anything can be organized things have to be understood. most ppl don't know what kickboxing is. the word kickboxing was used well before joe lewis (the martial artist that was spoken of) started the full contact movement. full contact grew out of karate tournaments that didn't allow full contact.once the realised they couldn't use karate strikes with protective gear on effectively they adopted boxing into it. it evolved into a sport. kickboxing started in japan, and muaythai has been a sport since the 30's. call it what you want but i certainly don't consider myself a martail artist and quite frankily don't want other ppl looking at me in that way either. like it or not, most mainstream ppl, because of hollywood or taking there children to karate class, don't take martial arts seriously.then they attach the ma's to kickboxing and they don't take it serious either.
  9. the kyokushin style of karate has a thai influence in it. it does allow kicks below the waist.
  10. no he's not a friend but an aquaintence. he posted on the axkickboxing message board. and yes he is in china.
  11. maybe this was a different event because i got my info from a guy at the event.
  12. ken is correct. every ring sport that allows kicking is adopting the thai kick and usually the thai stance as well.and the san shou fighters are wearing thai shorts but this is a non point because the thais adopted the shorts from another ring sport. the chinese are also bringing in thai trainers to help train their fighters and i hear the reverse is happening as well.
  13. well from what i heard there were 6 fights and there was a 3 way split. so what. your point is? if the sanda fighters won all 6 it would mean the thais aren't very good at throwing, not a big deal in muaythai, and if the thais would have won all 6 so what the sanda guys aren't real good at clinching. i also heard the reffing wasn't the greatest and that they limited the clinching to next to nothing. these events prove zilch. the problem is you are comparing 2 different sports throught martial arts eyes.if you're going to say sanda is better then you might as well hang up your kungfu uniform and buy a pair of speedo's because they wouldn't fair to well in a mma or nhb event.allow choking and locks changes the whole concept. remember, boxers train to fight boxers,kickboxers train against kickboxers,muaythai trains for muaythai and sanda trains for sanda. these are sports, not martial arts.
  14. i love watching bruce lee movies and jackie chan movies but you ppl need to relax. from what i understand there is a 16mm or 8mm film of bruce and a chinese martial artist that challenged him(the infamous fight in the movie where bruce gets his back hurt. the fight happened but thats not how he hurt his back),the tape will never be shown because from what i understand it was sloppy and both were rolling on the ground panting. i've also heard that judo gene labell spanked bruce back in the day.
  15. blade13.how old are you?
  16. you can't cause local fat reduction. you can cause local hypertrophy of a muscle but fat is realesed from all over. if you were dieting while doing those situps then i could see it other wise no.
  17. i thought spot reduction and muscle shaping were bodybuilding myths? from what i've learned if your belly or thighs are fat, doing all the stomach and thigh exercises in the world won't release fat from just those areas. diet is the only way.
  18. do a search on matt furey and the royal court. this should help.
  19. think sport specific. when you run or bike or swim etc. do it in a manner that mimics what you are doing. distance running is for distance runners. you have to do things that will resemble your sport. ex. running at different speeds within 2-3 min. rnd with a 30-60 second rest. if it's a 3 rnd fight you have to do it for at least 3 rnds. if it's your first fight worry more about fitness than strategy. most of this will go out the window in your first few fights because of nerves and inexperience. keep it simple.
  20. this is where a variety of kicks helps. if your sparring partner keeps a tight guard and you are using karate style round kicks, you're going to lose. however, if this is the case, start throwing more of a thai style rnd, but don't aim for his ribs,aim for his arms,and the acrual bend of his arms.a couple well landed thai kicks to the arm will loosen him up.if you hit where the arm bends,usually it will drive his elbow into his abdomen. uncomfortable as well.
  21. post workout nutrition is key, as well as a surplus in calories. post workout nutrition needs 2 components,protein and simple carbs(in the form of maltodextrin or dextrose is your best bet)the carbs will cause an insulin spike, and since insulin is a storage hormone, it will transport the much needed amino acids(proteins)into your muscles. don't forget fat in your diet also. fat is needed in your body for hormone reproduction.fat has got a bad rap, and is usually overlooked. always remember this, there are essential fats and proteins(fats and proteins needed by the body but can't be produced by the body)there are no essential carbohydrates.they are needed but do not forsake fats in the name of carbohydrates.
  22. dannyboy, wasn't super kick vick a joy to watch? i think what he meant was that canada is still way behind holland,france, and oz/nz.canada is getting there maybe more so than america but not in league yet with these countries.
  23. there is no right or wrong answers. there is so much that goes into weightlifting that dictates success and failure. especially when a specific goal is intended. for example, powerlifters would not use a bodybuilders routine, but yet there are some pretty big guys. why? who knows.probably due to their muscle fiber makeup.generally if you want strength you stay in the 3-6 rep range using multi-joint movements like the squat,or bench.muscle growth tends to be considered best in the 8-12 rep range. and endurance can be obtained in the 15-20 range. other things are to be considered also. when building strength you don't want to work the muscle you want to work the movement. whats this mean?in the bench you would want to explode from the bottom and let the neg. part of the movement(the lowering)be swift but controlled. you don't want to go for pump or feel like you would in bbing.the most important thing in the quest for size is nutrition. you need calories. you need the protein for maintaining and rebuilding muscle, you need the fats to keep your hormones in full bloom and you need carbs for energy but also for the post workout insulin spikes.
  24. that is pretty stupid. who cares if you know the terminology or not.more martial arts crap.god i hate this stuff.
  25. kickchic, since muscle is what burns calories, wouldn't adding more muscle(weight training)increase your metabolism?
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