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Everything posted by FushinRyu

  1. i was wondering if anyone has an excersize to help me with forward splits... are there any seperate stretches i could work on instead of doing it directly just wondering...
  2. we keep our fingers strait and together cuz if they were relaxed they'd eventually get caught on something...
  3. at my first grading i messed up a couple times, like during an stepping and punching test, i turned the wrong way, during a kata i did the wrong move, and during blocking i did a wrong block.... but it was cool....
  4. wow those are really short times.... im only a brown black belt and i have 4 more belts to shodan.... and i skipped a few.. i've been doing my style for 4-5 years now
  5. it's either spelled jion or gion (Jee-on) the starting move is stepping back breaking an arm, then someone is grabbing you, so you reach inside the grab and grab their gi, kick (you know where ) and three punches.... so those are the first few moves here i'll put a link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMaIzwWDYAk i don't like the way he does it though
  6. thanks everyone i taught again today (on my own choice) and did great all i had to do was think kid
  7. speed, twist, stance, and emphasis..... it works all the time
  8. (not sure on the spelling) pinan shodan pinan nidan pinan sandan pinan yondan pinan godan nai pachi gion bassai and most of kushanku and akari hana ( nunchaku)
  9. hindu push ups are for shoulders, diamond are for arms, and spread arms are for the chest. the perfect push-up i'm not sure is necessary. the perfect equivalency would be six count push ups. you know do a normal push up but hold it for six seconds. it really helps depending on what you're working on. like pull your arms closer to work the chest, or spread them farther apart if it's chest.
  10. bouncing.... i know it sounds strange but bouncing on the balls of your feet constantly works the calves. it also is a good cardiovascular workout. bounce straight up. side to side, then front to back. i'd say 5-10 min. would be a good work out. for me i guess
  11. okay, it was after class, and the "little ninja's class for like, little kids, was going on. i was waiting for my ride when my shihan forces me to help teach class. i did horrible, didn't know what to do, and was a bit tough on them. i have a feeling that he'll ask me to help again. does anyone have any tips to dealing with children at a karate class??? some of my problems include: being a bit serious trying to perfect them stiffness (it's really hard to be playful and try to teach them at the same time) i hope i get replies
  12. 3 gis 1 pair of wooden nunchaku 1 pair of sparring gloves. what i need for the future 1 wooden bokken
  13. warm ups/stretching sonaba zuki (practice blocks and strikes) jun zuki (practice various types of stepping and punching) "lesson" kata 1 extra activity (escrimas, heads and knees, rolling, techniques you wouldn't normally do) usually warm ups are okay depending on what we do on that month, but if it's squats or calf raises, im pretty much dying the whole class, but if it's bicycles, or stretching, im good.
  14. i like to strike with the soko, or top of the foot. i mainly use it in sparring with three levels, jodan, chudan, and gedan which is like giving a person a dead leg i guess. but yeah this has to be my favorite kick.
  15. well as my school sees it, if your hand is open, your fingers will eventually be caught on something and your fingers would break... i mean it's already happened before but not on me
  16. my school just ties it as a simple square knot...
  17. lol " you like other beginners... didn't attack me right"
  18. at our school we don't make contact when sparring, we strike in a 1 inch distance between our fist/kick and the person. our shihan is always teaching us that mawai is the success of striking.... well successfully because if you're too close, you have just as much chance to hit the person as they do to you, and if you're far away, well you can't really hit them can you? but we go hard and fast
  19. does a tornado count ??? just saying because in pinan yondan, on the very last two moves, we use ni mae uke and a hook that our style created, and my shihan always refers to it as a tornado... so i guess.....
  20. my style does it a bit different. you lift the leg as if you were doing a front kick, and at the very end you turn to the side and strike with the heel and the blade of the foot, using your hands to protect the face with koto uke and i guess "chudan barai".
  21. yeah well our style is pretty much a combination of other styles and it's kinda famous i guess for our double blocking. i think shihan chris said that master sugihara was given a title of "untouchable" or something like that because of it.
  22. i'm only fourteen but i've been doing my style since i was 9, so 5 years. not too impressive, but i'm considered "good".
  23. i'm not really sure how to spell it but close enough... soo anyway, i need the last couple moves of the kata. starting from the end of the large movement( large slashes, turn, figure . sorry if i couldn't explain it well eonugh
  24. American Fushin Ryu is an excellent style to join!!!!! i'm a brown belt their and i say it's the best style i've seen!!!!! it is well not really famous but unique for its double blocking techniques. it is still a very traditional style. its located in orange park called afr cristian karate. 661 blanding blvd. next to the recently closed walmart. it is currently run by shihan chris kolb. 5th degree black belt. http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WM3A43 hope ya join!!!!!
  25. oh yeah my style changed my whole life!!!!!!! im so flexible im close to doing splits now!!! sometimes i wonder what my life would be if i didn't take karate... i would be excessively welll.... fat!!!
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