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Everything posted by FushinRyu

  1. well the way i got my jodan mawashi geri higher is to do the straddle stretch... A LOT! trust me, i used to go to the back of my dojo everyday after school and stretch in that stretch for 30 minutes everyday. i can now kick over my head and a couple people over me
  2. wow! i just noticed that they do look kinda alike! anyways... i was taught that neko ashi dachi was that all your weight is on your back leg and absolutely no weight on your front leg to be used as a defensive stance for fast front kicks. and kokutsu dachi was two thirds of your weight on your back leg and the rest on your front leg... but the reason for it isn't really quite clear to me now that you think of it...
  3. if you guys had a little kids class, i can totally understand. unless you've taught a little kid, you don't know what the word patience means. cuz we have a " little ninjas " class with kids with ages 4-7 that we teach and that's usually my stress trigger, but the worst i've done is give a few extra push ups for the kids that act up a little in the next class!
  4. there's a wide variety of kiai at my school, shihan says hiyah, senseis usually say ai or kyou. the teenage boys usually go for a deep hees, the girls usually have a elongated hus, and the new students usually say us
  5. my shihan has always said that sanchin was a way to develop your timing on techniques, for you can do that block all day at full speed saying that it looks perfect, but once you slow it down, you notice all of the flaws in that block, such as the timing in the twist or pull back.
  6. I'm amazed that i always learn something new about my style every day. whether it be from a punch to a take down, i always discover something i haven't seen or known before, always making me better and better, looking forward into learning some more.
  7. My shihan said that there was a style of karate that was based on all pressure points. it sounded interesting to me but i didn't know the name. on the downside though, he told me that most of the students showed no self control and had a bit of nasty personalities. and that the leader of the style is kind of arrogant proving it with the statement that "if your not focused on pressure points, than it's not karate." i just wanted to see if anyone knew the name of it so i could see it in action.
  8. I've been having a little problem lately teaching a student in class. he says he has learning disabilities and adhd. there are a lot of problems we've been having with him; he has problems paying attention in class, he can never hold, or even get in a stance in the first placed, and he just doesn't care a bout karate at all, and yet he complains that he doesn't get to do the advanced things. i tell him you have to show us that you know the basics to go further, but all he does is cross his arms and shows attitude... anyone have any tricks to helping this situation?
  9. well kiai could be just breathing. just not with voice. which is really coincidental because our shihan was just stressing this the other day and told us to breath through all of our moves because it puts our body in sync
  10. Learned: Pinan Shodan Pinan Nidan Pinan Sandan Pinan yondan Pinan Godan Naihanchi Jion Bassai Learning: Naihanchi Nidan Sanchin Seipai Chinto Kushanku
  11. No problem Shihan has been calling me Marc-san for the last couple of years. I'm the old guy in the adult class. I was interested in who you were as well. If you want to let me know by email so your name is not out there for everyone to see, feel free: webmaster@actionkaratearts.com Hope to hear from you. Marc G. Oh! Mister Marc! You probably don't remember me since we've only had two classes together, but i'm the black-green belt, James. So where've ya been? You haven't been to any classes lately... just wondering. Oh and by the way, don't tell shihan about this account kay It just would feel a bit aukward... Sorry but sending a personal message through that kind of messenger is a bit complex and i couldn't figure it out....
  12. not to be nosy or anything... but who are you??? i go to afr too! if that's too personal just tell me your belt rank.
  13. just one more situation! i have been noticing that some new boys that sign up to our school have really low kiais... i have been assuming that the reason is for their deep, low voices... but i'm not sure if that is the real reason... any ideas???
  14. Hey just updating a little bit, she's starting to progress, her kiai has gotten a little louder... but it's not loud enough. and to say to tell him to forget about the kiai... i would probably be thrown out of the school ... he stresses soooooooooooooo much about it! he gives whole classes pushups if he thinks kiais are not loud enough! but it's all in good intentions. he tells us that it helps land everything at the same time, gives good power, and... is sometime's provacative, causing... fear the biggest improvement i've seen in her was during one of our random snowcone days during the summer... so i guess she needs a little motivation.. but we can't bring out the snowcone machine every week or.... you know... we'll have a bunch of chubsters walking around
  15. i've tried most of these techniques but still no progress.... we teach the importance of kiai when everyone's kiai is soft and get in a circle and put our hands on our stomache and kiai... most of the students usually get louder but there are still a select few.... any other suggestions??? and in our school im not so sure if it's easier to get the children to kiai than the adults, cuz in my adult class there's only like 8-12 people and when we kiai we can literally shake the windows
  16. well i've been having trouble with this one girl in class. everyclass when we do anything, she has a very very veeerrrry soft kiai where you can barely hear it. whenever we do kata, we can't get past the first move because my shihan wants me to start over and over again until she kiais loud enough.... but she never does. any suggestions?
  17. What is the main move? at what point in the vid on the counter for example. WNM the very first block
  18. i'm pretty light on my feet, what i do is a lot of calf raises and bouncing. all you pretty much have to do is work your calves
  19. Just thought I'd chime in here considering how many of you are interested now in using correct termonoligy etc., (which is nice because up till recently there seemed to be a reluctance to embrace it) , but - "Koto" has several meanings in Japanese none of them have any relevance to what we are discussing here. "Kote" as I say means wrist so it could be this. "Ude" = Arm, "Mae" = fore / before / infront (as in Maegeri= Front kick) so.. "Maeude" = forearm and... "Maeude uke" = Forearm Block. Have you seen any Youtube footage that comes even close to what you are describing. WNM well i know i said koto meant forearm, but my school uses koto as in like gauntlet block, because our "creator" of our style's, master sugihara, father taught aikido? i think, something with swords... but he took that block and added it to our style. so it doesn't literaly mean forearm, but like forearm armor or something. and i'm talking about the main move in pinan sandan, you know http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbjV_mFLTJw but i don't like the way he does it it's way too high.
  20. well i was dragged into it by my friend but i'm really glad she did. the sytle i take i feel is the best in my area. i'm already a junior blackbelt and have been taking fushin ryu for 4 almost 5 years.
  21. well our style teaches starting with pinan shodan, which i hear is unusual, and it pretty much takes 6 months to go on to pinan nidan, by then they should be green belt. so i'd say at least 3-6 months each.
  22. i felt so horrible today! my calfs were on fire this morning and i can't even walk right! the problem is that i did 100 calf raises on thursday walked, home, felt nothing on friday, so i decided to help teach, which you do nothing physical really, and still felt nothing, and walked home, but today on saturday i couldn't even walK! i have to walk on my toes, cuz if i put my heel on the ground it.... hurts anyone knows what's goin on?
  23. it's either spelled jion or gion (Jee-on) the starting move is stepping back breaking an arm, then someone is grabbing you, so you reach inside the grab and grab their gi, kick (you know where ) and three punches.... so those are the first few moves here i'll put a link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMaIzwWDYAk i don't like the way he does it though My son is learning jion too. He is the only student that I've seen learning this kata right now and I've not seen any of the older students at his school do this one so I was wondering if it is not a "common" kata. well yes it depends on who's doing it. In my style, Jion is considered a blackbelt kata.
  24. well lemme try to illustrate koto ( i think that's the way to spell it) is fore arm and uke is block. \| | -> \|_| -> | |/ yeah this is a relly bad illustration but in the first one, it shows that the two connected lines are already in the koto uke block position and the single line is in pull back. Step by step would be to put the pulled back fist to your other elbow and then twist up and across with that hand. yeah that was a really bad description sorry but tallgeese and montana are correct, we can use this move for a variety of things like trapping the arm, breaking it, just blocking, but i don't think it would be used as a strike though...
  25. my style, fushin ryu, is a not very common form of karate. just recently i was watching katas on youtube because i was curious if any other style used the double blocking system. double blocking is like when you do kota uke, instead of sticking your arm up, you use your other arm as a "backup" in case your block isnt fast enough...
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