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Everything posted by Chikara

  1. Thursday, August 29th (cont'd): Seisan again Seiuchin again Naihanchi again Wansu again Chinto again Kusanku Sunsu Tokumine No Kun Urashi Bo Horseman's Form Nunchaku Kata
  2. Boxing the boxer and kicking the kicker may lead you to someone who can out-box or out-kick you. Too dangerous to depend on because, "there is always a bigger fish". -Qui Gong Jinn
  3. Sure! Why not eat Miracle Soup for a month? Pretty much nothing but cabbage, onions, carrots, and celery.
  4. It really hurts to have a parent leave in the middle of a tournament, even if they have no choice.
  5. Ok, I'm very jealous of anyone who has any such an extensive martial arts library! Oh well, college 1st, library 2nd. Today: 30 situps 30 squats 30 pushups 20 knees (each side) 20 kicks (each side) Jodan Kihon x2 Seisan Seiuchin Naihanchi Wansu Chinto 15 Isshin-Ryu defense against a punch (both sides) Aiki J-J defense against a punch x10 Aiki J-J defense against front over arm bearhug x10 Aiki J-J defense against front under arm bearhug x10 I've still got more I want to do, but my brother is home and very distracting.
  6. Absolutely! And it's probably best not to learn another at the same time if you're a beginner in both. Also, if you're advanced in one and a beginner in the other, you'll already know how to learn the other. Better to have 1 or 2 responses for many attacks, than to have many responses to 1 or 2 attacks.
  7. Legs are always more powerful (they have to support 100-200+lbs everyday), but they're always much slower. Arms are faster, closer, and very effective. And if there's cement, I really love throws. It's best to go with the opposite style your opponent is doing. Don't try to compete with their style, "Oh, this guy boxes. I wonder if he can outbox me..."
  8. Thanks! I'm sure lots of people on here have lots of cool ideas. I can't wait to see the rest of the forum. I stayed up late checking out as much as I could before mom kicked me out for the morning. I already found the perfect dojo. It's got a very spiritual atmosphere when you walk in, but they train in combatives (i.e. low light, no light, multiple attackers, weapons, etc.) And almost all of it is presented like a game, it's really fun! In my current dojo, we're not allowed to even research different styles. We learn 1 kata per rank (belt factory, just not with money). Sensei reigns supreme in the dojo. And there's a lot of chauvinism there too "A woman who's trained probably wouldn't win against even an untrained man in the street". I wish I could show him just how wrong he is. (God! I love this smiley!)
  9. Thanks Joesteph! Personally, I think the throat strike would be a lot harder if the adversary is very tall and the defender is very short. But, I love throats myself to use as takedowns.
  10. Good luck on your test!
  11. True. Honey alone isn't good. Forgot to add that. ^_^
  12. Oh! Ripping bark off trees and breaking cement slabs is from Pencak Silat. It's unnecessary damage to your body and you regret it later in life when your bones are all arthritic and broken. It's the muscle that counts, not the bone.
  13. How long so far have you been doing Shotokan?
  14. Yes, I agree. Water prevents you from eating too much, keeps you fuller longer, and gets rid of water weight.
  15. Thanks! I've been doing a bit of exploring on here and it's great! I like that it's a very mature forum, also most people actually back what they say up with fact.
  16. My computer won't let the video play, but I assume you're talking about partner muscle training. In my dojo, we do something called body hardening drills where we firmly (but not hard enough to bruise) hit each other's arms and stomaches to make the muscles denser. You build muscle by doing pushups, you make them hard by hitting them a lot, but not hard enough to bruise. Sometimes, I even chop the tops of my own forearms to make them hard. Hope that helps!
  17. Sorry TheRenegade, but you're wrong. Google honey and you'll find that honey's benefits are numerous and substantial. Honey's even been compared to eating spinach! But, honey also has healing properties that they would use outside as well as inside for medicine. It also boosts the immune system.
  18. On the diet, it's best to eat what you can see in nature; whole grains, vegetables, fruits, complex carbs, and protein are very good examples. The less ingredients it has, the better. Also, kicks are excellent for leg strength and tone. There's also the jumping, where you try to get your heels to touch your butt, and the other type where your knees come to your chest.
  19. August 27th: 20 pushups, 20 squats, 20 knees, and Naihanchi kata. I was really lazy today. Every page of homework I do, I do 10 pushups, situps, knees, squats, and 1 kata.
  20. Really, what's the likelihood of a 100lb woman taking a 300lb man to the ground in the first place to apply that rear-naked choke? And then, what's the likelihood that she could even keep a grip as his massively muscled arms could break hers to pieces? Come on! I'm a 120lb woman, so I know that choking is out of the question for someone of that mass. Any man who's not on steroids would be possible to choke out, but groundwork would still be unlikely. Against someone like that, there would be no 1 hit kill. I'd just go for the jewels.
  21. Wow, they're both special in the good and bad ways. I can't help but respect and admire their spirit and determination.
  22. My family's very religious (the kind that frowns a lot on martial arts). Yet, both my mom and dad did it for 2 months, my brother 1 month so far, and my great aunt got to brown belt many years ago. The religious side of our family knows nothing of what we do. Hee hee hee!
  23. Dude, there was no Isshinryu when Shimabuku saw that design first. Shinto's been in existance for centuries (maybe even millenia).
  24. Excellent post! I recognized everything from a college class I attended. It focused solely on gender roles. And thanks for putting the quotes in, I'm definitely going to research that stuff myself. The solution for equality would be to have the female prove to both the male and herself that she is smart, strong, and capable enough to defend herself. Martial arts is the first step towards mutual respect.
  25. Well, this is my very 1st post on here, so, hi all! I've been doing Isshinryu 2 years now, only brown belt. But, in a few months, I'm going to switch to a hybrid martial art (aiki jiu-jitsu, aikido, judo, systema, krav maga) hopefully within a month or 2. I can't wait to switch because I'm sick of kata and need something useful (I'm very small). Also, the sensei is very egotistical and controlling as well as a few black belts in the dojo. Anyways, I looked up karate forums and found this and can't believe it also includes every style there is! This forum is sweet!
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