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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Kenpo, TKD
  • Location
    Kentucky, USA
  • Interests
    Kenpo, Fitness, Health, Motivational Forums
  • Occupation
    Territory Manager

Kenpo123's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. Welcome to the forum 554life. I would suggest you cross train with Kick Boxing or Grappling. As far as another style... unless you are already a black belt, stay with the art you are studying, it will only confuse you to try other styles and is usually not recommended. My Sensei, will stop training a student if they go to another style and try to do 2 or more at the same time. Good luck anyway, which ever road you choose to travel. This forum has a lot of talent for you to enjoy.
  2. [/b]What's your 2003 NEW YEARS RESOLUTION going to be...???
  3. I think there is a lesson to be learned here. I must admit, my first heartfelt instinct is to encourage with good team spirit as I would other students( and I'm one of the biggest chearleaders in the pack). And wouldn't be unlike me to make such a comment ( thinking it was a positive thing to do) to encourage someone with a handicap more vocally recognizing that Gillian is blind and wouldn't have the benefit of the positive reinforcement gained through others body language etc. I would like to know from Gillian's perspective, how she would like students and instructors to interact with her without offending her or making the jestures come off as more pity than jenuine team spirit. Good subject! Please advise.
  4. Welcome! And good luck on your training.
  5. Wecome to the forum. Keep us up-to-date with your training progress.
  6. This is something that I feel is to dangerous to instruct someone that is not in the martial arts. Only a qualified instructor that can show how and how not to do a sleeper hold should be involved.
  7. Welcome to the forum. We look forward to your input Keep those kicks and punches coming!
  8. I agree with Jack! I have always worked out primarily with Dumbells to achieve a better balance of strength. This is a common problem with weighlifters that workout primarily with Barbells especially on benchpress. It's too easy to favor your dominate side while lifting. Go into a gym sometime and watch how many times you see someone benchpressing a barbell and you notice one side coming up more than the other as they lift. This is what got me working out primarily with Dumbells a long time ago. In my home gym, I have a full range of dumbells I workout with. You still need Barbells for certain workouts so don't abandon them completely.
  9. OK, OK, OK. Little brother I got your message. Merry Christmas by the way
  10. There isn't anyone out here that is going to motivate you. Motivation is very personal and comes from whitin. You will have to find for yourself what excites you, what makes you get up in the morning, what motivates you to continue your martial arts training, there are to many reasons to possibly speculate or pick the right one without knowing you better. There may be those that inspire you but, motivation is too deep and personal for us online to help you with. One place to start is... how old are you?? and what stage in life are you presently in?? (ie: married with kids?, student without any responsibilities other than getting up for and attending class? Finished school and launching your career? ).
  11. funny this post came up when it did. I was teaching some students how to do this about a week ago. Need good flexibility and a nice loose back! You can start out using your hands but can really do it with out. The key is getting enough momemtum through bringing your legs back over your head and snapping them forward arching your back in the process and extending your feet well behind you in your landing! Takes a few times, but, if you're flexible enough you will do them easy. Used to do them all the time and can still do them.
  12. I got my first weight set when I was 13 years old and have weight trained off and on all my life. First off, just because you weight train doesn't mean you will automatically have monster muscles( most don't!!). Your body type, genetics and your commitment to train to achieve that look is the only way you would get that way. Yes, you will gain some muscle weight to some degree but if you work out hard with your martial arts and use weights for strength training and not muscle mass build-up I believe you will achieve the results you desire. A good web site for you to explore is https://www.bodybuilding.com or https://www.teenbodybuilding.com , both sites have good information to get you started in the right direction as well as information on nutrition and proper body fuel for your training.
  13. Welcome Steve! I look forward to your input to the forum, enjoy!! Keep those kicks & punches coming.
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