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Everything posted by tallgeese

  1. 5/19 Reviewed material from Rickson seminar yesterday. Moved on to drill knife work followed by some trapping combinations. bushidoman, I took that video I just need to format it and I'll get you the link.
  2. Adam, I didn't realize you were that close. The next time Groinstrike, MasterPain, and Liver Punch are around we'll let you know and do a mini- meet up. Glad the day went so well for your family.
  3. It really is excellent. So many benefits. I can't currently fit it into my routine, but I should change that again.
  4. 5/18 Rickson Gracie seminar today! He covered some great conceptual work and taught us all principles that apply across a wide array of positions. This gave us an amazing look at his view on BJJ and let us work thru several positions, ect. It's like a jiu jitsu bomb went off in my head. I will probably spend the next few weeks just trying to sort it all out. Amazing.
  5. 5/17 1.75 mile run Abs Finally back after 5 day interlude from CT instruction to attend a Force Science course put on by some phenomenal professionals, including Dr. Alexis Artwohl whose work might familiar to some people on the board. Amazing. The workload kept me from training, but I'm back. bushidoman, I'll get on that video as soon as I get a chance.
  6. If you haven't seen it, how can you judge it? I have trained this way using kata for decades. To me, it is like you are saying a ball peen hammer has no value, because you haven't seen it drive a nail. If you string together techniques in some logical sequence and repeat them over and over again until you do them without thinking, is this not a drill? If you take 20 offensive and defensive karate techniques you presently know, string them together in a logical sequence, have you not just created a kata? Most MMA fighters will string together four or five techniques and drill them over and over again by his or herself: They are doing kata. While they are doing one of their own design and not a classical kata, it is still kata. Don't agree with me? Show me exactly how it is different. Method of learning has not changed one bit: Fighters and martial artists in every style drill sequential techniques solo. Sorry, I hadn't see this reply. It's different because you're not doing the same 20 over and over again for years and years unchanged. Each changes with each training, different orders, different tactics, ect. Not to mention that with live two-man controlled training there is CONSTANT variation in in angle of attack, counter, defense. Kata is the same set each time, for years on end in the case of classical, traditional kata. It's important to deal with variation, and from early on in one's career.
  7. 5/8 Drilled chokes with the untucked gi tail from guard and one arm bar variant. 40 min free roll. Worked on material from the weekend and taking back.
  8. We do both. I'm not sure you could say we teach primarily one thing or the other. We try to teach them situationally for what response you're looking for. As a rough set of guidelines we use a lot of palm heels and brachial strikes to the head and neck while we focus more on punching, kneeing, and elbowing on the torso and extremities. Again, just generalizing. I'll try to get some knife work on video and get a link up for you on it. Like I said, we got it from Prof. Harris and it's FMA based. Very focused on training method, flow and repetition compared to most things I've seen. It's a partner drill so both parties have a knife in hand, you should have seen the fireworks that ensured from the LT level when we wrote that into the lesson plan. It took some discussion to explain the philosophy of pared training for repetition sake to them. We managed to get the okay though and it's been really well received to date.
  9. 5/7 Started the 4 weeks stint in CT today. Which means for me lots of repping our knife work based off last years training w Prof. Harris, strike training, and police focused ground fighting. This year we're focusing on staying on top of bad guys having spent the last couple of years on dealing with the bottom. pm- Abs Back/ bis 1.25 mile run
  10. 5/6 am- 3 hours with Prof. Roy Harris today at the department in regard to control tactics. Great look at things from a FMA/ JKD standpoint. Continued with some knife work that he'd stated with us last year. Broke down some cloth fighting concepts and tactics for us to control. Overarching all this, he walked thru his skill building progression and methodology. Very cool stuff. Seriously, I can't say enough good things about training with Prof. Harris. pm- Drilled gi chokes at class using the untucked lapel while using guard. 40 min free roll. Focus on pressure from top from this weekends seminar. Tried new material as well any time possible from the bottom. I'm now going to bed. And I intend to sleep like a log.
  11. Welcome aboard! Look forward to hearing your thoughts.
  12. I'm a big fan, obviously, of the Government Model and really think they are still, 100+ years after their creation, one of the finest combat handguns out their. The single action just works for me and the grip is just stellar. That said, there are no end of good combat handguns. I do think that single action or a striker fired weapon is much preferable to any double/ single action pistol. The consistent trigger press just makes accurate, fast, follow up shots easier than dealing with two separate actions. My first duty weapon was a Sig P220 with the double/ single. I went to the 1911 after probation largely due to the trigger control that it allows.
  13. 5/4 2.5 hours of BJJ seminar with Roy Harris. The man is amazing and anyone should take the opportunity to train with him whenever you get the chance. I've had the chance to train with him a couple of times in jits and FMA's. Take your pick of arts, the man is worth training with. We went over top side control with position and then pressure. Used pressure to make a move to back happen. Moved on thru modified scarf and scarf with submission series attached. Finished technique with north/south pressure positions and submission. Lastly, he gave us a q and a session that was enlightening. Seriously, train with this man at some point in your career.
  14. Currently, I'm less than 5 minutes away. Prior to that, it was 45.
  15. Whatever weapon surface matches the target that I'm striking at. That might take any sort of configuration. Generally speaking; however, I tend to the top couple of knuckles while punching. If it's a punch that fits best in the situation.
  16. 5/3 1 mile run. Today was the end of a five week stint running the department's spring training shoot. It was great to get so many rounds down range, it was horrible to be out in the weather so much as April didn't exactly treat us well. All in all, though, very good time. Now I get to breath for a weekend and roll right back into a 4 week block of teaching control tactics.
  17. I carried an 870 for a long time. I stay current on my qual, have it in my car, but really I haven't deployed it over the rifle at any time I can remember. Still, when it comes to shotguns I really do like it more than any other one I've shot. There's something about a weapons system where the answer to a malfunction is rack it harder is a cool thing.
  18. 5/1 Drilled maintaining mount. Review americana. Americana to arm triangle. Transition back to americana. 30 min free roll.
  19. 4/29 Drilled maintaining mount. Then into finishing with an Americana. 40 min free roll.
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