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Everything posted by tallgeese

  1. Generally, they are the squat-thrusts of yesteryear's PE class. The basic form is from standing to a crouch with your hands on the floor. Then you, thrust out the legs to come to a push up position. Then, reverse to standing. There are variations that add a push up, ones that add a jump at the end and ones that do both. Probably about a million others as well. I'll let Ace speak to which he was specifically referring. yesterday pm- 1.25 miles on the treadmill. Mainly to shed some water. today- 3 mile run back/bis/abs
  2. It's all fun and games until Skynet goes active.
  3. That is entirely dependent on you. That's the kind of thing that will be highly individualized. Generally, I go with the visualization in the days leading up to the event. I too am a power metal guy before competitions and such. But that's me, everyone will have to experiment and find which prepares them better.
  4. Yeah, nerves can be bitter, no matter what you eat. Visualization is a good way to handle them. Another method of using is visualizing the test before hand, as realistic and vivid as you can. Put yourself in it and work thru everything. It will sort of pre-condition you to the event. The key is detail and realistic performance. Of course, it should go without saying that you visualize yourself doing well. As for hydrating, drink before, during, and after. The sports drinks are fine. I actually like water better during activity. I've seen studies go both ways, personally, at the level most of use are at, it's more important to simply hydrate. Choice is yours.
  5. today- 7 mile run light legs (ouch) rest 1.25 miles on the treadmill, incline work at a slow pace shots and sprawl on mat
  6. Sounds pretty normal considering. I'd only worry if it lasted on past a week or so and didn't start to resolve. I'd also be surprised.
  7. Welcome aboard. I've only seen those names pop up in a couple of threads. Don't worry about it. Most people here place value in things other than what school you train out of. Glad to have you.
  8. Depends on what you're used to eating pre-workout. It's very individualized, despite what alot of opinionated people (myself included) would have you think. Generally, some light carbs and some protein are best. If you're up at 7 a and the test is at 9, I'd think about some toast with peanut butter and fruit on the side. Just pre-test you could have a nutrition bar of some sort or more fruit of your choice. That's ideal. In reality, I'd probably hit a bowl of cereal and banana. Maybe a soda pre-test. For what you're looking at, a normal breakfast of whatever you're used to should be fine.
  9. That's why we talk about stopping a lethal force threat in LE rather than killing. We do what we do to stop life threatening behavior, not because we want to kill someone. You're going to be on solid ground legally as long as it meets the "reasonableness" test. If you reasonably believed that your life was in danger, and acted in a reasonable manner, then you're pretty safe in the courts.
  10. I can see the step behind for the side kick if you throw that attack alot to close distance. I was under the impression we were talking about footwork as routine movement. In that regard, it just seems like there is little that a cross step adds that a safer motion couldn't accomplish.
  11. today- 20 min block of working mount escapes and escaping the guard. 6, 2 min rounds of free roll from knees 5, 3 min rounds of: takedown efforts defending the takedown free grapple for takedown 1, 6 min match rest 1 mile run bis/tris/forearms
  12. today- finished out a week of DT at work. Only spent a couple of hours working on physical skills. It was in the High Gear armor against assaults of different kinds and work related situations. my regimen- warm up roll for 10-15 min 2 min rounds of escaping and holding: mount knee in stomach hooks in guard 3, 2 min rounds of: defending takedown setting up takedown grapple for takedown 5, 3 min rounds of free roll. 1, 6 min match round. rest incline treadmill for 1.5 miles
  13. I think a unified ranking systems is highly unrealistic and probably counter productive as well. I used to get really eaten up by the same type of thing you're talking about, I know where you're coming from. But you have to remember that there are lots of reasons to be involved with ma's. Just because a reason doesn't appeal to you doesn't mean it's not valid for someone's goals. Be proud of what your standards are and leave it at that. Everything else is just heartburn.
  14. I'd agree with everyone who's chimed in. Check it out, see that it's still the same place you left and jump in. Well, at least start back up and ease into it. If it's changed and no longer what you're looking for, start checking out other places as well. Start slow and work back into it. An injury is an injury, dropping out of training to deal with it is not only understandable but responsible. No worries on that front. Good luck.
  15. today- More DT for the dept. Spent a couple of hours on ground avoidance in the High Gear armor. A couple of more on technical review of weapons retention and striking. The second half was all curriculum planning. Bummer. On the other hand, I think I managed a knife school out of it so we'll see. my regimen- 4.5 mile run back/abs 3, 2 min rounds of hip work and shrimping, position followed by shots and sprawls. It's about a week out from the NAGA, my weight is right on for where it needs to be and I'm moving well. No major training injuries or skin conditions. So far, so good. I'm looking forward to getting done so I can get back to a more normal training routine and not just grapple training. Oh, and I want to eat too
  16. And I should have said before, thank you, Patrick for keeping this up and running and such a positive place. Well done.
  17. I've seen that in a couple of bike mags over the years. Nice to see a site. One of these days...
  18. today- Half day testing for DT recert. So I got to rep alot of stuff. Some is more useful than others. The second half, we spent working on training methodology and curriculum development for the program. 10 k run shoulders/delts
  19. Well, if you frame it that way and accept my premise above that he's a black belt ranked in a system, then my response is yes. He can teach and rank up to his level because he should know the requirements to get there. I'm not a by-law kind of guy, all the fine print of an organization means very little to me. So, I don't care what banner he puts it under. Maybe they'd have a problem, but I wouldn't.
  20. today- Another day long block of DT refresher. Striking time, baton, weapon retention/takeaways. We did do a good block on long gun retention and better yet, long gun disarming. I haven't done a ton of work on this so it was time well spent. wind sprints 1.5 mile run chest/abs
  21. No offense taken, Michi.
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