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Everything posted by tori

  1. Most people who ask this question can not fully appreciate the response because they have never tried the martial arts. I am glad I have taken Martial Arts most of my life. Yes the self defense I have learned may get me out of alot of situations. No, I am not faster than a bullet. Martial Arts is a way of life. I can't fully explain the love I have for it, but I have invited a few nay sayers to try it themselves. I have found their negativity keeps them from trying alot of things.
  2. I don't care about the titles as much. I believe the "title" thing at our school is just how it has been done in my instructors school and his instructors school, and so on. However, I am proud to have gotten there, and am proud of those who I can call sensei. But, I am just me and the most important titles I hold are sister, wife, daughter, friend. The only time I am sensei is for a few hours at night a few times a week. I am much more than being a sensei and I do not let that title define me as a person. However, the principles I have learned at our school, I carry with me at all times.
  3. My experience in class having little contact concerned me for awhile until I got to participate in a kumite classic where black belts could make contact. What fun!!!!!!!!!!! I had no problem increasing my level of contact on my opponents. It really was a great time and an eye opener for me on how fast I could react to full speed punches and kicks coming in, and how I could give it back. I did well too. The thing that I notice in class that concerns me more is people who do not want to make contact on their partner, so they deliberately kick or punch to the side. I have been adament in telling students to aim at your partner all the time, so that if you ever need to defend yourself, you will hit your target.
  4. Usually when I get caught in an awkward moment, I just bring it to the other persons attention in a joking matter, and laugh about it. I unfortunately do stuff like that all the time.
  5. We do have an adult student who is downs syndrome. It has been excellent for her. She is in our regular program and has been able to learn and retain information. Yes, it takes her a little longer to achieve rank, but we do not treat her different. Her family and doctors have been very excited about the improvement in her attitude and health since being in Martial Arts.
  6. For shodan: Must demonstrate correctly all blocks, stances, strikes correctly from white to black. Must demonstrate all kata from white to black. Must defend oneself against 50 punch attacks, showing a different technique for each. Must demontrate self defense against all kicks Must demonstrate all releases learned from white to black (I think there are 20 different releases.) Must be able to pass the physical exam: sparring all people testing and black belts who are witness to test. 150 push ups 150 situps 300 jumping jacks 50 squat thrust 5 minutes continuous on work out bag all kicks learned - 25 on each leg. 100 punches from low horse stance and board breaking. The requirements get much harder from shodan to nidan and even worse from nidan to sandan.
  7. Our little ninja class focuses greatly on improving areas of balance, concentration, self discipline, and attitude. The classes are short and fun. Just enough to keep small children interested. When they become old enough to join the traditional class, it only takes a short time to get used to the organization of it. We do have fun at the end of class, but fun isn't our basis of the traditional program. It does however, get them something to look forward to. I do notice that once the kids are old enough to be in the next level, they are ready, because they no longer want to be "the little kids".
  8. If I was being sexually assaulted by someone ( I pray that it never happens), I would do everything possible to get away from the situation. Im fighting for my life here. If it means that in the process of my self defense he dies, then so be it. Just the thought of something like this happening makes my stomach ache. It is why I train so hard, so I can save my life someday.
  9. If the dojo does not hold up their end of the contract ie... classes start and end on time... then you have an out. I would talk to the head instructor. I do have to tell you, our school does have a contract. It basically states that you agree to pay this certain amount over the course of your contract. However, the main idea of the contract that i sign states that you will not hold the owner or school responsible should you become injured on their property or during their classes. I do know that the cost of a school owner to fight those individuals who drop out before their contract expires is to costly. They usually just forget about it. However, if you leave your child in those classes, they may talk to you about it.
  10. Bushido, sorry to get back so late with my response to your question. An individual who has never been trained to fight, does not care where his strikes land. He/she does not care what the outcome of a potentially dangerous strike could be on their opponent or what might happen should they become unconscious and fall to the floor. An individual who is trained to fight, is usually the one not letting himself get into a situation where he/she has to fight. However, if that fighter does have to defend himself, he/she hopefully will only do enough to diffuse the situation and get out of there. I label those individuals who use only books and dvd for self defense training in the same catagory as the untrained fighter. I feel that they have a false sense of self-confidence and can put themselves at risk for injury. Now I'm not saying that someone who has years of training in one or several styles could not buy a dvd on self defense and benefit from its teaching, I am only talking about the person who has never had anyform of guided, one on one instruction.
  11. You are not going to regret your decision. The only thing you may regret is not doing it sooner. Congratulations again. I have great respect for you. You are going to love your journey!
  12. I think if someone is just interested in fighting and not learning the hows, whys, and inner aspects of a style, then sure. I guess you can learn from books, peers, dvd's. But if you want to keep true to a style, then of course you need an instructor. Doesnt a boxer always have a trainer? Doesnt a football, baseball, basketball, olympian... always have a coach or trainer? Someone to guide you in your journey and help you to be a better student of your art is a must in my eyes. I think the most dangerous fighter, is the untrained fighter.
  13. Once an individual achieves rank of Shodan in our school, their picture is put up. We have one wall covered with pictures. I was looking at all of them the other day and noticing how many are no longer training. LOTS! It made me think of why they left, as I knew almost all of them. Some moved away with college, marriage, what have you. Most however, began losing interest before their black belt. It is around 2nd and 1st kyu when are beginning to really prepare them for shodan. You know, working extra technique in all previous requirements. Up until then, they may have thought everything was fun, but when they realized that they had to represent themselves, the school, and the instructor as a black belt, many of them could not handle the responsibility. So after achieving that shodan rank, they just stopped coming. Some quit after their first black belt class. Many do not want the challenge of having to give 100% all the time.
  14. I am the only one who has trained in Martial Arts in my family. I have some cousins who are interested and keep talking about trying, but havent. My nephew wants to start, but my sister hasn't gotten him over here yet. My other two nephews NEED IT for the discipline. Tiger1962 - the great thing about Martial Arts is that anyone can do it. I hope one day you will try.
  15. I have thought about this for quite awhile and I cannot come up with any one, single, special student. I enjoy any student, of any age, that really takes an interest in Martial Arts. You know the ones who show up to extra classes, practice diligently, and have great questions. Those are the students that I look forward to seeing. The ones that make me want to try harder to be a good teacher.
  16. I think you will be great. It wont take you long to get right back in and you will be able to keep up with all the others. By the way, I wouldn't worry about what the people at your school will think when you go back. I bet you will see alot of new faces and few familiar ones. Life happens. People cannot always continue their journey in one long run. Sometims they take a break. But if they love the Martial Arts, they always go back. They will welcome you with open arms.
  17. I luckily got to test for San Dan this past summer. There were many students who were testing for their shodan the same night. My instructor had a small change made to the new belts he got for the new hopefuls. He asked me if I also wanted the new belt. As much as I like the small new change of the belts, I love the one I earned and have been wearing for years. The night he tied it around my waist was one of my proudest moments in my Martial Arts career. It is just a piece of cloth, but its my peice of cloth and I earned it.
  18. Thank you everyone very much. I am sorry that I didn't know sooner. I have been so busy working and training this month, that I havent been online much. Really, you are all a great group of Martial Artists, and I am glad that I am able to learn from all of you.
  19. I think it is awesome that you are doing martial arts. Keep with it. I don't think it was until I was I was green belt that I started to pick up on things faster. It has been awhile since you wrote. I hope you stuck with it. Good luck in all you do.
  20. So it's been about 6 months, right? How is it going? Keep us posted.
  21. That was great! I wish the cats would not get under the cars so much. That is why my cats are indoor cats. Especially because people use my street as a raceway.
  22. I loved Bugs Bunny, the Pink Panther, Ed Grimley on Saturday mornings, Transformers. I have to admit, I really like Sponge Bob Squarepants and It's so Raven. I watch them all the time.
  23. We have special needs children in our regular classes. We do not have any special requirements for them, we just encourage them to do the best they can, as we do with anyone who begins Martial Arts. Because of such great success we have had with our ADD, ADHD, and even downs syndrome children, we have many parents seeking to put their child in our program. The kids do better when they are around children of all types. To actually single out special needs children and put them in their own class is doing what they already are having done to them everyday. They want to be just like other kids, and thats how they are treated in our school.
  24. I go at least 3 times a week from 4 - 8 p.m. I teach in 3 of the classes each night and take the last class. I would like to go everyday, but it is impossible to do that and hold a full time job.
  25. I am not sure what our fees are at the school I am training with. I teach 3 nights a week in exchange for training, but I believe that the monthly fee is only $40.00.
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