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Molson style

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Everything posted by Molson style

  1. the average person stands there and throws wild punches while grabbing ur sleeves, makes it easy to use the muay thai double neck thai and ko them with knees since they have no idea how to defend against it, or go for a wrestling/judo takedown from clinch
  2. yes u swing the opposite arm back and swing the other one fowards, it helps give a little bit more power and rotation. it's really more about shoulder rotation than actual arm movement though u still have 1 arm infront of ur face in a way so theres still a guard for u, and u lean back at about 45 degrees to make it harder for u to get hit
  3. i've seen a taekwondo website somewhere that's runned by a church.
  4. i actually kinda enjoy showing off a lil. I wouldn't just start real fights and beat the **** out of ppl for no reason though, i only do that in the ring.
  5. this is what i could think of, or not so bad but just not so good. 1.u'll be injurred all the time if u practice full contact and/or go real hard core 2.u won't be able to enjoy a good action movie without realizing how fake the fight scenes are.
  6. and don't most military ma do mostly just basic stuff and don't go too into it. and focus more on other stuff like infiltration, gun handling
  7. i think i'll say tkd line drills followed closely by muay thai sparring.
  8. tilt your head back while doing situps. makes them alot hardertilt your head back while doing situps. makes them alot harder
  9. http://www.thewtl.com/ this looks cool
  10. https://www.fighttraining.com https://www.bjj.org
  11. i liked the blade movies.
  12. shadow box, jump rope, work on sidesteping, sliding, fake kicks, etc.
  13. u should spare with big guys more often. i'm kinda used to it
  14. u can't really judge styles from the movie. all u see is wc guy sucks n the kyokushin guy knocking him out with 4 shots.
  15. does sanda count as wushu. I know it's created from it. i personally don't like wushu but sanda's cool.
  16. 3 sided broad sword, butterfly swords, 3 section shooting dart. that's all i could think of
  17. my school's dragon temple martial arts. we've only been around for 4 years since master moved out of ymca but it's an excellent school, that practices wtf style and crosstrains. we also have a suggestion box and a few meetings after gathering days where we talk about what we could do to improve the school. and the open sparring club's pretty new, we only have a few members but it's upstairs on fitness quest on sundays. btw
  18. donno if heavy bag does much for blocking which he mentioned but it certainly helps for developping striking power
  19. any1 that says any 1 style's the best probably doesn't know what he's talking about.
  20. back leg, stopping power. baby.
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