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Everything posted by NewEnglands_KyoSa

  1. I am not sure i've heard of or been taught the 'toe sticking up' concept...anyone wish to elaborate for me?
  2. Now that we're talking about giving money out...
  3. I don't know honestly. I think treatment and situations like that come in degrees ranging from minor to extreme. If it leans more towards extreme where it's very disheartening to your studies and/or affects your studies i might consider leaving. But just the fact that Martial Arts typically isn't like a team thing, it's a lot about YOU the practitioner and ME the practitioner, kind of united but alone sort of thing? I think that, that philosophy of karate being about me and kind of forget about others and focus on my own training would get me through it. But like i said, all of this depends on how bad the situation is.
  4. wow. internet dating wedding cakes...what now? that's pretty cool though. the details are incredible especially on the keyboard, the wire making the heart and the starbucks cups. that must take so much patience
  5. As long as you can deal with yourself, and your situation, good for you. Just as long as you're not going to drive yourself crazy then you don't have to talk to anyone. You are right, you don't owe anyone anything, just focus on doing things that will makes the rest of your life easier to deal with. If you think your old instructor's going to go away quietly, leave 'em be. If not, you may want to reconsider talking to him. You haven't been treated right, so from here on out, it's all about YOU!
  6. But for the most part, i don't think you should automatically get a lack of respect based on what your belt looks like. And i mean, of course there's exceptions to this. I'm going to be wary of what you're all about when you walk into my school with a hot pink belt on or with super grand master emroidered down the side. But i don't think belts necessarily denote disrespect?
  7. Alright members, i got Pat on my side ...all i need is you guys. Give me your feedback, what do y'all think...who's in?
  8. Welcome! You're new to MAs, so your hips are feeling violated right now. They are simply not used to the motions you're making them do and they're telling you to cut the crap. But because you want to press forward in the MAs you're going to have to stretch these places out. Personally, i'd just say you have a set of sore muscles and flexors that aren't used to doing what you're asking them to do. Just like Martial Artists punch makiwara boards, roped up poles, etc to break down and toughen their hands, you need to do the same thing by stretching lightly, but daily. It will fade over time and get used to the actions that are occuring. I've heard this same thing out of many, many first-timers. Good luck and continue to stretch and drink water.
  9. Anyone else sick of scrolling down and seeing: Most users online 459 on october 10, 2006. I kind of want to change that, even if it just means 460... anyone with me??? Patrick??? Lets make it a community project!
  10. Welcome! And congratulations on all your successes. The experience of traveling nationally to fight must have been incredible. Again, welcome, im sure you'll have a lot to contribute.
  11. Ah, yes. Agreed. It's funny because two different people could jump in on this forum right now and argue both sides equally as well. "Hey we shouldn't hold rank in such high regard, blah blah blah...." and "Hey, rank has a meaning and purpose and without it we'd be lost and all killing each other over who knows what, blah blah blah..." So when i think two arguments like that can be equally debated i think the topic is just simply a necessary evil. Ranks, Belts, Seniority are necessary evils.
  12. Oh yes. They are very good work outs. Just make sure not to go too fast too soon. If you tried things in one minute incriments the other day, and now you're dying today, start at like 30 seconds and then build. But im telling you, do those and you'll be flying in no time Glad i could help.
  13. With respect... The information i presented comes not from myself, but from trained professionals in the sports performance industry that I, myself have trained with. They have all acquried either bachelors if not masters degrees in sport performance, therapy, anatomy and physiology, etc. All are also certified CSCS. From the sounds of it you echoed my words in more professional terms. The roller is, theraputic but also aids with the lactic acid. The acid that yes, disipates but i don't think i'd use the terms quickly to describe that. I'll double check for my own personal comfort, and my nagging OCD. Nonetheless, cjgotti, we're not here to argue conditioning as such but what we're both saying is...roller could be benficial, stretch and be careful. That's all you should have to worry about. Soreness is to be expected. Follow what makes you comfortable, because listening to your body is the best thing to do.
  14. A little much??? Certainly not enough on the class end an way too much money for just one class. I certainly hope that's like a three hour class taught by the gods of MAs.
  15. Fighting isn't 100% physical. It would be foolish to think that it is. Old or not so old. End of story.
  16. This is very true. Not many instructors would test you if you were destined to fail.
  17. I've seen many athletes come through our school, who are extremely amazing athletes and can pull off amazing fights and kicks and follow ups and combinations. Being an athlete does contribute. It does add an invention. But are they fighters? No. They can't break down the science, the theory, they usually can't even answer why...why this over this? why does this work? etc. This doesn't show in fighting a single person, but in fighting more than one person or divulging reasons why is where they prove insufficient in the MAs world.
  18. Firstly, RELAX. This will settle, i promise. Politics like this in MAs happen daily...the dust will settle. If this is going to affect you sleeping at nigth, i suggest you talk to both of them, your old instructor and your current. Explaining to the old one why you left and that it's part of your journey and it's something you needed to do. Staying with him wasn't the right direction for you, etc. I'd explain very respectfully to your current one, that although you left, you are not about to drag your old instructor's name through the mud. You still respect them for who they are, you just can't respect what they do. Tell him you'd appreciate if he'd not make ill statements about them or say them while youre not around. If you can think you can live without talking to the both of them, and let the dust settle, that works too. I just think they'll be more ramifications if you don't talk to them. But relax, everything will work out. You made the right choice, you don't deserve to have this problem, but you can handle it.
  19. Ugh, i agree. You know how many times i have to break up a shoving fight in my kids class, over which of the four red belts gets to be the highest one? Kids have no sense of seniority, because they don't understand the concept(most of them) which doesn't help much. But obviously most kids are bent on getting their next color or next stripe, i mean we all did it, don't get me wrong. at one point in our lives all our goal was to get a black belt, i mean that's everyone...there's nothing wrong with it. but i agree, my kids get out of hand sometimes.
  20. Yes. In my opinion trying to use the blade is harder for me, perhaps because i've been using my heel all my life. But i'd be interested to see what kind of impact and difference it makes to use eiter technique, blade or heel.
  21. I forgot to mention, but for those of you who have this theory(some of you may not, it is usually a high ranking theory), or any of you who have the basic idea of this theory...i've learned a lot from the opposite circles theory, applying to jujitsus(off balancing/takedown techniques). For those of you who don't know it, perhaps researching it or asking an instructor would be up your ally. It is a wonderful and confusing theory having to do with what's being said here. Very hard to explain out of a dojo setting, though.
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