If you need help choosing a martial art, would like to compare different arts with one another, or want to discuss how the possibility of cross-training multiple arts together, this is the right place. Please read the forum guide before posting.
Keeping yourself healthy and fit becomes a necessity when you are actively participating in the martial arts. Discuss workouts, sickness, injuries, physical training, and daily healthy living.
Sometimes hands and feet just aren't enough. Learn what to do when someone attacks with a weapon, learn to use, and better your skills with martial arts weapons and more. Includes Eskrima, Iaido, Kendo, Kobudo, and Kyudo.
Items of interest to practitioners of any martial art. If it's about more than one specific genre of arts or of a genre not yet covered - this is the place! But if it can fit into one of the more specific forums, it should probably go there.