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Another round of testing at the dojo and...

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we both passed! Zach is now a new 8th kyu, and I"m a new 6th kyu.

This test didn't quite go as smoothly for either of us as the previous ones, for different reasons (for each of us). As always, our testing cycles start with the formal bow, random hojo undo techniques, and then sanchin. Candidates for brown belt ranks (3rd, 2nd, and 1st kyu) are tested on hojo undo and sanchin separately, since they get tested on kime/conditioning and they have to perform hojo undo in Japanese. Zach and I both did fine on our hojo undo and sanchin.

The next part of the test was on kote kitae and two-person drills. Unfortunately, Zach was partnered with a kid who wasn't all there today, and Zach isn't assertive enough to take charge and go on his own. Therefore, after the group of kids went, they had the individuals who had troubles work with members of the instructor panel. Once zach was working with a black belt, he was able to do fine on that.

He was also partnered with the same kid for bunkai, so they both struggled with each other. Again, he performed bunkai with one of the instructors, and he was able to get through. He had issues with some of the performance aspects, but the defenses he did fine on.

So when I got up for my test there were 2 11-12 year old kids and me testing for green belt ranks, which meant I got to work with our CI. Frankly this is both a good and bad thing. He will definitely make you look good, because he performs his drills with a high degree of intensity and sincerity. However, he also pushes you to work at the best level you can, which tends to tax my CV fitness (which is improving, but still not where it needs to be).

For example, when he and I did kote kitae, he was hitting me hard enough that the members of the audience could hear it. I know for a fact that if he'd hit me this hard when I first started, I would have gone home with bruises and/or stress fractures. It was borderline painful, but I'm not feeling any tenderness now.

Also, when we did our two-person drills, I slightly flubbed one of my blocks and my ring finger bent the wrong way, so that's going to be a few days to recover (hopefully).

We both passed, and when I got my feedback from my evaluating instructor, he wanted me to work on a few little things, like the placement of my thumbs when in tiger (guard) stance, getting my kicks a little higher (in our kicking drill), and making my circular blocks a bit bigger -- he said they were pretty good at the beginning, but tended to get a little smaller as the test wore on. He also said that he normally wouldn't mention those to me yet, but there weren't any big things he wanted me to work on.

So except for a ring finger that's swollen and doesn't want to bend quite right, I'm feeling pretty good about myself. Zach was very happy too, and he was told that he needs to make sure each movement is separate. Ie, step, pause, block, pause, strike.

And here of course we are in our shiny new ranks:



Shuri-Ryu 1996-1997 - Gokyu

Judo 1996-1997 - Yonkyu

Uechi-Ryu 2018-Present - Nidan

ABS Bladesmith 2021-Present - Apprentice

Matayoshi Kobudo 2024-Present - Kukyu

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  • 1 year later...
Nice looking dojo by the way!

I'm sure my CI appreciates the compliment! In the year since I posted this, we've moved to a new dojo, and Zach and I have both gone through a couple of testing cycles. Zach is now a 5th kyu, and about a week and a half ago, I passed my 3rd kyu test:


The new dojo is roughly 2-3x the size of the old dojo, and has three different training areas. The two downstairs areas (combined) are roughly 50% larger than the previous dojo, and they're now covered in Zebra mats. There is also an upstairs area, which is about 75% the size of the old dojo, and he put the bamboo floors from the old dojo in there. Due to the COVID pandemic, the previous tenant had to evacuate, and our CI was able to get a lease on this space for about the same as he was paying for his previous space.

Shuri-Ryu 1996-1997 - Gokyu

Judo 1996-1997 - Yonkyu

Uechi-Ryu 2018-Present - Nidan

ABS Bladesmith 2021-Present - Apprentice

Matayoshi Kobudo 2024-Present - Kukyu

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