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2024 Goals?

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we are fast approaching the end of this year, I was looking for some kind of new year goal post, but didn't find one (Apologies if I simply missed it!)

I used to be quite enthusiastic about setting goals for the new year, but to be honest, since becoming a family man and then when the covid pandemic hit, my simple goal has just been to survive... Which I am please to report I have been achieving!

But now since I have returned to an old dojo about 4/5 months ago this have revived my views towards my training and goals...

So my main goal within the new/old club is to keep up the attendance that I have maintained for the past 4/5 months but I would also like to learn the rest of their kata (I currently know 9 out of their 11 kata, but I am half way through learning the 10th one already.

Within my own karate I would like to simply maintain practise of the syllabus and kata to ensure I don't forget them. and to also keep up visiting the dojo once a month with select members to keep my karate alive (some black belts from the new/old club have expressed interest in training with me and learning from my style, so wish to make sure I can still deliver for those individuals).

Also with my revival of training enthusiasm, I have been focusing more on Kobudo training and have learnt some kata there that and I simply wish to maintain and study further.

Aside from the martial art side of things, in my everyday life I have the simple goal of just trying to keep up! we have a 3 year old and a 1 year old. My wife makes the majority of the plans, and it can be very difficult to try and keep up with what we are doing! a lot of the times I just feel like I'm along for the ride! So this year I want to try and focus more there so I know whats going on!

What about yourselves? any goals or thoughts on the upcoming year?

Ashley Aldworth

Train together, Learn together, Succeed together...

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I have a few goals related to martial arts. The first is MA adjacent. I found out that I have tachycardia this year and I want to get that under control so that I can continue to train at the level that I enjoy training at.

I want to get a few karate papers that I am writing published.

I want to get my Nidan. I've been a Shodan for 15+ years, it's probably time to rank up.

Martial arts training is 30% classroom training, 70% solo training.


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I used to do a yearly retrospective and make New year goals in my training log. Last couple of years, it's just been a retrospective, highlights, lowlights, a summary. The goals were always the same, stay in shape, avoid injury, keep the weight down, get out to at least a couple of seminars. Not too specific or measureable.

Sometimes goals don't work out, and it's not apparent all at once. I learn from that, too. Running is a good example, an obvious goal is to run a faster pace, a longer distance. I tried that for a couple of years, then plateaued and was troubled by injury. Now I've cut back on it, since I really only took it up more seriously because it was efficient, simple, solo- but I didn't enjoy it as much as martial arts or get the mental benefits.

Recently I reconnected with an old training friend, and I've be going to his Hapkido classes.

I'm excited to be doing that again, and it's all coming back quickly. My goal is to stick with that.

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My biggest goal for 2024 is to increase my stamina and drop some weight. I figure if I can do both of those, improved karate will follow.

Shuri-Ryu 1996-1997 - Gokyu

Judo 1996-1997 - Yonkyu

Uechi-Ryu 2018-Present - Nidan

ABS Bladesmith 2021-Present - Apprentice

Matayoshi Kobudo 2024-Present - Kukyu

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My professional goal is to get my new Dojo fully built and operational.

My personal goal is to lose weight...no more Fat Cobra...I need to turn into the Iron Cobra!

Karate no Michi! :karate:

Godan in Ryukyu Kempo

Head of the Shubu Kan Dojo in Watertown, NY

(United Ryukyu Kempo Alliance)

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In no particular order...

Lose Weight

Continuing Improved Health all around

Increase my mobility


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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My personal 2024 goal is to make3 it to 2025 without more physical problems!

If you don't want to stand behind our troops, please..feel free to stand in front of them.

Student since January 1975---4th Dan, retired due to non-martial arts related injuries.

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