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i've been wanting to do a martial art for a long time now, and i'm hoping to start doing TKD soon. if anyone knows any good websites i could have a look at, or just knows of a decent dojang in the nottingham/mansfield area (England) i'd really apreciate it.


for the physical side, is there any particular exsersizes/weight training i could do to help me along?


i know you get these questions all the time, so thanks to anyone who reply's in advance :)

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hey, another ben! if you look in the health, training, and fitness section you'll find all sorts of stretches and exercises that'll help you along. can't say i know of any dojangs though, sorry

"I hear you can kill 200 men and play a mean six string at the same time..."-Six String Samurai


thanks guys :)


anyone get anything else they might think will help i'd apreciate it! :)


Hi Ben :) Try searching on https://www.yell.com (the yellow pages on-line) I did a search for martial arts in mansfield and it came up with a few results with web pages


Good luck


best wishes



9th Kyu red belt Wado-Ryu


wow, thanks a lot! :)


where abouts in the UK do you live btw?

My name is not. It is Ken. Which rhymes with Ben! Yeah! That's something ain't it? Maybe not.

Ken Chenault

TFT - It does a body good!

:lol: :lol: :lol: sorry, i guess you're just not as special as us. just watch, "Ben" is probably actually named ralph or something.

"I hear you can kill 200 men and play a mean six string at the same time..."-Six String Samurai

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