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A girl problem :-/

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Okay, before I blabber on (or type, actually) I want to make on thing clear, I'm not whining about a girl that I have a crush on that I will never be able to go out with.


The problem is on the contrary, there's a girl that I can't get rid of! I know that sounds rude, but it's starting to become a problem. Whenever class starts and we have to team up with partner to either do techniques or some work out, this girl rushes over to me like a valley girl. The thing is, when we're doing kata's or techniques she always goofs around and resorts to hitting me.. where she shouldn't! >:| So I just start to jokingly spar with her, which is bad, because I should be showing my freakin dedication by doing the techniques!!! And if I can manage to calm her down, she's terrible at those techniques, not only countering, but attacking. I can't even remember how many times I've told her to "punch me with the right arm, not the left" "no, a hook punch.. not a.. bitch slap".


I much prefer training with the dedicated students that attack me properly, and as if they meant it.


Anyway, I'm 15 (incase that helps) and I was wondering if you guys could think of anyway to make this stop. I have a terrible weakness for girls (especially brunettes) so I can't just be straight forward and tell her I don't like partnering with her... heelp!


Oh, and tonight I'm going to be testing for my advance white! From no-belt to advance white!! I'm so proud of myself :karate:

"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Sir Winston Churchill

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haha, believe me I've tried that. She goes "alright" and then stops screwing aroud for about a minute. Then the whole thing starts over again. And take into consideration that she is a wuss, she was whining and complaining when she was holding up a pad and I was kicking it, I mean c'mon, she was guarded by a foot of padding!!! If I punched her even with 30% of my strength she would probably break down. Grr, I don't mean to sound sexist, I'm well aware that there's good female martial artists out there, even at my school, but this one's just terrible.

"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Sir Winston Churchill

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if it's any consolation, i doubt this girl will last another 3 months into her training. ;)


you could try to talk to your instructor about the problem. don't badmouth the girl, but just say that you have a hard time learning when you're paired with her. that way, your instructor could partner her off with someone else before she runs over to you next time. after all, you're paying good money for your training and you need to be assertive if you think you're not getting as much out of class as you should be.


congratulations on the promotion!

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Speak with your instructor and explain it to him. Training with the same person every time, whether you are serious or not, is not a good idea anyway-it limits your experience and can develop bad habits. If the instructor won't help, find another partner first.



"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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The next time you have to pair up, run to someone else before she gets to you. Simple enough. If she asks, tellher it's not good to practice with the same person everytime. You need variety to catch a range of styles and tendencies.

Ken Chenault

TFT - It does a body good!

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I think I'll try and just run over to another partner before she can catch me. I don't know about talking to my instructor, I'm still pretty new and I don't want to start whining.. just yet ;) maybe if the situation still does not clear up I could resort to that.

"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Sir Winston Churchill

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You could try acting like a drill seargent. The harsh language drives away the less dedicated, and drives the dedicated people to train harder. (IE so they can make you eat it)

Paladin - A holy beat down in the name of God!

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I’m very surprised that your instructor hasn’t noticed this. Perhaps if you stopped goofing around with her like you said, this wouldn’t happen. After all, it takes two to goof around like that.


Oh, as a geezer I would try and get rid of that “weakness” for any female. Yes, I know its impossible … esp for a 15 year old … but keep it in the back of your mind. Its hard to train when your 18, have 2 kids and work delivering pizza’s because you can’t afford college. Just my 2 cents :brow:

Wrestling, Tai Chi, Judo, Isshinryu, Tang Soo Do

after 35 years I haven't mastered a single one.

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I would try talking to her before hand. Say something like "Hey, I'm working on my next belt, and I REALLY want to get this right. Can we make sure to stay focused tonight? Thanks." If she even has a passing interest in you, she should agree. Make it clear you're serious about your training and don't give in. Then, if she starts to goof, you can remind her of her promise. It may take a few lessons, but soon she'll realize that if she wants to work out with you, she has to be serious. So she'll either get serious to stay with you, or decide she'd rather goof with someone else. Again, the key is to get her to agree to be serious, then you can use her promise as leverage.
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