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Then how come noone from Kansas City did take Gracie?


Throw out all the rules in the "No Holds Barred" competition and then see how Royce would do against someone taking out his eye. And before you cry foul again, the UFC was touted as a free for all event when it first came out, and yet it had rules. It was a setup job by the Gracies to show off their grappling skills, which are formidible, but a "minor" snow job none the less. They are GREAT marketers and know how to work the system. Just my opinion and nothing more, so don't start bashing me or my character. 'Nuff said.

Ken Chenault

TFT - It does a body good!

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If you Watched Royces Fights You Would Realize people were usually too busy worrying about getting one of their arms snapped or getting choked out..


Why Does Everyone have an advantage over Royce in Eye gouging an Biting? Royce can do it aswell as anyone and was usally in the dominate position.


royce did Get biten in UFC 1 anyways...It got his opponet an extra nasty choke....So unless your argument comes down to martial artist with years of training being able to do nothing but poke people in the eyes your argument dosent hold much weight.

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If you Watched Royces Fights You Would Realize people were usually too busy worrying about getting one of their arms snapped or getting choked out..


Yep, he's a very solid and skilled fighter.

Why Does Everyone have an advantage over Royce in Eye gouging an Biting?


Everyone does not. The answer for those that do is "because they will do it, and he will not"

Royce can do it aswell as anyone and was usally in the dominate position.


You assume too much. To begin wth, you assume that these attacks will be used solely after a clinch and take-down. People who wait till they are loosing to start fighting are simply going to loose.

royce did Get biten in UFC 1 anyways...It got his opponet an extra nasty choke....So unless your argument comes down to martial artist with years of training being able to do nothing but poke people in the eyes your argument dosent hold much weight.

It's another fallacious assumption. Typson and Holyfied we both very skilled and compitent boxers. Tyson bit off Holyfield's ear. Right that moment, Tyson put himself in the dominant position.


To use a more benign example, find out what "checking the oil" is in wrestling, and what effect it has.

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Everyone does not. The answer for those that do is "because they will do it, and he will not"


I dont think Royce would hesitiate to bit or eye gouge someone if he felt threatened, But your right it proabably would not be his first option. But he does have the skill to use other options effectivly


I have also heard people mention Royce talking about biting people in certain situations in some of his self defense seminars.

You assume too much. To begin wth, you assume that these attacks will be used solely after a clinch and take-down. People who wait till they are loosing to start fighting are simply going to loose.


I think Most would agree bitting or eye gouging are not very effective in "striking range". by the time The clinch is achieved it is usaally not long beofore one person gets a takedown. So you dont have much time to pull something off before you end up on the ground..at that point see my last statment.

It's another fallacious assumption. Typson and Holyfied we both very skilled and compitent boxers. Tyson bit off Holyfield's ear. Right that moment, Tyson put himself in the dominant position.


HAd it been a "real fight" what woudl have kept holyfield from doing the same thing back?

To use a more benign example, find out what "checking the oil" is in wrestling, and what effect it has.


Yes i know of it :idea:

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...And what keeps this thread any different from the tens of other threads covering the same topic?

"I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." Einstein

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So are you saying that the traditional arts that were represented in the UFC were at a disadvantage because they couldn't bite or eye-gouge?


How do these arts practise these techniques?


Do they practise them "live"?


If so, do they have many students? If not then how do you know they can get them to work against a resisting opponent - especially an expert grappler?


Oh, and if you're going to ask people not to attack your character, maybe you should give the same consideration to the Gracies - saying that what they did was a "snow job" is the same as saying they're frauds.

BJJ - Black Belt under John Will (Machado)

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[quote name="TJS

It's another fallacious assumption. Typson and Holyfied we both very skilled and compitent boxers. Tyson bit off Holyfield's ear. Right that moment, Tyson put himself in the dominant position.


HAd it been a "real fight" what woudl have kept holyfield from doing the same thing back?



After the bite I imagine Tyson would back up to leave Holyfield to suffer. Depending on what part of the ear, it can bleed ALOT.

How do these arts practise these techniques?


Do they practise them "live"?


If so, do they have many students? If not then how do you know they can get them to work against a resisting opponent - especially an expert grappler?


Swimming goggles will allow you to practice eye-gouging relatively safely. If you hit the plastic with an eye-gouging attempt, that would obviously have gone into the eye otherwise.

Paladin - A holy beat down in the name of God!

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I said it was a MINOR snow job. The UFC is very misleading in its marketing campaign. Touted as being the most brutal and anything goes tourney around at the time. It was all marketing which is based on half truths most of the time. Also my posts started out by saying the writer of thearticle had a point about limiting techniques and such in a supposed anything goes tourney. I simply meant that everyone in those tourneys are at a disadvantage to see who is really the best because of the rules and limitations. That format favors the grapplers, and I hope that is readily seen by everyone. Also my original post stands. Come to Prospect Street in KC MO and stay after dark and they will be taking you away in a body bag by morning. Nastiest street in the city. That was the point of my posts, simply giving credence to the writers view on his life and training in that part of the city. If what he says is true, then I believe he would win the fight. That will be all I say, because everyones tone on this subject tends to be nastier and nastier. Eveyone here tends to hold things to close to the heart and too tightly. Lighten up everyone.

Ken Chenault

TFT - It does a body good!

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