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plan 2 b instructor


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i plan to be am instructor of a mix sex class because i do not belive in a single sex class, i would make people wear they gi's because in my instructor class like black belt train in shorts and t-shirt, can you give me advice.


L8er :karate:

Trodai Karate, Brown Belt 1nd Kyu

"Belts Are For Holding Your Pants Up" Bruce Lee

"With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility"Ben Paker

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Assuming that you are planning to start your own class under your instructors club / still in the same association.


I would recommend that you are atleast a 1st dan and preferably a 2nd dan before you start to run your own class - no offence to anyone but nobody wants to be taught by a coloured belt! For safety you definitely need to take a coaching course and a first aid course so that you are confident and safe in what you are doing. :D


When you first start out, I would be particularly careful to follow the guidance of the senior instructors... changing the dress code / content of the lessons etc is going to cause a few "who the hell does he/she think he/she is?" comments :o


Make sure that you have the support of fellow instructors as you will need assistance once the class gets to a reasonable size for sub-teaching and not to mention those weeks when you cannot make it for one reason or another.


I dont know how old you are but I guess late teens (occupation: student) - this may cause you some problems in itself as you will not look knowledgeble... I was 21 when I took over my class so I am not having a go! :P


Advertising in local shops and papers etc is the best way to get a club noticed in my book.



Andy Wilkinson (Sandan)

Renketsu Karate Club Senior Instructor


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One thing you need to look out for Wilko9999, is that in the UK I think under law now you need to have proper coaching before teaching children any martial art (considered "Sport" by our government). You need to have done a MVQ level in coaching and First Aid. Please check up on this before to make sure. I could be wrong, just read that somewhere. Renketsu is that right? :-?


As for a dress code, in the dojo I personally don't agree with training in t-shirt and shorts. I think a Gi should be worn at all times. If you want to be traditional anyway :)


Good luck!



2nd Kyu Brown Belt, Wado Ryu Karate-do

"Daniel-san best karate still inside!" Mr Myagi

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I think your club insurance will insist on you holding coaching and first aid quals as you will be a public health risk otherwise... Lets be honest, you would have be stupid not to have done a coaching qualification (like the EKGB one) to run a class if it voids your insurance! I dont know if it has to be a NVQ one, just one that is recognised by the governing body (i could be wrong too! :-? )


First aid is an absolute must even if it's not defined on your insurance policy - it is important to know what to do in case! I insist on all new students filling out "medical declaration" form before training, with emergency contact details and medical conditions / medication taken. I keep all of these current (updated each year when students re-licence) and with me when teaching. :idea:



Andy Wilkinson (Sandan)

Renketsu Karate Club Senior Instructor


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in the trodai club when you are black you are a part instructor then when you are 18 you take an instructor belt this means you can run a club, i am 16 i am going 2 start a club with my 19 year old friend, when we go for are black belt are 1st dan is in that so when i get me black i will be a black belt 1st dan, and i plan to get my martial art licence when i am a black belt.


for the instructor belt i teach my instructor class threw half of the lesson


and thank for tilling me about the first aid i need 2 do.


and i am not take over i am making a new club. we are ran by the a.m.a and the b.c.k.o


L8er :karate:


P.s. andy are name is the same

Edited by wilko9999

Trodai Karate, Brown Belt 1nd Kyu

"Belts Are For Holding Your Pants Up" Bruce Lee

"With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility"Ben Paker

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in the trodai club when you are black you are a part instructor then when you are 18 you take an instructor belt this means you can run a club, i am 16 i am going 2 start a club with my 19 year old friend, when we go for are black belt are 1st dan is in that so when i get me black i will be a black belt 1st dan, and i plan to get my martial art licence when i am a black belt.


for the instructor belt i teach my instructor class threw half of the lesson


and thank for tilling me about the first aid i need 2 do.


and i am not take over i am making a new club. we are ran by the a.m.a and the b.c.k.o


L8er :karate:


P.s. andy are name is the same

Trodai Karate, Brown Belt 1nd Kyu

"Belts Are For Holding Your Pants Up" Bruce Lee

"With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility"Ben Paker

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The UK govt is starting to make sure MA teachers have an NVQ qualification (one of the senior instructors in England for my club is actually working with/for the govt on this one so i've heard) but its strange because teaching MA previously will make for an easy pass for most instructors. But its a good idea and should help to cut down on McDojo's.
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Sounds ok as long as it doesnt become a way of the govt making more money out of people. :bawling:


Having a karate teaching qualification would be quite cool :) , pity there is no govt/official recognised standard for dan grades... imagine having a work signature with your rank in... stop people giving you abuse by email :brow:

Andy Wilkinson (Sandan)

Renketsu Karate Club Senior Instructor


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Renketsu is right about the age thing. While it is important to be at least a 1st dan before teaching, youre age is also a factor that affects your teaching. I am 24 and only an assistant instructor but I have noticed that older students have a tendency to give me doubtful looks, or question me outright, when in fact I am teaching the same techniques as the Chief Instructor.

So recognize or be hospitalized

Cuz literally on a scale from one to ten I'm 25.

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