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I need some help,


Could anyone tell me how to successfully meditate? And what is the usage of meditating? How does it help?, What does it do?, ect.



Ryan "Ryu" Somers

Blue Belt - ITF Tae Kwon Do

2 Years - Basic Hapkido

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Its more or less just a way of relaxing.


Im sure there are deeper schools of it that you can go into but for the sake of what we do in class its bascailly just used to calm down and relax.


When I teach it I basically say just take deep breaths and try and clear you mind and let your body go limp. However I have had some who pray or just go though the motions out of respect. We usually don't do it much longer than a min or so at the start and end of class.


Im sure the deeper you go into it and the longer you do it you can become really relaxed. However their are no SUPERPOWERS or MIND CONTROL things that come out of it.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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There are lots of different ways to meditate, but here are two that I know of.


1. Sit comfortably and concentrate on your breathing. Try to clear your mind completely. When a thought comes into your head just dismiss it as 'just a thought' and don't concentrate on it. Concentrate on your exhalations, and see your inhalations as just a disruption to your exhalations.


2. Once again you're concentrating on your breathing. This time imagine the path it takes inside your body. Imagine, as you breath in, the air traveling into your mouth, down your throat and into your stomach. Imagine it spiraling round and round into smaller and smaller circles in your stomach, and the imagine the opposite for an exhalation (the spiral unwinding, the air traveling upwards from your stomach, to your throat and out through your mouth.)


Hope that helped. :D

Smile. It makes people wonder what you've been up to.

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Thanks you two for all your help.



Ryan "Ryu" Somers

Blue Belt - ITF Tae Kwon Do

2 Years - Basic Hapkido

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I can never meditate at my karate class, the guy goes like - 'mokuso' like 1 or 2 secs later he stops us, i can bearly close my eyes, meh does that actually affect you?

Shito Ryu (3rd kyu) RETIRED - 2002-2003

Now studying BJJ(2006)

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Class is not the place to be meditating. You should be doing that on your own outside of class. Your Sifu should guide you on how to meditate on your own, but when you come to class you should be conditioning, or learning bunkia.
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Learning the microcosmic orbit is a good start for meditation. It helps the body's energy somewhat reset and get's it flowing in the proper direction. You can read about it in a book called awaken the healing light by Mantak Chia.
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