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What Should I do?


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Hi... today I was at one of the dojos that I practice, and there's this guy that he does everythin he can to fight w/ me...


So today, we're havin kumite practice, and the guy came e got to be my partner... I hate practicin kumite w/ him, cause he like to play a little dirty, do things like, kick the knees, frontal punches the head too hard, grab your arms, do somethin similar to that judo's soto gari, and things like that...


But anyway..


there we were practicing shiai kumite without any protection or anything, I was cool... playin simple e light... not hiddin hard... and suddenly the guy gives me a punch at the throat, thank god somehow one of my hands kinda protected the full power of the punch that he gave to my throat..


Then I started to get angry w/ him.. but always controling myself, and then a couple of secs later, I got a punch in my mouth... it bled a little... and my sensei didn't say a word... and the guy didn't seem to care...


And I got really really angry, but at the same time avoidin to do somethin, cause in my religion there's somethin we say like: Love your enemies...


so respectin my "partner" as a humam being, I kept it cool... and then, when i thought it was over, the guy gives me an open hand strike on the back of my head, I got little dizzie... and then to me that was It, I was going to transform this shiai Practice into a street fight! But before I do anythin I came to my senses and asked him to wait while I put my head in it's place... so I don't hurt him...


Maybe he got a little mad cause even knowin that i'm playin cool w/ him, not puttin much effort to fight him, I'd still win... hehehehehhehehe :brow:




But I heard he already ripped a dude's kimono, broke one guys feet... gave some dude a Black eye! and the sensei didn't do anythin! I can't understand that, i've never seen anything like that at my shito-ryu dojo...


So now I wanna know, what would you guys have done? is this normal in your training? is it normal the sensei to didn't do anythin about it? please send me your comments about it...


btw, the guy is like 30, 1,90cm, 1st. dan...


i'm 18, 1,76cm. 9th.kyu ( i'm in that experimental kyu, cause I'm a 2nd. kyu in shito-ryu... so I'm only a couple of months in that shotokan dojo, and the sensei is kinda decidin wich kyu I'll be in shotokan... )

If you could improve yourself in only three or two months, everybody would be invencible...

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In the street you can't call foul. This guy is just a gun-ho karateka and is doing you a favour by attacking aggressively. In the long run you’ll be better able to handle a real fight situation. Next time he goes to throw you, try one of your own, its not dirty it’s bunkai.



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yeah... that's usually wut I do... return with blows in the solar plexus... or ribs... I dunno.. I'm not used to get hit in the face... and that kinda f*ck up with my ego... as sho-ju said... he's doing me a favor I guess.. it's a good way to loose my ego... I dunno... i guess it's good for me to face situations like these... so I can learn more about myself, and to control myself... right?? I mean.. it's all part of the "art", I guess me not wanting to get hit on the face, Is like boxer not wanting to get hit on the face, a tkd guy not wanting to get kicked on the face... it's part of what we do right?

If you could improve yourself in only three or two months, everybody would be invencible...

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I commend you tenkamusou keeping your cool that way. I do not see this as acceptable. If everyone was like it fine I would accept it and play their game.


When I have come up against people like this I have given them a couple of "stoppers". Failing that I actually dropped one guy because he refused to control himself.


Unless the club has much to offer I think that I would probably leave if the situation persists. I do not like the sensei to just stand back and watch.


Giving you a full on life threatening blow is more than a lesson........

I keep asking God what I'm for and he tells me........."gee I'm not sure!"

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And improve your blocking. Also the sequence in tekki shodan where you convert a head block into a back fist is very useful in real sparring. Then when the back of your fist is in their face go for the solar plexus with the other hand.
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I was an a situation similer to that back when i was shotokan. I dreaded sparring with this one boy who always beat the heck out of me but in the end i found out that it only made me a better fighter. what doesn't kill you can only make you stronger

All things begin with one "Tatsuo Shimabuku"

My Dojo, The only Isshinryu dojo in Arkansas that I know of. http://www.geocities.com/isshinchris/

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Thats all well and good but it makes for an un-even fight if your playing by the rules and he's not, if it really bothers you have a word with the sensei, if not give as good as you get-don't let people walk all over you :)
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He is doing you a favor.


Maybe he should be done a favor in return.


A slipped shot to the groin and elbow to the face. Accidents happen.


My rougher partners tend to be more careful after a dose of their own medicine. Plus it will help him expand his ego.


If it escalates, talk to your sensei. If he likes things this way then the decision is up to you.

One cannot choose to be passive without the option to be aggressive.

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