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Can somebody give me advice?


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I've taken karate for five years but I'm generally small and usually faced against taller, stronger and faster opponents (adults). Me being 14, I find it hard to match them in sparring unless they are my size or close. Does anybody have any tips to help me "remedy" this?
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I was fighting adults when I was your age as well.


Some general advice:


Make the most of your speed.


Sidestep if you can.


In then back out again.


Dance about like Muhammed Ali.


Wait for the opponent rather than attack.


more anybody...............

I keep asking God what I'm for and he tells me........."gee I'm not sure!"

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Fortunately, most martial arts are designed to give "the smaller guy" an advantage over "the bigger guy". That being said, using your full body weight behind attacks will help, which will help you generate more power than just plain muscle. Don't give ground as much. It is easy just to back up against an opponent, but if he or she is bigger, then it is somewhat of a psychological factor against you if you back up, unless you plan it deliberately. Move to the side or forward. I don't know if this is in reference to your goju ryu or your aikido, but in either one, usually bigger guys expect the little guy to retreat. When you move in, you can close the distance and use your weapons that are shorter to your advantage.

Martial Arts Blog:http://bujutsublogger.blogspot.com/

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or close.

If this is where you feel you have the advantage then this is where you should be placing yourself when you spar.

I keep asking God what I'm for and he tells me........."gee I'm not sure!"

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Just face them head on. Dont show them ttat you feel intimidated by their size andantage. Unless they can hit you it doesn't matter. As your only 14 u still have a lot og growth in you. just keep on working hard, and u can be as good as you want.

Read a book!

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you have shorter legs most likely so you need to stand in closer to them b/c you can reach them w/ your legs, but their legs are too long to hit you normally. and don't back up. if you get hit just act like you didn't just keep doing what you were b4 you got hit!

Tae Kwon Do

15-years old


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Im 18 but about 6'1 and I don't like sparring people smaller than me (noticeably smaller I mean) because they can just close in and finish me off, this means I often have to back away somewhat, plus its harder to block low than high..doesn't help that my instructor is smaller than me...
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One of the most successful things I have seen when partners are mismatched in height is for the shorter partner to go in under the hands of their opponent. Go for the solar plexus and ribs.
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GrrrArg, if you want to stop people who are smaller than you from closing in then try the following:


1. If they are not so good then you can take the lowest forward stance you can manage to get down to there level and then block and counter if you can.




2. If they are fairly good then you can try and keep them at bay by using kicks, has they try and move in front kick to the chest and so on. Or practise close fighting so you can match it with them when they move in on you.

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