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Things NOT to say to your instructor...

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Just because your instructor has a tendency to bounce like a boxer, and likes to hit to the head, is no reason to address him as 'Little Bunny Foo Foo' and tell him you're tired of being bopped.

Rule Number One: Your fellow classmates are people, not marks.

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Guy: "Taekwondo is so much better than karate"

Sensei: "Oh really?"

Guy: "Yeah, I could take you any time"

^ A guy said that to our sensei when he started because he had done a couple of other arts for 2 years.

Needless to say he got owned

"...to stand between the candle and the shining moon..."

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A few i could thing of off the top of my head:

"Did you learn that from a movie?"

"Kick your heels out, sir." (While Instructor/Sensei is in a horse stance. My instructor does this. He's got mad Duck-Fu.)

"Your Kiai sounds weird/funny"

To a young female instructor "You look cute in that Gi."

To a female instructor "Are you wearing make-up today?" My friend said this to the craziest Sensei and did push-ups till Sensei Stours got tired of counting.

To sensei with cute daughter while in private lesson: "Can I take your daughter to Prom?" My friend worked up the courage to do that to a Senior instructor during his private lesson. Needless to say, he doesn't want to come within a mile of Dojo anymore without me or my friend, who both go to the same school.

Take a weapon from off the weapon wall or area and just start playing with it. A white belt I was stretching with just took a nine-sectional Chinese whip and just started swinging it around. I guess he didn't notice it had the Head instructors name on it. These things you sometimes forget. Surprisingly, he's still in the system.

"See, this verse is blessed with this skill from a subject and verb specialist.

My lyrics hit ya mental like a double reverse crescent kick.

See, y'all can mention me as that emcee as 10th degree verbal black belt."

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  • 1 month later...

"That seemed too easy."

Sensei then proceded to add me into his second sparring match of the evening, the first being him vs. the only Nidan in the class, the second being the Nidan and myself vs. him. Within a second of the match starting he had both thrown me into the ground and scored three points against me and two vs. the Nidan. Sensei then said, "Oh well. Dave[he's the Nidan] you did much better then last time. And as for you Pat[me] , you responded better then most students of your rank in Okinawa. They would have shown fear. Guess you mastered hiding it." I might add that I was a white belt[ju-kyu] at the time.

"Karate is NOT about the colour of belt you wear it is about the person you become;...to be a good blackbelt is to be humble and respectful amongst other things." -Dobbersky

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  • 6 months later...

Sorry about the huge thread necro, but this was way too good to die.

'What's up?' walking 10 minutes late into class.

'Putting my hand up, walking in random ways, forms are too easy.'

'There's something on your uniform' right in the middle of class.

'Remember, we're sparring, not fighting'. Kinda doesn't make sense.

Keep posting,

"The Leaf, Still Green, Must Someday Fall,

Such Grief, Such Joy, to Live at All."

--T.A. Barron

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I know something that definately shouldn't be said to sensei that was said to me a little while back.

I told the child to Yame

He told me to shut up.

he spent a long time in the corner of the dojo and will never train with me again.

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