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Hey everybody. Glad to find this forum. Lots of meaningful discussions going on.

Yeah, most people are pretty ignorant of martial arts. One guy I know ranted about them for about 5 minutes before concluding in his proof:"Think about it: most of those Asians are alot smaller than the average American. We can take a much bigger blow than they can." Of course he totally missed the entire issue. Martial arts will make you better. They will complement anybody's abilities. Some improve you faster than others. But I believe they all help. You can't tell me that countless punch drills won't improve your punching. Kicking drills improve our kicking. Grappling is the same way. Martial artists are too often compared with opponents much bigger or experienced and expected to win.

However, I do see why they would knock some of the tecniques used, especially as they are portrayed in the movies (as previously stated).

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WTKempostudent hit it on the nose.

When it comes down to it, does it matter what the uninformed think? If they're willing to heckle those who practice martial arts, they're most likely not going to be the type to take you up on an offer to come to your school and train.

Most such hecklers are convinced in their minds, that they are always right, no matter what the topic, and would try to argue physics with Einstein, just so that they can hear themselves talk. Is it really worth wasting time dealing with them, other than a token invitation to train at the dojo?

Of course, it's irritating to listen to them babble. Yes, there have been times where I imagined how nice it would be to throw them, or to sink a kick into their fat bellies (come on! You all have had this temptation one time or another), but at the same time, I'm not one to give them the attention they crave. If they really want to learn more about it in an honest manner, then they'll come forth and ask valid questions, and show a real interest.

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my mate is always going on "awww, gus... bruce lee slap that guy" funny for the first time, but after the 29th its just annoying! especially when they pick fights then expect you to end them! (almost happened but mannaged to talk my way out) then gave them one hell of a bo*****ing! :D

you may freely give up your life, but never lose your honour

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  • 2 weeks later...

Martial arts and martial artists often don't get respect because they don't do a very good job of showing why they should be respected. Respect must be earned. Keep in mind, the average person's view of martial arts is molded by what they see and hear. When their opinion of martial arts is molded by:

1. MMA acting like drug crazed maniacs in a cage

2. Horrible martial arts films

3. Strip mall McDojangs promising the world if you just sign on the dotted line

5. Black belts and Instructors who dress like Power Rangers

t's no wonder the average person's view of martial arts is a bit skewed. How do you combat this? By being a living embodiment of all the good aspects of martial arts. You don't even have to tell people you train. I don't. I constantly try to embody the good things about martial arts. I follow the Hwa Rang 5 Point Code in life. I use martial arts constructively instead of using it for personal gain. If people find out I practice, they can at least see that I'm not some stereotype.

Queen Padme: "So this is how Democracy dies-with thunderous applause."

Annikin Skywalker: "You're either with me or against me!"

Obi-won Kenobi: "That is the Way of the Sith!"

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I hear a joke on Cartoon Network about Martial Arts all the time. the sad thing is, thanks to horrible movies and TV shows, people think that because you do karate you should be able to chop a brick in half. I usually don't tell anybody anymore so t really does not involve me but I'm sick and tired of the disrespect and expectations the Martial Arts get and recieve these days.

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I tend to believe in the 80-20 rule for martial arts:

80% of people in martial arts are responsible for the negative information many people receive about it. 20% will present a positive view given the chance.

That means 80% of Instructors and black belts are the ones who give martial arts a bad name (outlandish uniforms, bad teaching, bad manners etc.), while 20% embody the good aspects of martial arts. So 20% have to constantly keep fighting against the damage inflicted by the 80%. Keep trying but good luck.

Queen Padme: "So this is how Democracy dies-with thunderous applause."

Annikin Skywalker: "You're either with me or against me!"

Obi-won Kenobi: "That is the Way of the Sith!"

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This is really weird, ive hardly ever had any problems with people when they find out i did martial arts, even people who i didnt get on with at college never said anything about it, and i practiced my forms a lot at school.

We get the odd couple of idiots who run through our lessons (local sport centre) shouting stuff every couple of weeks, but nothing that bad....

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  • 2 months later...

i dont find so, most people i know think their tough street fighters lol. I find people usually only have respect for MAA because of UFC which is really to bad...

"Time is what we want most, but what we use worst"

William Penn

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People for some reason fear me thus giving me respect when ii say i study martial arts dont get me wrong i do act like a jerk and be like yea i can destroy you if someone ask i just tell them there are some that r like oh so you do that ufc stuff i just say no "im from Brooklyn i fight dirty when my life is in danger" :brow:

White belt for life

"Destroy the enemies power but leave his life"

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