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The Big Question: Why Do You Do Martial Arts?

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No particular reason for starting other than a man came to door and asked me if I wanted to, and I found myself saying yes entusiasticly, guess the desire must have been lurking somewhere.


I continue because it helps with my addiction problems. Addicted to karate that is, at the moment im working full time for my club doing five classes a week but also training on my own everyday - its great that I can devote alot of time do it and have fun and make some money at the same time.


Also pretty much everyother reason people here have given - although I've never been pregnant..:P

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It's a passion. A feeling that I get from executing the perfect move, or having the perfect match. I love that feeling, and I can't get it anywhere else, except from writing and cofee, but it's still... different somehow. I love the disipline. I even don't mind being yelled at for doing something wrong, or teaching wrong. I love getting critiqued, I guess that's the masochist in me. I look around my dojo, at the blackbelts, and i see my role models. I see people like my friends, but theey are so straight edge and cool.

Dee C.

Normal ( 'nor-m&l)-

an adj. used by humans to stereotype

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1) Protect myself and significant others.


2) Physical Fitness.


3) Flexibility.


4) Speed.


5) Concentration/Focus.


6) Emotional Wellness.


7) Socialism.


:cool: Spirituality.


9) Self Esteem.


10) Impress the female persuasion....

LOL. On number 10, crushes develoup in the dojo, man. There is nothing more attractive to me than a man with a passion. Because it shows that they can love. That they can care about something that much. and that I can share my interests with them. I think dedication is also attractive. I dunno why, but it's just something I value. Prob cause I try to have it.

Dee C.

Normal ( 'nor-m&l)-

an adj. used by humans to stereotype

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a few ppl have already said addiction and its true




wonder which is harder to get off of after a few years


crack or ma?


white belt in everything

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i started training in the martial arts because (being of asian descent) people always asked me if i did karate... so finally i figured i might aswell hop in and become stereotypical. since saying no didn't do as much for my self-esteem as saying "why yes, in fact i have a black belt"...


but yeah, i kept it up cuz i felt right at home when i started. and for a while i kept it up because i was enjoying the steep learning curve. like... every day i felt i improved so much. but as i progressed in ranks, and my training became more focused on polishing what i already knew, my motivation changed and now i do it because i discovered that i actually enjoy getting hit.




that's all true, but if i had to narrow it down to one reason, i'd say cuz its one form of fun that doesn't affect my grades in a negative way.

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I do it for a few reasons. First, it's something I've done my entire life (off and on) and I enjoy it. It's something to do to keep me in shape.


But, more importantly, I do not have custody of my son. Getting to work out with him is something we can do together, and often on days that aren't "my" days to get him. Also, I know my son will probably get in a scrape some day. Doing MA with him helps insure (but of course, cannot guarantee) that when and if he does, he'll be able to take care of himself. And, I truly believe in Junior High & High School, if you get in a scrape and take care of yourself accordingly, you probably won't have to do it again, since most bullies are just looking for an easy target.

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three reasons


1. its fun. by far the biggst reason


2. it gives me confidence


3. it's a necissary skill. if you can't defend yourself, then all you've learned, all you own, everything ypou've worked for in your life ends in a heart beat.

If in your journey you encounter God, God will be cut

~Hatori Hanso (sonny chiba)

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