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Problem with assistant instructor

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This question probably has come up before but I'm looking for some advice or maybe just some of your personal stories. We have some assistant instructors who are black belts who help out in a few classes but are not paid. We have one instructor that we have a few problems with. He is basically yelling at the students from the time they step on the floor to the time they leave. He has no variation in his voice and gives out very little praise. It's not like he hates the kids he just runs it a little more hard core than the rest of us no matter if it is a beginner class or kids going for their black belt. The head instructor has had one talk with him but it only changed for a little bit. There are some parents who don't think to highly of him either. Any advice?
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Teaching is a learning process. And then too there are some who are just not good teachers. You didn't say how long this person had been assisting.


Some people are just hardcore when it comes to their karate. The make better drill sargeants than teachers. But if you think about it a drill sargeant is a teacher.

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Quietly inform the head instructor of the parent's concerns. He stands to loose students if the parents don't take to someone yelling at their kids like that.

Kuk Sool Won - 4th dan

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.

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Its just a method of teaching. To each his own. A nice drill instrcutor type every now and then is a good thing.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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Well I'm all for discipline, but it can be taken too far.


An instructor who shouts at adults is acceptable, IMO. After all, if an adult doesn't like it then they can leave the class and find somewhere else to train, suck it up and make sure they're good enough to avoid getting a yelling or have a quiet word in the instructor's ear, but an instructor who shouts at kids constantly is unacceptable.


Fair enough, shout at the kids if they're misbehaving, or if they're high ranked kids who aren't putting in any effort, but a kid's self-confidence could be really dented by a guy like that.


I agree with what's already been said about bringing it to the head instructor's attention that parent's aren't happy. Better yet, try to convince a parent to approach the head instructor if this is possible.

Smile. It makes people wonder what you've been up to.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Use his personality to your advantage, get him teaching the classes that could do with a yelling at or would not respond badly to a hardcore teacher. ie a hardcore teacher for the hardcore classes. Just say that you want someone else to have a go at teaching the kids. Theres no real need for this to become a major problem. :)
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i would also talk to the head instructor. what belt are you? are you also an instructor becuase if so, maybe you could tell him how negative he is.

Tae Kwon Do

15-years old


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Many parents put there kids in martial arts just for discipline purposes. If he is taking it to extremes then the school owner needs to step in and take care of the situation. If this person is a good Instructor and is not degrading the students then it might be a nice change of pace for them. I have seen Instructors that say "Great!", or "Good job!" anytime a student did anything, and that is not always the case.


Being a tough, strict Instructor is not a bad thing, if it is done correctly.


Good luck to you!

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i think by yelling in occasion here and there would work out fine but if it is constant yelling abuse it wont work that way .. sometimes i as a assitant intructor i " say " " do u wanna do the exercise or u wanna get out of the class " i dont think its harsh but i kno they wont get out of the class instead they will be willing to do the exercise . but i was taught like that too . yelling and here and there .. it does get annoying but it gets the job done .after the class my intructor would become my close friend when we enter the dojo i call it the " warzone" he enters to the state of a sergent . he jokes around here and there fair enough
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  • 3 weeks later...
in my opinion that instructor is doing right and wrong thing, as some will agree and will not agree, but thats just the way he is. infact if he's teaching hardcore style, its actually the right direction because there is no point in training to become as weak as possible, but to train to become as tough and strong as possible. they train to become as strong and tough as possible so the trainers can defend themselves on the street. i read recently that 90% of people who train in martial arts loose street fights, but i dont think thats true, yet martial artists still need to train harder and become stronger, learn more effiicient techniques that actually work in self defense on the street. i know he was teaching kids, but teaching kids to become more skillful and stronger earlier will enhance their self defense ability sooner. for example if a kid never learned how to actually punch or kick strong with the correct technique properly, then they will never defeat the street fights that may happen in the future.
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