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Power !!


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I have powerful and speedy in my punches but my kicks are bad I am ok with kick but when I was practicing my spinning heel and hook kick on a pad I could not get power in my kick HELP :x


and want are you not very good at ?


L8er :karate:

Trodai Karate, Brown Belt 1nd Kyu

"Belts Are For Holding Your Pants Up" Bruce Lee

"With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility"Ben Paker

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Don't expect too much power from your hookl kick. It is extremely difficult to get any hip movement and the lower leg has very little momentum to generate power. However this kick when placed right will easily have enough power to knock your opponent out. You may be able to relate it to a back fist strike. Although you can generate alot of power with this technique in practice (i.e sparring) it is used more as a fast near flicking type action again you do not require the power for this technique to be effective.


Your spinning kick however should be reasonably powerful. I cannot comment on it too much as it is not something that I practice . However, to generate as much power as possible think this way: Momentum (spin) hip (power) leg (delivery of power). The key to this kick is focusing on technique. You need to have the confidence that you will hit the target every time so that you can really let rip.


The kick that I really have to work on is my sidekick. I can make it look nice but it lacks the power I desire on the bag. However all my kicks need developing, they can never be too good :wink:

I keep asking God what I'm for and he tells me........."gee I'm not sure!"

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Im not a big fan of either kick. Both IMO leads to the person being kick, catching your kick way to often. Yeah they look nice. I spend my time on the spinning thrust or spinning back kick which is very powerfrul.


Like they said above its hard get power out of the hook or heal because the hips are sort of locked out.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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Hear your sensei with attention & practice...after that practice again


Its the only way


Ilich Miguel Torres Fong


2nd Dan Shito kai


Central America & Caribbean Confederation of Karate Kumite Judge


Monterrey, México 8)

Im open to learn & talk about any MA or Style (all are great)

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Don't use hook kicks or spinning kicks much but the side kicks I find can be made more powerful by pulling your hips back away from the direction your kicking in whilst preparing the kick and then pushing them forward whilst projecting out the kick, then just before the kick lands pull the hips back to where they were before and this gives the kick alot of snap.


You don't say if you were doing the above telsun so if you are sorry for the time waste :)

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GrrrArg (strange name :) ) Yes what you say about pulling the hips back before you kick will increase power and I have experimented with it. The danger with this 'extra' movement is it may gradually creep into your sparring and you will end up telegraphing your kicks. But that said it did increase my front and sidekick power. I do not really understnad what you mean by returning the hips to the original position once the kick has been delivered. I will explain the best I can how I sidekick the bag:


I square upto the bag. Probably throw a couple of light ones to get my distance. From a Hanzenkutsu dachi stance, left leg forward, right leg kicking. Here goes.......the first small but v.important move is the push from the floor with the kicking leg. This gets loads of momentum going. My knee is up in front of me now hips square. Now my leg extends as my body turns the thrust is concentrated from my hip. I make impact with the bag, drive the hip further and push my other foot firmly to the ground to generate power from there. My supporting leg is not under me it is behind me (only slightly, I am not doing the splits) and all of my momentum is going in the direction of the kick. The guy holding the back has now gone and the kick is recoiled.


I think that's just about it. Obviously it is a smooth fast action. Where I believe I am losing power is in the final thrust through with the hip and the pushing into the ground with the other foot (forward momentum). Honestly my kick is not that weak :) I can kick reasonably hard but I am in desire of kicking people of their feet. Bruce Lee style :karate: Don't get me wrong though I always appreciate advice.


I was just answering wilko9999's original question of what aren't you good at and sidekick is probably my weakest kick.

I keep asking God what I'm for and he tells me........."gee I'm not sure!"

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