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when has for you, Karate been effective and when it ant?


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Yeah i was wondering for storys, of other people who have done Karate, how effective it has been in self defence situion. Or where u have messed up or something has to work, and u have learned from it. Or how it effected you. Just so i can learn from other people really this is, and to learn from other peoples mistakes. Which i feel is allways good. :)




"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace"

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My very first street fight was against a robber who tried to take my sister's purse. He was very high on some drugs and I was drunk. What I learned was: a guy on drugs may not feel anything. Anything includes groin kicks, eye jabs and strikes to the side of the neck.
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i got into a couple brawls with some karate guys. I think one guy said he was a black belt or soemthin. I was quite experienced by then and he kicked hard but I ended up tackling him and bashing his chest about 10 times with my fists kind of like an ape it knocked the windout of him and the fight was over. I think i came out because he used a very strict form and I dont think he ever tried to fight an ape befor.

Martial Arts Experience

-learning a form of jujutsu

This is for all you Hulkamaniacs out there!

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Yeah, I got it back - or to be more precice: I prevented him from getting it in the first place, then he got mad and attacked me.


But I got help from a pizzaman who ran out from a nearby pizza place to help me out. :o :)

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mmm pizza... :P


I use my karate everyday of my life the way I walk and carry myself is due to my training and it shows a confidence in my body that stops people from trying to pick on me (even the ones that used to try don't anymore). The times that I have had to resort to using it, it has done me proud.


Although it is worth mentioning the only time when I had to use it and ended up getting hurt was the time that I didn't really have to use, I let my pride get trampled and responded badly, I now have a small but permanent scar in the corner of my mouth that reminds be that hot-headedness and arrogance are bad qualities and when you let them run free they send your skills out the window. Ah well, a lesson learned.


I blame testosterone.


Side note i'm 18 today!!!!!

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Happy B-day! Yeah, I use karate in one way or another just about every week as a security guard. But the situations where I have been so far "on duty" have been quite mild. No guns have been pulled on me, or any other life-and-death experiences. The drugged robber was the worst I've had to deal with and I don't really know how good I would have been as I got help, and I was drunk. And it was also my first real fight - so I was inexperienced too.
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A drunk and a pizza guy vs a drugie, sounds a good plot for a movie...! :)


I think getting a bit of a beating can do people the world of good-not that I advocate attacking people on the street "for their own good" but for MA's and especially young people (more men I should think) getting hurt a bit in a fight shows you that you're not invincible and acts as a catalyst to motivate you to train more.

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Its not let me down yet and I use it everyday.

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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