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Do you guys practice Karate At the Gym?


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I live in a small place, so I don't have space to practice at home.


I was thinking of using the aerobics room at the gym.


Would wearing my karate pants and a t shirt be asking for attention?


Heck should I even be practicing in a public place like the gym?

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okay, maybe i dont deserve to be a budo ka anymore for saying this, but...


i really dont think we need to be so secretive about everything. lets face it, other people treat us martial artist like mutants. For somereason everyone wants to fight you when they find out you practice. i made the mistake of talking about martial arts with my boss at work, who is a shodan in Tae-kwon-do (can you be a 'shodan' in tae-kwon-do?)


now everyone there always attempts to try my nerves. But when it comes to street fighting, weather they know your skill level or not, a street fighter can not compete against a seasoned karate-ka. But in a place like the gym? everyone there is trying to improve there bodies, minds, and spirits. they all take diffrent routes, weight lifting, swiming, arobics. some even meditate. why should karate be any diffrent. I agree, training in your backyard is relaxing, but if you want an air conditioned room that you can train in even in the rain, heck through the whole gi on and go to the gym! if they have a problem with it they can take it up with you after you finnish practicing your mawashi geri, but i really dont think people who are training anyway will care.

"i could dance like that!.......if i felt like it...." -Master Betty

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Well...,I have gotten strange looks from people in the History dept. when they look through the door to my office and see me doing Kata!



There have always been Starkadders at Cold Comfort Farm!

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I don't have a backyard.


Like i said I live in a small place.


Land ain't cheap where I live.


So you guys do it in the gym and it's o.k.


I guess I'll start doing it in the gym to othen.


Thanks guys.

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I get along well with all the other clubs in the area so I'm able to stop in and use mat space to roll or floor space for kata. It's kinda nice having imput from people of other styles. As for the local gym, sure. I usally do weapons at the gym in a racketball court.
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As for the local gym, sure. I usally do weapons at the gym in a racketball court.


Don't suppose anyone is going to ask you to leave or poke fun at you if your waving around a 6 ft Bo staff or a sword :karate: :lol:

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Focus on training for confined spaces for now :D


That's what I do at home, I practise shadow boxing in narrow spaces, in bathroom, and so on. I also practise kata by cutting it to pieces and training the pieces in small spaces. This is the kind of real life training that translates to real life skills. Loren W. Christensen (my fav. martial arts book author) recommends this kind of training as it will teach you how the environment affects your fighting techniques and options. Very often, real life fights take place indoors, in crowded, littered or furnitured spaces.


Besides being useful, it is fun! :)

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