virt Posted June 18, 2003 Posted June 18, 2003 Hey! I have been reading these forums for a while; they were instrumental in my decision to study Shudokan Karate. I began training in March under Shihan Sensei Marcus DeValentino, the founder of DSSI (DeValentino Shudokan Schools International), a family of friendly, relatively apolitical schools with an emphasis on traditional Okinawan Kenpo and Kobudo systems. Sensei DeValentino was a student of the late Grandmaster Seikichi Odo, and currently holds a rank of seventh dan. Our Sensei has an incredibly positive attitude in general, but I think his most striking trait is that he hesitates to speak ill of other schools, systems, or teachers, regardless of his disagreement with their methods. Humility, respect, and courtesy are stressed far above physical superiority, which makes it very easy to learn, and destroyed my preconceptions about Karate. My fellow Kohai are intelligent and learn quickly, but there is no egotism or one-upsmanship, and even at yellow belt, students help other students. I'm a very driven, ambitious person naturally, which comes in handy as I'm a musician. In my creative mania, however, I lack any sort of self-discipline. This, not the physical and defensive implications, was my main reason for interest in the martial arts, and it is absolutely AMAZING to see actual tangible results in areas totally outside of Karate, after just four months of training. I can focus much more clearly on my music, I can buckle down and work without hesitation, and I am much more likely to start each morning in a good mood. This truly is a way of life. I hope the rest of you have had similar experiences, because I'm finding martial arts to be a VERY addictive self-help method. Let alone the facts that I can do spinning roundhouse kicks and twirl a bo menacingly, or that I've lost 20 lbs and become exceedingly flexible. Hope to share whatever insight I pick up, and I appreciate yours. -Jake
karate_woman Posted June 18, 2003 Posted June 18, 2003 Welcome. Glad you're enjoying your training. The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. -Lao-Tse
G95champ Posted June 18, 2003 Posted June 18, 2003 Welcome to KF (General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."
Patrick Posted June 18, 2003 Posted June 18, 2003 Welcome. Patrick O'Keefe - AdministratorHave a suggestion or a bit of feedback relating to Please contact me! Articles - Awards - Member of the Month - User Guidelines
SBN Doug Posted June 18, 2003 Posted June 18, 2003 Welcome to KFs. Don't let anyone else's opinions dampen your enthusiasm. It sounds like you like it and are comfortable, and that's all that matters. Kuk Sool Won - 4th danEvil triumphs when good men do nothing.
kchenault Posted June 18, 2003 Posted June 18, 2003 Welcome to KF. Enjoy your time here. Ken ChenaultTFT - It does a body good!
gheinisch Posted June 18, 2003 Posted June 18, 2003 Welcome, glad you found your niche and are enjoying your training! "If your hand goes forth withhold your temper""If your temper goes forth withold your hand"-Gichin Funakoshi
monkeygirl Posted June 18, 2003 Posted June 18, 2003 Welcome to the forums! 1st dan & Asst. Instructor TKD 2000-2003No matter the tune...if you can rock it, rock it hard.
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