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diminish skills

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:bawling: i have lost my skills completely. Today i got my butt womp in gym just slap boxing. Man hands don't move as fast as they use to. Plus i can't do 67 pushups anymore. Also i think i have lost some stamina as well. Now i got to work hard again. Has any of this happen to you.

Whatever happens happens

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I’m still young and active, so not really. I did have no grappling skill when I first start Jujitsu a little while down, so I kind know how you feel. Boxing, Kick Boxing, Karate, those were my thing, then I went to my first JuiJitsu class, but beat into the ground like tent stake, lol. I asked the Assistance Sensei to come with me later in the week and train with me. That is how I got caught up with the other white belts. Maybe ask your Sensei if he has time to spend with you.


As for the push ups, your going to have to train your way back up to that, bro


Good luck!

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yes, that has happened to me before, yet not on the same scale. I would train with my class(those that i teach) for a year or so and have no problem smacking them around in sparring since there was no real challenge, yet when i went home to train with my instructor again and the other students i realized that my speed had dropped because i had stopped pushing myself to be better and faster, with my own students i didn't need all that speed and i never had to push myself to be better, so i had to train hard again with some old friends and keep my skill and speed up. Also if you go through some serious surgery you will lose alot too, which believe me really sucks.

That which does not destroy me will only make me stronger

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You will lose what you don't use.


Also you wont be able to train with the same intensity all the time or as you get older so be careful of overtraining as that results in loss, loss, loss.





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Not true, im still young, and i found even though i was training alot, for sum reason, i just oculdnt find the power or energy to put into anything that i was doing, no matter what i tried, but in the gym, i was stillf ine, i was able to increase my stamina on the rowing machine and i was able to do 150 leggpress's on 150 kgs, and im still going harder and stronger, but in the martial art class's i do, i just cant find it in me

Yours In Budo

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OK...then what's going on on a psychological level? If your gym work is going as you want and your MA isn't then are you bored, demotivated or anything else with the MA you practice?


Having said that over what period of time are you doing 150 leg presses? If it's in one session then you are definitely going to get to burnout quite quickly if you continue at that pace. My other question would be why? If you want to get stronger- high weights low reps low sets. If you want to get bigger slightly more sets but not to 150 reps. Each set should be 5 reps max and with diminishing then stabilising weight after the first set- no lifting to failure either. That's very rough and readyso as all genralisations there are qualifiers.


Could you be recovering from gym classes on your MA days, then if your MA days are now light you would be more ready for gym the following day?


This is an interesting problem!





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