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Help with motivation


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The vizualisation definetely works, you can see the person you want to be and that is the burning desire that gets you there. Evereyone that ever drops out of military training is that, when the going gets tough the body sais to the mind 'Why I am doing this? Why do I have to through all this pain?' and if you havn't set a goal you will of course have no awnser!


With regards to the nuts they are the best source of fat, although don't let that put you off since this fat is utilized by the body since it is natural fats, its only when we eat unnatural fats is it actually stored as fat (margerine, cakes, chocolot, sweets, mayonase). They are also a brilliant source of protein.


To find out whether they are a good replacement simply eat them and note how you feel afterwoods. If you feel energetic and light then its a good idea to continue them, if you feel a bit bloated and slow after eating them experiment with some other nuts. I find almonds the best body fuel there is during exercise. Also remember that if you want to lose fat you need to lower the amount of calories comparerd to the amount you burn, and or course to burn more than you are eating it is a good idea to start exercising. Do some form of aerobic work everyday since oxygen is the best burner of fat. Start off slowly and then gradually build up. Do them in the morning on a empty stomach since you will burn calories more effectively. It will also continue to burn calories for many hours afterwords (I can't remember exactly how long something like 8 hours I think). When your nackered after training don't be tempted to start gauging, just have water, some fresh fruit, and yogurt. You may want to start with walking and then slowly moving to jogging.


Also mix some anerobic exercises in as well since you don't want to turn into a thin weaklin at the end of it! Do the basics. Do push ups, squats, sit ups. If normal push ups are too hard, do them from your knees, or even against a wall. Squats should be done for now with hands on hips and feet shoulder width apart, squat down as far as you can go while keeping a flat back, and remember to lift the heels up as you go down, so you work you calves and therefore the entire leg, then go back up. Sit-up must be done properley. Many people advise against sit ups and advise crunches because of injury. We will get injured doing sit ups but only if you them with incorrect form. To do them properley do half-sit-ups. Lie on your back, push your feet up close as you can to your buttox, place your hands over your chest, and lift by contracting the abdominals (stomach area) and then this will ensure that you lift with the abdomen and not yanking up witch will damage your back. Lift as far so your lower back justs comes off the floor. This will be very hard at the start so you may want to do crunches where you simply crunch up where you only lift your shoulder blades off the floor. Again with the push ups always kee the elobs tucked so that your elbow is always in contact with your lats (your upper side muscles that are on your back). Keep the abdomen tucked in so your upper body is kept straight.


Also I just remembered a really brilliant low-intensity work out for you. If oyu want to walk practice deep breathing. Inhale to 5 secs, and then exhale for 5 secs. gradually increase the breathing rate, or simply walk faster. Always listen to your body.


When your book arives however start his program and his advice.



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