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Not another topic! ... heh, well I'm experiencing some soreness when I try to extend my right leg. The pain is just below the knee cap, and only comes when I try to fully extend my leg, and sometimes if it is twisted but is less painful. I'm going to be in a clinic tomorrow anyway, so I might get to see doc. I've also checked online but can't identify what this is. I think it goes well with my pulled hamstring, and other misc. injuries.


Any ideas?

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I have the same problem! My knees hurt really much when somebody hits it or when I sit on my knees. I wonder why it is like that, my parents say that it's because of karate, but I don't think so...

Kill is love


It turns out that I simply pulled one of the tendons/ligaments below the kneecap. It's not serious and I just need to ease back whenever it is feeling hurt. It had nothing to do with my hamstring, though I seem to be having plenty of problems with my ligaments and tendons lately.


Martial Girl you should really see a doctor about your problem. If it hurts to touch and doesn't get better it could really be serious. I make it a point to always check out a joint injury.


How old are you? Osgood Schlatter's can affect boys and girls during growth periods and involves the tubercle of the tibia just below the knee cap creating the pain you describe. Or it could just be strained ligaments or tendons due to over training. Maybe take a few days off to rest and ice it down.



"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


I have the same thing. I partially tore my acl and mcl in my right knee a liitle over a year ago. Its a lot better now, but my ligaments will always be slightly longer than my knee requires. The doctors told me as long as I keep my leg strong it won't be a problem. I can now do seiza a little bit, but not for too long...

Martial Arts Blog:http://bujutsublogger.blogspot.com/


I'm 23 so there's very little growth going on in my knees. It seems to have subsided though so I'm happy. The thing that bothers me most is how my tendons seem so easily injured. I'm probably just not flexible enough yet, or over training some areas. I know that my hips are extremely tight so that's probably the biggest factor. Well I'm going to a sports clinic on Tuesday to get some advice and checkup on my current injuries.


No pain, no gain...


Until you learn how to avoid it. :P


I had something similar to that last year. Doctor told me I needed to strengthen muscles around knee cap area. But I did have pain in the hamstring before that and all I could figure is that they were trying to compensate for the weaker quad area. After I hit the weights, the pain (soreness) went away.


I really love how having one bum leg makes the other feel tired too. My right ankle injury has made my left knee sore from putting most of the weight on it. It just never ends.

It's happy hour somewhere in the world.

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