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Body Conditioning to Take Hits


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Does anyone here know how can condition my body (mostly lower abs and up) to take hard strikes and punches? I want to know this because i can throw a very hard punch, but i'm not sure how hard of a punch i coudl take. Any replies are appreciated.
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You could take the Happy Gilmore approach and subject yourself to being hit with flying baseballs at a batting cage?


But seriously, if you want to learn to take pain then you need to pad yourself in that area. Sculpt some muscle with a medicine ball and your stomach will be rock hard and ready to receive blows in no time.

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Muscles can be good for padding, but there's nothing like good ol' fashioned conditioning...as in actually taking hits. Start lightly and build it up to see how much you can take for a sustained period.


Also, when you take a hit for real, you need to know how to move your body and tighten your muscles properly to absorb the blow. You may already know how to do this, but using that kind of conditioning should really give you some practice.

1st dan & Asst. Instructor TKD 2000-2003

No matter the tune...if you can rock it, rock it hard.

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I've never really cared for that... just a personal difference. IMO, the idea is to be prepared for it regardless - you may not always have a chance to tighten before impact. especially if you've already been hit once and follow up blows are coming. I always keep my stomach muscles tightened - been doing it for years. I started after taking a blow that I wasn't ready for. They aren't tightened completely, but to the point where combined with that and exhaling, I'm usually okay.


As far as limb conditioning goes, yes, slow and steady. body conditioning should not cause bruising - if it does, you are doing too much, too soon.

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The Okinawan styles do Kotekite, mutual striking. Its actually sort of enjoyable, in a sick twisted, "I've been doing Karate for far to long" sort of way.



There have always been Starkadders at Cold Comfort Farm!

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Conditioning requires proper preparation, first always warm up then progress the conditioning start with medicing ball against stomach followed by punches and kicks, include diff types of att this will help both participants to increase skill and strenght. I fing using a ki breath will help with the proper obsorbing of an att, in my dicipline (kajukenbo) we take this aspect of trainng quite serious for the reason if u are afraid of pain ur gonna get beat in a real situation. We assault the whole body avoiding mostly the face but ive beeen hit many times :lol:


Heres an kajukenbo axiom for u "Sweat more in the dojo, bleed less in the street!"


Good luck and have fun! :wink:

"Sweat more in the dojo,bleed less in the street"Kajukenbo fighters axiom.

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