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STORM team

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i was wondering if you school's have STORM team's there? my instructor asked me if i wanted to be in it tonight and i do REALLY bad, just because i love helping other people and it reminds me of the long way i have come and the long way i still have to go. what kind of other team's do your school's have?


STORM team means












just in case you didn't know.


well, thanks!

Tae Kwon Do

15-years old


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I'm on a swat team, but storm is our sister team. It's the younger kids in our school, where as SWAT is like the senior version. It's really rewarding, and when you're offered such an honor, I think you should accept. That's just my two cents.





Dee C.

Normal ( 'nor-m&l)-

an adj. used by humans to stereotype

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We have three teams, from lowest to highest they are:


STORM = Super Team of Role Models (entry level for the kids)


SWAT = Super Winning Attitude Team (upper level for kids/entry level for adults--by the way, my dojo TOTALLY came up with the name SWAT before Century came out with the patches :P. In fact, I played a hand in coming up with the name :D )


STRIKE = Super Team Responsible for Instructing Karate Excellence (upper level for adults/entry level for rare cases)


after those teams, we have the ranks of Assistant Instructor, and then Instructor.

1st dan & Asst. Instructor TKD 2000-2003

No matter the tune...if you can rock it, rock it hard.

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yeah. we only have STORM team and it is like for the adults, or the more responsible kids. there are only 2 kids on it actually. everyone else is a teen ager or an adult. i think i really want to be on it. i am only an oarnge belt and i think that it is a very good oppertunity for someone of low rank. i am the only one in my rank that will be able to be on it i think.

Tae Kwon Do

15-years old


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yeah monkey girl always gets to the posts first and tells everything before i get a chance. o well. im on the swat team but i started out on the storm team. i was green belt when i started. i love helping the other students out too!!
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We have our STAR team. Student Teacher Assistants and Role models. They are the younger students who can't teach a class by themselves but can help the instructors by holding pads and motivating the other students. We have some great kids who have taken to it very well. We see it as developing students to become instructors early on because just putting a black belt on someone doesn't make them a good instructor.
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i already help other people in my classes everyone helps each other but STORM team is just a step up the ladder for people who like helping. my school is really small though so we don't have SWAT team or anything.

Tae Kwon Do

15-years old


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