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How to get 6-pack Abs [for those interested]


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So summer is coming and your stomach is looking a little flabby...


Well, I have some instructions and tips to point you in the right direction to obtaining those Ripped abs!


What doesn't work


First, all those products and "as seen on TV" gimicks don't work, so don't waste your money. Abs are the result of hard work (and yes, you have to work for them). No special 'elctro-vibrate-belt', 'super-cut-abs-shake', or 'ultimate-abs-machine' will help develop your abs as fast, stong, and well as what I am going to tell you...




Alright, lets talk about Genes for a minute. Genes are the basis of who you are. Simply put, it determines how fast you acquire ripped abs, and the general shape they will have (have you ever seen a guy with lop-sided abs... well its genetics). But don't worry, even if you have 'poor' genes, you can still achieve they abs you want (it might just take a little longer).


The first step:


The first step is deciding you want the abs, without will power there is no way. Remember, its your body, you have to live with it, so if you cheat, your only cheating yourself. Be patient, all good things take time (sorry, there is no such thing as 5-minute abs). You make your goals and only you can achieve them.




In order to get those ripped abs you need to be in a Cutting cycle. Let me clarify what this is for those of you who don't know. There are three cycles that you use when bodybuilding/scuplting. They are:


Bulking - Which means you are putting on the muscle mass.


Maintaining - Which means you are staying the same.


Cutting - Which means your are trying to define/sculpt your body.


It is not possible to Bulk and Cut at the same time. This means you acn either be putting on the muscle or defining it, not both.


So, if you want those abs then you must Cut. If you feel that you want more muscle mass before you Cut then I recommend going on a Bulking cycle first.


Its all about what you Eat:


Proper nutrition and food intake is the key in achieving the 6-pack. Why? Well, it's simple, there is a layer of fat covering your abs. The dynamics of this are centered on the issue of your Bodyfat. Generally, if you have a bodyfat of 13% or less, then your abs will be visible. What does this mean? This means you already have a 6-pack, but it can't be seen because of the fat. This is where the abs differ from your other muscles (remember, there is no bone behind the abdominal muscle). Think of the abs as a pack of meat with strings tied tightly across (producing the 6-pack), now, picture a bridge of fat pulled over it, what is the result? No visible six-pack. This is why Cutting is essential.


Knowing what to eat:


Here is a chart that tells you the appropriate levels of intake (cal/carb/fat/pro) you need while Cutting:


-->Click here to see the Chart!


Now, after looking at the chart (and understanding it), you are one step closer to setting up a proper diet. Here are the general guidelines for a diet:


- Remember to eat 6 meals a day spread out (3 hours). This usually consists of a big breakfest, a snack, lunch, a snack, dinner, a snack.


- Make sure you keep track of what you eat (keep a log). Maintaining your Cutting level of intake is important.


- Say "NO" to all those greasy, fast food, sweet, candy-like foods. We all know they taste good, but the hinder your development and only set you back.


- Don't starve yourself, your body needs the proper amount of intake levels listed in the chart above. (Why? Because if your body runs out of Cals to burn, its starts to burn muscle [called catabolism], and this is bad)




The next key step is Cardio. You must do cardio in order to burn off the fat (since most fat is located in the abdominal area). Again, this is why proper dieting is essentail so you don't end up losing muscle instead. Cardio can range from any number of activites including walking, jogging, swiming, boxing, intense martial arts, basically anything that gets your heart-rate into your target range for atleast 20 straight minutes.


Proper Cardio sessions are as follows:


- Cardio should be done atleast 5 times a week for atleast 30 minutes (usually longer).


- Drink plenty of water, its your fuel!


Weight training:


Weight training is the last key part in getting ripped abs, however, weight training is grossly over-used. Most people are wrong in assuming that getting abs come from a lot of abs exercises. FACT: Abs exercises only streghten your abdominal muscles, it does not make them visible. This is why you can see the same people at the gym every week doing 'intense' ab workouts with no results. Well, if you follow what I told you above, you will be able to obtain them!


Facts about Abdominal weight training:


- You should only work your abs for a total of 30 reps per exercise.


- You should only work your abs 3 times a week


Why those parameter? Because yes, you can over-work your Abs which will eventually cause you to do more harm then good.


Abdominal Exercises:


There are certain exercises that work to strengthen your abs, and others that are only myth and do not help (is some instances worsen). Such is the case with the "sit-up". The sit-up is one of of the biggest Ab myths out there. Doing a full sit-up does not work your abs, it works your lower back. Another is the "Russian Twists", although they might help with development, there is a greater chance of twisting wrong and injuring yourself.


Exercises that work:


- The crunch: This is the purest form of an Abdominal workout.


- The incline crunch: Another good abs exercise.


- Leg Lifts: Works the lower Abs.


- Side Bends: Works the obliques.


- Kneeling pulldowns: Works the upper Abs.


- Abdominal rolls: Gets in the full extention.


There are a number of others, but these are some good soild ones to starts. Remember to switch a few of the exercises everytime you workout in order to further work your Abs (doing the same exercise for a long period of time dosen't do any good after awhile).


Also, add weight to increase the resistance (think about it, would you bench press with no weight on the bar, of course not, so why do the same with Abs).


Okay, those are the basics of getting a Ripped 6-pack. Commitment, and Willpower are all you need! Good luck!

Edited by BoxerScott

-Boxer Scott

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  • Iwama Aikido

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Lot's of great info there, but there are a few things I'd like to clear up.


Having a bodyfat% of 13 or less does not produce visible abs. Different people will carry fat in different ways. I've seen people with 10% bodyfat, and lower, as low as 6.6% in one case who didn't have visible abs.


The chart you've indicated doesn't take into account individual metabolism. As a 140 lb adult male, I must consistantly consume above 3500 calories a day in order to gain. My metabolism is extremely fast, and I have a genetic anomoly called a NEAT reaction that elevates body temp in response to isulin response. There are a number of factors at work in the human body that render such generalizations misleading.


The human body will enter a catabolic state based on a number of factors. Calorie defecit is not one of them. However, Glycogen depletion is. That being the case, by all means, consume fewer calories than you burn. Just remember to replenish your Glycogen stores after workout. This can be done by consuming a number of foods post workout. email me for specifics. The human body stores Glycogen in two places. Liver, and Skeletal muscle. The liver stores are used SOLELY to feed your brain, therefoore when Glycogen (Free glycogen) is depleted, your body will catabolise skeletal muscle to replenish it.


Cardio: Should be done 3-4 times a week, FIRST THING IN THE MORNING ON AN EMPTY STOMACH. This will force your body to utilize fat stores for energy. Be very careful with the time ranges for cardio. Rather than 30 min (usually longer), I would reccommend AT LEAST 45, an hour would be better. The reason for this is that the human body has a method to everything. In terms of fat usage, after ~20 min at target heart rate, your body enters what is called a kreb cycle. What this imeans, is that your body dumps Pyruvic acid and vitamin c into your bloodstream. this acts as a trigger to move fat cells into muscle tissue for use as energy. If you're doing 30 min of cardio, you get 10 min of fat burn.


Weight training. I reccomend weights 3-4 times a week, simply because in the process of weight training your body will inherently use fat to fuel growing muscles. This is FULL BODY info. As BoxerScott said, training your abs against resistance will make them larger and stronger, but not visible.

"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog."

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Thanks for your contributions guys (And corrections The_Ryno)!


If anyone has some more/other info to contribute, feel free to post it!

-Boxer Scott

  • Boxing
  • Iwama Aikido

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I'm sixteen, have a fast metabolism, I HAVE a visible six pack, but i want to make it bigger... i also like junk food. Since i already have low body fat would i still have to diet?

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former"

-Albert Einstien

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Yeah, get off the Junk food and do more cardio and weight training, this will give your abs the "Cut" (sticking out) effect rather than just merely being visible.

-Boxer Scott

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Just like BoxerScott said in his first post, add some weight. For example, if you're training alone, use a rop pull-down station and do your crunches vertically (on your knees, bend at the waist, and pull with your abs). If you're training with a partner, have him/her toss a medicine ball to you when you reach the up position, go down, and when you come back up toss it back. Go back down, and when you reach the top again, repeat until you're a ball of jelly. If you're feeling masochistic, you can do what my trainer does to me. Hold a half crunch while your partner bounces on your stomach. No jumping though.

"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog."

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