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Christians and the Martial Arts

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Martial arts training is not a religion. It was once used as a means of discipline in a religion, but no more. People who claim that martial arts training conflicts with their religion really need to do two things:

1. Stop watching so many chop-sockey movies.

2. Take a hard look at how badly they are letting their religion dominate their life.

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Some people want their religion to dominate their lives. Some do not look at this as a bad thing. If you do, that is your thing, please do not slight those who do.

The same thing could be said for those whose religion is Self. Maybe those people should not think to highly of themselves. They should try thinking of others sometime. Just a thought...

Ken Chenault

TFT - It does a body good!

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I don't understand why some people have a problem with Christians in Martial Arts. I was a High School and College wrestler and no one ever said "How can you be a wrestler and a Christian?" but as a Martial Artist I have heard that question many times. The points made on this board have been very good. I know in my search for answers and direction, it came down to knowing in my heart and soul that I was doing nothing that would conflict with my beliefs as a Christian. I know through my contacts in the martial arts community I have been given the opportunity to witness to many people and help lead several to the Lord. I think we as Christian Martial Artist need to educate those that don't understand and help them to know we are not doing anythings to put our souls in jeopardy. :lol:


Master James Perkins


6th Dan USA Goju

2nd Dan Shorin Ryu

Black Sash Sil Lum Kung Fu

Sensei James Perkins


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I think maybe why some people might think if your a christain you can' t do MA is most asian MA have a strong Buddhist influence on the MA and alot of the MA where practiced at one time in a Buddhist temples.


"When the student is ready the master will appear"

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I liked the article for the most part. Choosing not to bow to objects or to do certain practices aren't solely because of what someone may or not fear. There are times when you feel like you shouldn't do something, a gut feeling of sorts, and that can just be the Holy Spirit. I am convicted to not bow on my knees to anyone or thing, but at the foot of the cross. Anyway, God bless, and thanks for the article. I'll find the time to slog through all 18pgs that are up so far.

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I'm slogging through all the pages, and I am reminded of a man at my church. He was in the Martial Arts for a long time, and they learned things like manipulating your chi engeries and chakrahs and all that type of stuff. He did not become a Christian though until God took him out of it for reasons that are my friends own. Even now, though he knows that there are "Christian Dojos," it would be like putting an alcoholic in a bar with free money.

Even if we don't believe in stuff, it could be dangerous depending on what it is (i.e. wedgi boards (spelling?) tarot, palm reading, chi energy, etc). It could open doors. If a black belt walks into a biker bar known for fights, he may not go in to fight, but he will get in one. You may not expect bad stuff by trying to focus chi or whatever, but doesn't mean it won't happen.

kchenault, I would like to thank you for writing your paper. When we bow, we do it from a standing position, and never bow our eyes, because Jesus is the only one we reserve that for. Punching and kicking is fun with friends, and we are taught to run when we can from a fight. Obviously, if someone threatens my daughter or my Karate wife, they will be knocked around constantly until they leave, or are no longer awake. When praying/meditating, I constantly try to pray scripture, it brings me peace in a fight, or when practicing. If your paper is not complete in the other 18pgs, please put it up when it's done.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There have been many great replies on this subject.

The article was very insightful! Great Job!

To me, as a Christian, and a Minister, I realize that channeling spirits in reiki, and practicing buddhist rituals (or taoist, shinto, hindu, etc) are one thing, and understanding your body in a different way, other than with western methods, quite another.

The Martials Arts are physical. They are about our flesh, and those experiences related to protecting those within us, and around us.

The Martial Arts are esoteric. They are about pugilism.

There is no escaping this.

Just because Joe Bob uses his gun to hurt other's and himself, doesn't mean I need to use mine in the same way.

That is, the knowledge that is bestowed upon us (either through our own efforts or divine ~ depending on how you view life), is precious, and it is up to the individual to discern, to understand, and to utilize such knowledge to the best of their capacity.

It's not the knowledge that is bad. It is how it is used, how much credence it is given over the Truth we know as Christians (for those of us on this forum that are), and whether the resulting effect of applying such knowledge turns out to be good, bad, or somewhere in between.

There is anti-christian or wrong with how we understand or approach our physiology.

Quite often, it has been the brainwashing efforts of the modern world (medical and scientific) throughout the centuries, that is in all reality ~ the beast we should be aware of.

As a global community, we need to understand and realize, and utilize the natural ways in which to help fight disease, hunger, pain, and so on.

Healing in the Bible didn't necessarily mean medical healing. It was often a sign of something more.

Today's modern doctors do not heal. They do not cure.

They merely provide temporary fixes to the physical state of our bodies.

They certainly remove all of body parts or growths, but are never truly able to get at the source.

In my personal view, only God can do such.

Other opinions might vary. Such as through rare occasions, the body and the mind can work toward repairing itself, either quickly, or over a long period of time, without intervention from any type of doctor whether they be from an eastern or western background.

The drug world we have swirling around us, is absolute chaos. And certainly not what our bodies are designed to digest. They have their good uses, but quite often with side effects (mild or severe)...

To me, the side effects of drugs represent the concept that drugs are foreign to us. They may have been here since day one, in the form of vegetation, but still, they are not of our body.

Qi is nothing more than a way of looking at how things work within our body.

When we begin to go outside of our body, and use that same concept (of energy) to explain things, without truly understanding what we are trying to explain, then of course that is when things often get messed up.

The history of modern medicine has in many ways been just a brutal as the pugilistic manner in which many middle eastern and asian countries have evolved over time.

Adam and Eve were not placed into America, and given a personal physician, along with a psychologist, and a CVS (Eckerd) Pharmacy.

They took care of themselves naturally, or in a manner that they knew how to. Peope without money needed ways to prevent getting sick, since they couldn't always show up at healer's dwelling and pay for services.

This may have been especially true in countries such as Asia.

Money talks, and over time, the modern medical industry has become a true beast, separate from both man and God.

In other words, there are many ways to view life, medicine, and our pursuit for health, wealth, love, balance in life, and justice.

Everything evolves, adapts or changes. If it does not, then typically it will not survive.

Quite frankly, as Christians, we give credit to God for all things on this earth, and in this universe. Including the knowledge that drives us know Martial Arts, to know our bodies, to explore our brain.

Colossians 2:7-9 (King James Version)

"7 Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving. 8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. 9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily."

So long as we do not put this knowledge, or the act of receiving or studying it, before God, that is the most important thing as Christians.


Take care, and train smart!

Current:Head Instructor - ShoNaibuDo - TCM/Taijiquan/Chinese Boxing Instructor

Past:TKD ~ 1st Dan, Goju Ryu ~ Trained up 2nd Dan - Brown belt 1 stripe, Kickboxing (Muay Thai) & Jujutsu Instructor

Be at peace, and share peace with others...

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Personally I think those that question hoe you can be a christian and still be in the Martial Arts should stop for a minute and think about the millions of people throughout history that have been killed in the name of Christ. It kinda goes against their christian beliefs.

6th Dan USA Goju

2nd Dan Shorin Ryu

Black Sash Sil Lum Kung Fu

Sensei James Perkins


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I take it you mean people who have been killed by Christians or do you mean that have been killed because they were Christians?

Ken Chenault

TFT - It does a body good!

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