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  foreveryoung001 said:
That is one thing a Sunday school teacher tried to teach my children, is that if they spend more time watching TV, then doing bible lessons, then they shouldn't call themselves true Christians.


The teacher had a valid point....to a point. Questioning someones faith based on time spent doing one thing over another is not the right approach. Take the TV thing for instance. If you watch more TV than studying the Word of God, where does your heart lie? Most in the Christian world, if being truthful, would say the TV. Time spent with God in His word only strengthens the relationship between God and yourself. God wants total commitment from us, nothing less. He is who He is, and His Will be done no matter what. That is His right.


Now having said that, no one is perfect, but Christ. So we learn from our mistakes and continue to grow in our faith. As you grow in your faith you will notice certain things taking a backseat to your faith. TV, partying, hanging with non-believers, martial arts, etc... What we can learn from martial arts as Christians is that if we apply discipline to our walk as we apply it to our physical training, we will soar spiritually.


Only God can question the heart of someone and find the answer. We as human beings can only guess and make conjecture.

Ken Chenault

TFT - It does a body good!


I understand what you are saying. My point is that taking a tally of what you spend your time on is not the way to determine whether you are a "good" Christian. There are lots of people in churches all over the world who spend a lot of time in church, in church activeties, sunday school, etc... yet they do not know Jesus in their hearts. And vice-versa, there are those who have excepted Jesus, but do not spend much time in church, or studying the bible. I am not their judge, that is up to Jesus. Who am I to say that one person is a "better" Christian than another, and who is anyone to judge me and say that they question my Christianity? I know who I am in Christ, and that, to me is the most important thing. Time in bible study, fellowship with other Christians, and things like that are all good, but I believe it is against biblical teaching to base one's relationship with Christ on those things.

Student: "Why did you hit that guy with a chair? Why didn't you use your karate?"

Master: "Hitting him with a chair was the only karate I could think of at the time."

Lesson: Practice until you don't have to think.


Point taken. Think on this. Look at Christians who spend more time studying their bible, going to church, and fellowshipping with other believers, and then look at a believer who doesn't do all those things and tell me who is a more mature Christian, and will also be more effective for God on this earth. The one who doesn't do those things is more likely to turn away from God and continue living the "old life".


The Sunday school teacher was wrong, but we are called as believers to leave the spiritual milk behind eventually and grow. My point is as the "Church" we are called to stand in judgement of one another, for the sake of keeping each other accountable. The ones we are not to judge are non-believers. (1 Corinthians 5: 11-13)


Love the interaction, by the way.

Ken Chenault

TFT - It does a body good!

  Humble Novice said:
I don't believe Jesus has a problem with a self-defence.


Im not so sure about that. Im not saying its wrong but. We should all be carefuld when to act with violence. Read the part where Simon peter takes his sword and cuts the ear of someone to protect Jesus, and Jesus corrects him for using violence. Even to protect him. Its when Jesus gets bitrayed by Judas, and is being taking away for joughment.


But I believe it is also said that we should be willing to die for our brothers. And then again, God says that it is his battle and not ours. Its oviouse a toughy supject, so we should be carefuld not to make a misstake with this.

  kchenault said:
  foreveryoung001 said:

The teacher had a valid point....to a point. Questioning someones faith based on time spent doing one thing over another is not the right approach. Take the TV thing for instance. If you watch more TV than studying the Word of God, where does your heart lie? Most in the Christian world, if being truthful, would say the TV.


But, there is a time for everything. Why can't we indulge in TV, or any other entertainment-in moderation?


Time spent with God in His word only strengthens the relationship between God and yourself. God wants total commitment from us, nothing less. He is who He is, and His Will be done no matter what. That is His right.


So, we shall govern our lives not to partake in any other activity?


Now having said that, no one is perfect, but Christ.


It has been said, that Christ, himself, was not perfect. But his mother was.


A little joke, don't take it the wrong way or too harsh:


Jesus said "Let he has not sinned, cast the first stone".


A stone did come from the crowd.


Upon seeing who had thrown the stone, Jesus said:


"Aw, mom, cut that out".


So we learn from our mistakes and continue to grow in our faith. As you grow in your faith you will notice certain things taking a backseat to your faith. TV, partying, hanging with non-believers, martial arts, etc... What we can learn from martial arts as Christians is that if we apply discipline to our walk as we apply it to our physical training, we will soar spiritually.


Ok, such things take a back seat, but not to halt them all together.


Only God can question the heart of someone and find the answer. We as human beings can only guess and make conjecture.


How true, so how can those sit in judgement on those who watch TV, particiapte in Halloween, go to movies, etc.?


I watch tv. I make mistakes. I am however saying that those things become less important to you as your faith grows. You aren't going to get ticked off if you miss an episode of your favorite show because you realize there are more important things in life than tv. Moderation is a nice idea, but it is really hard to accomplish sometimes.


I was also trying to point out that other activities should not supercede the Will of God. If you constantly put your wants and desires ahead of what God wants from you, then your faith can become weakened and seem to others non-exisitent.


Christ was perfect. He had to be in order for Himself to be the perfect sacrifice to pay for mankind's sin. Some Catholics believe Mary to be co-redemptrix, or co-savior. Not true. While being blessed among women, she didnt save anyone from sin or redeem them.


I never said to halt things all together. I drink the occasional beer, watch tv and movies, hang out with friends. But if they become my focus, and not God, I lose out. As the old song says, "This world is not my home, I'm just passing through." The things of this world are fleeting and pass away. That's why your car breaks down after time. People are born, they grow old, and then they die and pass to REAL life. This life is the training ground for eternity.


We sit in judgement of other believers to help them realize their sins. It's called accountability. We try to help keep each other on the stright and narrow. How can you help someone woth out making a judgment call on what they are doing. Your example throwing the first stone is flawed in that they just wanted to kill a woman for breaking one of their rules, believers should want to help those people live a Godly life, not kill them for messing up. Christ was telling them to look at their own flaws and see that they had them, so we can better understand where that person is at the time they messed up.


The people who condemn those who do what they wouldn't do are being legalistic. Grace and Truth must be balanced. Stick with your convictions and when around less mature Christians, don't do anything that may embolden them to do something they normally wouldn't do. Everyone has their own convictions at any given time, and those convictions change with maturity, but they should change to bring you closer to and not further away from God. Convictions come from the Holy Spirit. Listen to Him and you'll be okay. Hope I cleared up my stance a little.

Ken Chenault

TFT - It does a body good!


Thanks, kchenault

"A life is not important, except in the impact it has on other lives."

-- Jackie Robinson

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

-- Edmund Burke


Well folks, don't get to out of hand while I am gone. Going to Terre Haute, IN for 2 weeks and would love it to stay nice on this thread. Go ahead and direct any questions or comments and I will answer them when I get back.


Pilsung in Christ!

Ken Chenault

TFT - It does a body good!

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