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Martial Arts From Videos....

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I live in south georgia and good martial arts are hard to come by. The only things I can find is Tae Kwon Do and one Shotokan Karate. Is Shotokan worth taking? I learned Police, Georgia State Patrol, US Army Special Forces, Air Force, Riot Squad, Marine, Tae Kwon Do, and Jeet Kune Do so far. The military styles were taught to me by family. Jeet Kune Do....from from books written by Bruce Lee. The only way I can think of to learn new styles is by instructional video. Is this a good way to learn and actually become as good as someone who took classes? Im 14, so I cant drive to go to classes. This is why I need videos. Also, my mom is a state trooper, and because of the hours she works, she cant drive me to all of my classes either. I havent seen my dad since 1996, so gettin a ride from his is out of the question. Ok, so are videos good or not? Please help. Thanks
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You could just practice in the Karate or TKD, or just practice what you have already learnt since in a real fight it is just using the basics well that really helps...


Sorry, just blabbering... 5-1!!!


Currently 'off' from formal MA training


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How can you say you learned TKD, jeet kune do an half a dozen other disiplines when you are only 14. To have learned something is to have mastered and I doubt anyone can master any Martial Art in a life time let alone 14 years.


"Jack of all trades but master of none" Remeber that. It means six months in TKD then six months in Shotokan then six in Kung Fu then six months in Judo doesn't add up to two years experiance.

"Excuse me while I kiss the sky"


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I did not master Jeet Kune Do or Tae Kwon Do! I never said I did. For one thing, Jeet Kune Do is impossible to master because it is the formless form! In 12 years the military styles can be learned with no problem. I was raised around them and my family taught me. That is how I learned all of them. Living with your instructor is an advantage. I learned Tae Kwon Do, but did not master it. I decided that it was not the right form for me because I could already beat black belts when I was only at yellow. Besides that, my family moved away from that town, so I had to quit. Im sorry If I gave the impression that I wanted you to think I mastered any martial art. This was just a case of misunderstanding and Im sorry for it. Thanks for the reply though!
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BlueDragon is right, try to stick with one martial art than jumping around with a few others.


If I wanted to be stupid, I would train in Shotokan Karate, Okinawan Kobudo, Ninjutsu, Iaido, Karate-jutsu, Capoerra (sp?), Jui-jitsu, Tai-chi, Shaolin-Tzu Kempo, Seven Stars Praying Mantis Kung Fu.......And the list goes on.


But the bottom line is......I dont want to learn all these martial arts. I dont mean that I dont believe in cross-training (it's important), but its better to be good in one martial art than crap in several.


Its this is confusing for anyone, just read BlueDragons post again (I think I babble). I've just said the same thing as him :smile:


C ya



"You Are Never Given A Dream Without Also Being Given The Power To Make It True. You May Have To Work For It, However"

Principal Kobudo Instructor & Owner

West Yorkshire Kobudo Academy

2nd Kyu (Matayoshi Okinawan Kobudo, IOKA UK)

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I just noticed that my original message has many flaws. Its too easily misunderstood. I dont want to learn a million martial arts. I want to find the best one for me and stay with it. Military styles are just what I have had the most access to. I dont take any martial arts classes at the moment. I want to though. Thats why I asked if Shotokan Karate was worth learning. I dont want to waste time with a style if it is worthless in a fight. Videos are the only way that I can learn other forms of martial arts at the moment. Thats why I asked for advice on if they work or not. I dont want to waste money on something that has no benefits. I agree with you though. I dont believe in learning a ton of styles either. I just want actual martial arts, instead of the military forms, which are inferior to MANY martial arts and lack the mentality. I dont want martial arts just for the fighting skill (although its a good part), I also want the mental enlightenment. Do you understand me now? Again, Im sorry that the first message was written so poorly.
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Sorry, if I offended you. It was all in good heart :smile:


I've been doing Shotokan Karate for a while now (11 years:)), and if you want to learn a street combat martial art dont take up Shotokan Karate.


Shotokan bases its whole design on the "one-hit" system that will finish a fight. As many of the guys will probably tell me (eg. TBKen), a fight doesn't end with a gyaku-zuki (reverse punch)


But, if you want to learn a traditional art with great katas (forms) and improve key life skills, both mentally and physically, then take up Shotokan.


HOpe this helps. If you have any questions, just email me. I'd be happy to answer any of your questions.


C ya



"You Are Never Given A Dream Without Also Being Given The Power To Make It True. You May Have To Work For It, However"

Principal Kobudo Instructor & Owner

West Yorkshire Kobudo Academy

2nd Kyu (Matayoshi Okinawan Kobudo, IOKA UK)

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Thanks for your advice. I will try Shotokan. If it works for me, then great! If it doesnt, then only 20 bucks was lost! (The classes are 20 bucks per month) I wasnt offended, so dont apologize. It just made me realize the flaws in my original message. It was my fault. Sorry. Thanks for being nice though. That rare in todays world. If you ever need anything, just contact me. I will try to help. The same goes for anyone who needs help in anything. Im not sure why anyone would need me, but if ya do...then ask.



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