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Endurance and Strength Training


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I was wondering if any of you could share some of your exercises you do to build up A)Stamina and endurance and B)Strength


So far, my instructor told me to get a bag and start hitting it (kick and punch) for about 30 seconds non stop and keep trying to work up from there, to maybe 45 seconds non stop, and then 60 seconds non stop. Problem is, I dont have a punching bag, and it will be a lil while before i can get one. Is there anything else i Can do to build up my fighting stamina? Maybe put some weights around my arms and legs and just practice doing non stop kicks and punches into the air?? (even though I would rather have the resistance of hitting something) Please, any help would be useful.


As for strength training, does most of your kicking power come out of your thighs? If so, how can i build strength iin them, without having to squat 400-500lbs. Also, as for punching power, how can i increase that? I know that your shoulder strength plays alot into it, but what else effects it? and what exercies can I do to increase it.


I am not looking to gain muscle mass... I am looking to make the muscles I currently have.. stronger. Thanks in advance.


Nick D.

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https://www.mattfurey.com for all you fitness needs. Just do body weight calisthenics and you will get strengh, muscular endurance, cardiovascular, co-ordination of power, balance mental alertness and a great body.


As for punching and kicking you need to pucnh somethign solid like a heavy bag or makiwara. Punching thin air is not going to accomplish anything.

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skip rope is awesome for endurance


the guy at the shop said '7 minutes a day will have you fine'


and i'm like 'eh? no i plan on doing this 40 mins a day'


i just do some home exercises - dips on a chair (good for pecs, biceps, triceps) , lots of crunches, lots of leg ups, wide pushups for pecs, knuckle pushups for stronger knuckles, etc


has anyone got better home exercises that don't require me to go to a gym? (although I am considering going to the gym for a short time)

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have someone else put on their chest gear and you put on yours, stand acrossed from each other, then both of you put your right foot foward, then kick each other rotating kicks after everyone. do like 2-3 sets of them for 45seconds-however long it takes to get you tired!

Tae Kwon Do

15-years old


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skip rope is awesome for endurance


the guy at the shop said '7 minutes a day will have you fine'


and i'm like 'eh? no i plan on doing this 40 mins a day'


i just do some home exercises - dips on a chair (good for pecs, biceps, triceps) , lots of crunches, lots of leg ups, wide pushups for pecs, knuckle pushups for stronger knuckles, etc


has anyone got better home exercises that don't require me to go to a gym? (although I am considering going to the gym for a short time)


This is good stuff. I would add fingertip pushups, doing pushups with your feet elevated, and pullups. Jump roping is awesome. Standing in deep stances can also help your legs. I try to add bag exercises as well. Lately, I have been running 3x a week, 3-5 miles at a time. This has helped me more than anything with my endurance. All you need are some really good shoes and some motivation. Good luck. :D

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i read somewhere you can wrap a tree with padding and that will act as a punching bag, never tried it though

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I just read an article on punch power actually. And it said the two main areas to work on was technique and abdominal(because it roates your hips), I don't think it would be too bad idea to focus on arms and chest eithe.r

White Belt- Shudokan Karate

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but that's not really relevant to actual strength and endurance


that's just to do with technique


in theory the more muscles put into a technique the more powerful it'll be, hence why most arts bring stuff from the hips (hence using your back, your abs, etc etc).


I tend to find that alot of my home exercise doesn't always feel like real strength, there's nothing like some good hard work that gives you a bit of a workout. If anyone in your family needs their garden revamped - and it involves chopping or digging it will work wonders for your upper body.

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Abdominal strength is crucial for kicks. If you can get access to an eliptical machine, whoa man those things can do wonders for your endurace, and do not cause the wear and tear on the knees that jogging can. When I was training for my black belt test, I just kept sparring for as long as I could go...built up to about an hour without a break. I was in good shape then. Those were the days...


1st Dan - Kalkinodo

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